

2022-05-21 来源:爱问旅游网
论文题目:On Symbolism in THE SCARLET LETTER

1. Introduction

THE SCARLET LETTER is regarded as the first American symbolic novel. This kind of artistic form imposed great influence upon the development of American novel. This paper attempts to expound the features of symbolism use in THE SCARLET LETTER.

2. The Multi-connotation of Symbolism

Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. No matter what characters or places, actions or objects they are, they are all endowed with the meanings which may be beyond their own so as to obtain concrete or material forms of those thoughts or emotions of characters and those abstract concepts.

2.1 Different meanings of the Scarlet Letter “A”

In this novel, the meanings of the scarlet letter “A” shifts as time passes. It shows growth in the characters, and the community in which they live. 2.2 Multi-connotations of Pearl

Pearl, throughout the story, was a source of many different kinds of symbolism. From being a living scarlet letter, the cruelty of Puritanism, to a treasure of Hester, then to the moral in this novel, Pearl was a kind of burden for Hester, however a symbol of hopefulness and the beginning of new life as well.

2.3 The symbolic meanings of the objects that are described in the novel

In The Scarlet Letter, most of the objects that are described have many symbolic meanings. From matters, details and characters to backgrounds or even actions, they all, without any exception, act as light or darkness symbols, which combine together to weave a symbolic net covering all over to work out an amazing literature work. 3 The Metaphorization of Symbolism

Commonly, traditional symbology must follow certain rules, such as the two parties of symbols must be similar to each other yet have their respective distinguishing features; the relations between the two parties should reflect both subjective similarities and inherent objective connections. 4 Conclusion

Symbolism is a traditional artistic form; it is also a major feature of Romanticism. As a famous writer of romanticism, Hawthorne is skillful at the using of symbolism in his works.


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