

Advantages and disadvantages of living with one's parents

Are you willing to live alone or with parents? Different people have different points of the view. Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living with parents.

How it will benefit us and what we will loss, if living with parents? First of all, a group of people think, that they and their parents differ in life styles:they are used to staying up late, but parents hate; they are addicted to the latest fashion, while parents can't understand, why they are so crazy for it. What's more, people are hard to communicate with old parents as a result of the different views. However, on the contrary, the others retort, that living with parents will provide us with lots of benefits. On the one hand, parents, going through a lot, can not only offer some experience, but also can help us out, when we encounter difficulties. On the other hand, with surrounded by concerns from parents, we will feel happier and never be lonely.

In my opinion, it benefits more than hurts to live with parents. Moreover, it's our duty to take care of our parents in order to pay them back.
