

T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)

23 14 4


Scientists who studied the famous gold field known as Serra Pelada concluded that the rich lode was not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but that swarms of microbes over millions of years concentrated the gold from jungle soils and rivers and rocks.

A. not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but that

swarms of microbes over millions of years

B. not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but instead

swarms of microbes over millions of years that

C. not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but swarms

of microbes over millions of years that

D. produced not by the accepted methods of ore formation but by

swarms of microbes that over millions of years

E. produced not by the accepted methods of ore formation but that

swarms of microbes over millions of years



As the honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing the bee to sustain a fatal injury. (C.E無定論, 我覺得C不對)

A. As the honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted,

this results in the act of stinging causing

B. As the heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee stays where it is inserted,

with the result that the act of stinging causes

C. honeybee’s stinger, heavily barbed and staying where it is inserted, results

in the fact that the act of stinging causes

D. the heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee stays where it is inserted, and

results in the act of stinging causing

E. the honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed and stays where it is inserted, with

the result that the act of stinging causes


T-3-Q3. evaluation

Scientists have made genetic modifications to cotton to increase its resistance to insect pests. According to farmers’ report, the amount of insecticide needed per acre to control insect pests was only slightly lower for those who tried the modified seed than for those who did not. Therefore, since the modified seed costs more than ordinary seed without producing yields of higher market value, switching to the modified seed would be unlikely to benefit most cotton farmers economically.

Which of the following would it be most useful to know in order to evaluate the argument?


A. Whether farmers who tried the modified cotton seed had ever tried growing

other crops from genetically modified seed.

B. Whether the insecticides typically used on ordinary cotton tend to be more

expensive than insecticides typically used on other crops.


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C. Whether for most farms who grow cotton it is their primary crop

D. Whether the farmers who have tried the modified seed planted as many

acres of cotton, on average, as farmers using the ordinary seed did.

E. Whether most of the farmers who tried the modified seed did so because

they had previously had to use exceptionally large quantities of insecticide. Answer:

1. T-3-Q4-Q6 印第安人社区

In the fourteenth and fifteenth centu- ries, many Western Pueblo settlements in what is now the southwestern United

Line States may have possessed distinctly (5) hierarchical organizational structures.

These communities’ agricultural

systems ―which were “intensive” in the use of labor rather than “extensive” in area ―may have given rise to polit-

(10) ical leadership that managed both

labor and food resources. That for- mal management of food resources was needed is suggested by the large size of storage spaces located

(15) around some communal Great Kivas

(underground ceremonial chambers). Though no direct evidence exists that such spaces were used to store food, Western Pueblo communities lacking

(20) sufficient arable land to support their

populations could have preserved the necessary extra food, including imported foodstuffs, in such appar- ently communal spaces.

(25) Moreover, evidence of special-

ization in producing raw materials and in manufacturing ceramics and textiles indicates differentiation of labor within and between communities. The orga-

(30) nizational and managerial demands

of such specialization strengthen the possibility that a decision making elite existed, an elite whose control over labor, the use of community sur-

(35) pluses, and the acquisition of imported

goods would have led to a concen- tration of economic resources in their own hands. Evidence for differential


T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)


distribution of wealth is found in buri- als of the period: some include large quantities of pottery, jewelry, and other artifacts, whereas others from the same sites lack any such materials.

T-3-Q4 inference--implied

Which of the following, if true, would most clearly undermine the author’s statement in the last sentence of the passage(lines 38-43) regarding the distribution of wealth in Western Pueblo settlements? (D.E爭議題)

A. Only community members of exceptional wealth are likely to have been

buried with their personal possessions.

B. Members of communities with extensive agricultural systems are usually

buried without personal possessions.

C. Most artifacts found in burial sites were manufactured locally rather than

imported from other communities.

D. Burial artifacts are often ritual objects associated with religious practices

rather than being the deceased’s personal possessions.

E. The quality of burial artifacts varies depending on the site with which they

are associated.


T-3-Q5 inference—implied

According to the passage, which of the following is probably true of the storage spaces mentioned in line 14? (B.E爭議題)

A. They were used by the community elite for storage of their own food


B. They served a ceremonial as well as a practical function.

C. Their size is an indication of the wealth of the particular community to

which they belonged.

D. Their existence proves that the community to which they belonged

imported large amounts of food.

E. They belonged to and were used by the community as a whole.


T-3-Q6 main idea

The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. outline the methods by which resources were managed within a particular

group of communities

B. account for the distribution of wealth within a particular group of


C. provide support for a hypothesis concerning the social structure of a

particular society

D. explain how political leadership changed in a particular historical situation


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E. present new evidence that contradicts previous theories about a particular

historical situation


T-3-Q7. 平衡, S-V

In Scotland, the number of wild salmon have been reduced because of uncontrolled deep-sea and coastal netting, by pollution, and by various other threats to the fish’s habitat.

A. number of wild salmon have been reduced because of uncontrolled

deep-sea and coastal netting

B. number of wild salmon is reduced because deep-sea and coastal netting is not controlled

C. numbers of wild salmon has been reduced because of uncontrolled

deep-sea and coastal netting

D. wild salmon’s numbers are reduced by deep-sea and coastal netting that is

not controlled

E. wild salmon’s numbers have been reduced by uncontrolled deep-sea and

coastal netting.



The number of applications for teaching positions in Newtown’s public schools was 5.7 percent lower in 1993 than in 1985 and 5.9 percent lower in 1994 than in 1985. despite a steadily growing student population and an increasing number of teacher resignations, however, Newtown does not face a shortage in the late 1990’s.

Which of the following, if true, would contribute most to an explanation of the apparent discrepancy above?

A. Many of Newtown’s public school students do not graduate from high


B. New housing developments planned for Newtown are (shared) for

occupancy in 1987 and are expected to increase the number of elementary school students in Newtown’s public

C. The Newtown school board does not contemplate increasing the ratio of

students to teachers in the 1990’s.

D. Teachers’ colleges in and near Newtown produced lower graduates in 1994

than in 1993

E. In 1993 Newtown’s public schools received 40 percent more applications

for teaching positions than there were positions available.


2. T-3-Q9-Q12 N-6-Q7-Q10 战略合作伙伴

In recent years, Western business managers have been heeding the exhortations of busi-

Line ness journalists and academics (5) to move their companies toward

long-term, collaborative “strategic partnerships” with their external business partners (e.g., suppliers).


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The experts’ advice comes as a natural reaction to numerous studies conducted during the past decade that compared Japanese production and supply practices with those of the rest of the world. The link between the success of a certain well-known Japanese automaker and its effective

management of its suppliers, for example, has led to an unques- tioning belief within Western management circles in the value of strategic partnerships. Indeed, in the automobile sector all three United States manufacturers and Most of their European competitiors Have launched programs to reduce Their total number of suppliers and Move toward having strategic Partnerships with a few. However, new research con- cerning supplier relationships in various industries demonstrates that the widespread assumption of Western managers and business consultants that Japanese firms manage their suppliers primarily through strategic partnerships is unjustified. Not only do Japanese firms appear to conduct a far smaller proportion of their busi- ness through strategic partnerships than is commonly believed, but they also make extensive use of “market-exchange” relationships, in which either party can turn to the marketplace and shift to dif- ferent business partners at will, a practice usually associated with Western manufacturers.

T-3-Q9 N-6-Q7 main idea

The passage is primarily concerned with

A. examining economic factors that may have contributed to the success of

certain Japanese companies


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B. discussing the relative merits of strategic partnerships as compared with

those of market-exchange relationship

C. challenging the validity of a widely held assumption about how Japanese

firms operate

D. explaining why Western companies have been slow to adopt a particular

practice favored by Japanese companies

E. pointing out certain differences between Japanese and Western supplier



T-3-Q10 N-6-Q8 specific--mentioned

According to the passage, the advice referred to in line 9 was a response to which of the following?

A. A recent decrease in the number of available suppliers within the United

States automobile industry

B. A debate within Western management circles during the past decade

regarding the value of strategic partnerships

C. The success of certain European automobile manufactures that have

adopted strategic partnerships

D. An increase in demand over the past decade for automobiles made by

Western manufacturers

E. Research comparing Japanese business practices with those of other



T-3-Q11 N-6-Q9 function of the information

The author mentions “the success of a certain well-known Japanese automaker” (lines 15-17) most probably in order to

A. demonstrate some of the possible reasons for the success of a certain

business practice

B. cite a specific case that has convinced Western business experts of the

value of a certain business practice C. describe specific steps taken by Western automakers that have enabled

them to compete more successfully in a global market

D. introduce a paradox about the effect of a certain business practice in Japan E. indicate the need for Western managers to change their relationships with

their external business partners


T-3-Q12 N-6-Q10 application—similar situation

Which of the following is most clearly an example of the practice referred to in lines 38-49 of the passage?

A. A department store chain that employs a single buyer to procure all the

small appliances to be sold in its stores.

B. An automobile manufacture that has used the same supplier of a particular

axle component for several years in a row.


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C. A hospital that contracts only with union personnel to staff its nonmedical


D. A municipal government that decides to cancel its contract with a waste

disposal company and instead hire its own staff to perform that function. E. A corporation that changes the food-service supplier for its corporate

headquarters several times over a five-year period as part of a cost-cutting campaign.



The traditional treatment of strep infections has been a seven-day course of antibiotics, either penicillin or erythromycin. However, since many patients stop taking those drugs within three days, reinfection is common in cases where these drugs are prescribed. A new antibiotic requires only a three-day course of treatment. Therefore, reinfection will probably be less common in cases where the new antibiotic is prescribed than in cases where either penicillin or erythromycin is prescribed.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument? Tricky!!

A. Some of people who are allergic to penicillin are likely to be allergic to the

new antibiotic.

B. A course of treatment with the new antibiotic costs about the same as a

course of treatment with either penicillin or erythromycin.

C. The new antibiotic has been shown to be effective in eradicating bacterial

infections other than strep.

D. Some physicians have already begun to prescribe the new antibiotic instead of penicillin or erythromycin for the treatment of some strep infections E. Regardless of whether they take a traditional antibiotic or the new one,

most patients feel fully recovered after taking the drug for three days.



A scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchers have discovered, and tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if stored long enough to have rotted. 本題是倒裝句,應為: Researchers have discovered that a scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place and (a scrub jay) tends not to bother recovering a perishable treat stored long enough to have rotted.

A. tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if B. they tend not to bother recovering a perishable treat C. tending not to bother recovering a perishable treat if D. tends not to bother recovering a perishable treat E. tends not bothering to recover a perishable treat if



T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)


The population of India has been steadily increasing for decades, and it will probably have what is estimated as 1.6 billion people by 2050 and surpass China as the world’s most populous nation.

A. it will probably have what is estimated as B. they are likely to have

C. the country will probably have D. there will probably be E. there will be an estimated



In response to mounting public concern, an airplane manufacturers implement a program with well-publicized goal of reducing by half the total yearly amount of hazardous waste generated by its passenger-jet division. When the program began in 1994, the division’s hazardous waste was 90 pounds per production worker, last year it was 40 pounds per production worker. Clearly, therefore, charges that the manufacturer’s program has not met its goal are false.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? (B.E爭議題,答案給B, B不可能對)

A. the amount of nonhazardous waste generated each year by the passenger-jet division has not increased significantly since 1984 B. at least as many passenger jets were produced by the division last year as

had been produced in 1994

C. since 1994, other divisions in the company have achieved reductions in

hazardous waste output that are at least equal to that achieved in the passenger-jet division.

D. The average number of weekly hours per production worker in the

passenger-jet division was not significantly greater last year than it was in 1994.

E. The number of production workers assigned to the passenger-jet division

was not significantly less in 1994 than it was last year.


T-3-Q17. 天山-7-14

Not one of the potential investors is expected to make an effort to buy First Interstate Bank until a merge agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were not to be concluded. A. is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merge

agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were B. is expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until they sign

a merge agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal was

C. is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merge

agreement be signed by them with a provision for penalties if the deal were D. are expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until it signs

a merge agreement with a provision for penalties included if the deal was E. are expected to be making an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until they

sign a merge agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal were



Spanish poet Juan Ramon Jimenez, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1956,


T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)

so embarrassed in his later years by what he considered the excessive sentiment in the poems in his first two collections, he destroyed every copy he could find. A. so embarrassed in his later years by what he considered the excessive

sentiment in the poems in his first two collections, he destroyed

B. and was so embarrassed in his later years by what he considered as the

excessive sentiment in the poems in his first two collections that he destroyed

C. in his later year he was so embarrassed by what he considered as the

excessive sentiment in the poems in his first two collections, destroying D. was so embarrassed in his later years by what he considered the excessive

sentiment in the poems in his first two collections that he destroyed

E. because he was so embarrassed in his later years by what he considered as

the excessive sentiment in the poems in his first two collections, destroying



A Swiss government panel recommended that the country sell about half of its gold reserves and this raised fears of other countries that do the same and inundate the market.

A. reserves and this raised fears of other countries that

B. reserves, which, as a result, raised fears of other countries that C. reserves, as a result, they feared that other countries would D. reserves, with fears raised that other countries would E. reserves, raising fears that other countries


T-3-Q20. 天山-7-28

Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India date from the time of the Kushan empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or Gandharan grey schist.

A. empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or

B. empire, fashioned from either the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from C. empire, either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or

D. empire and either fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura

or from

E. empire and were fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or




Driving the steep road to the mountaintop Inca ruins of Machu Picchu is potentially dangerous and hiking there is difficult. Now the Peruvian government is installing a cable car that will make access much easier, and hence results in a large increase in tourisms. However, since the presence of large numbers of tourists tends to accelerate the deterioration of a site, installation of a cable car is certain to result in harm to the ruins. Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the argument?

A. The daily number of tourists that are expected to take the cable car to

Machu Picchu is smaller than the original resident

B. The construction of the cable car terminal at Machu Picchu will require the

use of potentially damaging heavy machinery at the site.


T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)

C. Machu Picchu is already one of the most popular tourist sites in Peru

D. Natural weathering will continue to be a more significant cause of the

deterioration of Machu Picchu than tourist traffic E. The cable car will replace the tour buses whose large wheels and corrosive

exhaust at present do significant damage to the site. Answer:


Giuseppe Alessi, a world-class chef whose life has been a search for the genuine and the delicious in Florentine cooking, is an accomplished scholar not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws his inspiration from the idyllic frescoes of Etruscan tombs.

A. not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance

manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws

B. unearthing many of his recipes both from medieval and Renaissance

manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws

C. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance

manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws

D. who unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance

manuscripts, but also a poet and a philosopher drawing

E. unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts,

a poet and philosopher drawing


T-3-Q23. GWD-13-32

Macrophages are cells that play a role in the response of the immune system of mice and other mammals to invasive organisms such as bacteria. Unlike other mice, mice that are genetically incapable of making these particular cells do not show elevated levels of nitrates when infected with bacteria.

The statements above, if true, provide the most support for which of the following conclusions?

A. Mice that are unable either to make macrophages or to make them

in sufficient numbers will protect themselves from bacterial infections in some other way.

B. Mice that show elevated levels of nitrates can easily fight off most

types of bacterial infections.

C. In mice, macrophages play a role in the production of nitrates or

inhibit a process by which nitrates are broken down or otherwise eliminated.

D. When a healthy mouse becomes infected with an invasive organism,

the number of macrophages in the mouse’s body decreases. E. Injections of nitrates into mice that lack macrophages will not

enhance the ability of these animals’ immune systems to fight off infection.



T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)


Each year red-winged blackbirds stop in a certain region of Midland Province on their spring and fall migration. In the fall, they eat a significant portion of the province’s sunflower crop. This year Midland farmers sought permits to set out small amounts of poisoned rice during the blackbirds’ spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird population. Some residents voiced concern that the rice could threaten certain species of rare migratory birds. Nevertheless, the wildlife agency approved the permits.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the wildlife agency’s approval of the permits, given the concern voiced by some residents?

A. In the region where the red-winged blackbirds stop, they are the first birds

to be present in the spring.

B. The poison that farmers want to use does not kill birds but rather make

them incapable of producing viable eggs.

C. Since rice is not raised in midland province, few species of birds native to the province normally eat rice.

D. Without the permit, any farmers shown to have set out poison for the

blackbirds would be heavily fined

E. The poison that farmers got approval to use has no taste or smell that

would make it detectable by birds.


3. T-3-Q25-Q27基因 Researchers studying how genes

control animal behavior have had to deal with many uncertainties. In

Line the first place, most behaviors are (5) governed by more than one gene,

and until recently geneticists had no method for identifying the multiple genes involved. In addition, even when a single gene is found to control

(10) a behavior, researchers in different

fields do not necessarily agree that it is a “behavioral gene.” Neuroscientists, whose interest in genetic research is to understand the nervous system (which

(15) generates behavior), define the term

broadly. But ethologists ― specialists in animal behavior― are interested in evolution, so they define the term narrowly. They insist that mutations in

(20) a behavioral gene must alter a specific

normal behavior and not merely make the organism ill, so that the genetically induced behavioral change will provide


T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)




variation that natural selection can act upon, possibly leading to the evolution of a new species. For example, in the fruit fly, researchers have identified the gene Shaker, mutations in which cause flies to shake violently under anesthesia. Since shaking is not healthy, ethologists do not consider Shaker a behavioral gene. In con- trast, ethologists do consider the gene period (per), which controls the fruit fly’s circadian (24 hour) rhythm, a behavioral gene because files with mutated per genes are healthy, they simply have different rhythms.

T-3-Q25 inference--implied

The passage suggests that neuroscientists would most likely consider Shaker to be which of the following?

A. An example of a behavioral gene

B. One of multiple genes that control a single behavior

C. A gene that, when mutated, causes an alteration in a specific normal

behavior without making the organism ill

D. A gene of interest to ethologists but of no interest to neuroscientists E. A poor source of information about the nervous system


T-3-Q26 inference--implied

It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following, if true, would be most likely to influence ethologists’ opinions about whether a particular gene in a species is a behavioral gene?

A. The gene is found only in that species. B. The gene is extremely difficult to identify.

C. The only effect of mutations in the gene is to make the organism ill. D. Neuroscientists consider the gene to be a behavioral gene. E. Geneticists consider the gene to be a behavioral gene.


T-3-Q27 main idea

The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. summarize findings in an area of research

B. discuss different perspectives on a scientific question C. outline the major questions in a scientific discipline D. illustrate the usefulness of investigating a research topic E. reconcile differences between two definitions of a term



T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)

T-3-Q28. 天山-7-31

At an orientation meeting, the travelers were told that a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever would be needed by each of them. A. a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever

would be needed by each of them

B. they would need a visa, a landing visa, and evidence of their being

inoculated against typhoid fever

C. they would need evidence of being inoculated against typhoid fever and a

visa and landing card

D. they would each need a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation

against typhoid fever

E. they would need visas, landing cards, and evidence of inoculation against

typhoid fever for each of them.



The emission of sulfur dioxide when high-sulfur coal is burned is restricted by law. New coal-burning plants usually comply with the law by installing expensive equipment to filter sulfur dioxide from their emissions. These new plants could save money by installing instead less expensive cleaning equipment that chemically removes most sulfur from coal before combustion.

Which of the following, if known, would be most relevant to evaluating the claim above about how new-coal burning plants could save money?

A. Whether existing oil-burning plants are required to filter sulfur dioxide

from their emissions.

B. Whether the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in a new plant is

less than the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in an older plant. C. Whether the process of cleaning the coal is more expensive than the

process of filtering the emissions

D. Whether lawful emissions of sulfur dioxide form coal-burning plants are

damaging the environment.

E. Whether existing plants that use the filtering equipment could replace this

equipment with the cleaning equipment and still complete with new plants that install the cleaning equipment.



Unlike that of earlier works on slavery, Blassingame’s innovative study relies not on the records of White slave owners but on the records of the slaves themselves, especially the 70 or so autobiographies and memoirs that have been preserved. (A.D爭議題,我覺得是D)

A. that of earlier works on slavery, Blassingame’s B. that of earlier works on slavery, Blassingame in his C. earlier works on slavery, Blassingame in his D. earlier works on slavery, Blassingame’s

E. the earlier works on slavery, Blassingame in his



In the sixteenth century, the push for greater precision in measuring time was not ,


T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)

like more recently, motivated by complicated philosophical questions about the nature of matter and the universe, but the practical matters of navigation: sailors simply needed more highly accurate timepieces in order to computer their longitude form the positions of the stars.

A. not, like more recently, motivated by complicated philosophical questions

about the nature of matter and the universe, but the practical matters of navigation

B. being motivated by the practical matters of navigation, instead of

complicated philosophical questions about the nature of matter and the universe, as it has been recently

C. motivated not by complicated philosophical questions about the nature of

matter and the universe, like they were more recently, but by the practical matters of navigation

D. motivated by the practical matters of navigation, not complicated

philosophical questions about the nature of matter and the universe, which was the case more recently

E. motivated not by complicated philosophical questions about the nature of matter and the universe, as has been the case more recently, but by the practical matters of navigation



A theory is either true or false. Galileo’s observations of Jupiter’s satellites showed that the Ptolemaic theory of the motion of celestial bodies is false. Therefore, since the Copernican theory of planetary motion is inconsistent with the Ptolemaic account, Galileo’s observations of Jupiter’s satellites proved the truth of the Copernican theory.

The argument above is open to the objection that it makes the questionable assumption that

A. Whoever first observed something inconsistent with the truth of the

Ptolemaic theory should be credited with having proved that theory false. B. There are some possible observations that would be inconsistent with the account given by the Copernican theory but consistent with the account given by the Ptolemaic theory.

C. The Ptolemaic and Copernican theories, being inconsistent, cannot both be

based on exactly the same evidence D. Numerous counterexamples were necessary in order to show the Ptolemaic theory to be false

E. The Ptolemaic and Copernican theories, being inconsistent, cannot both be



4. T-3-Q33-Q36经济增长率

(This passage is excerpted from material published in 1997)

Whereas United States eco- nomic productivity grew at an annual rate of 3 percent from 1945 to 1965,

Line it has grown at an annual rate of (5) only about 1 percent since the early

1970’s. What might be preventing higher productivity growth? Clearly,


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the manufacturing sector of the economy cannot be blamed. Since 1980, productivity improvements in manufacturing have moved the United States from a position of acute decline in manufacturing to one of world prominence. Manufacturing, however, consti- tutes a relatively small proportion of the economy. In 1992, goods- producing businesses employed only 19.1 percent of American

workers, whereas service-producing businesses employed 70 percent. Although the service sector has grown since the late 1970’s, its productivity growth has declined. Several explanations have been offered for this declined and for the discrepancy in productivity growth between the manufacturing and service sectors. One is that tra- ditional measures fail to reflect service-sector productivity growth because it has been concentrated in improved quality of services. Yet traditional measures of manu- facturing productivity have shown significant increases despite the undermeasurement of quality, whereas service productivity has continued to stagnate. Others argue that since the 1970’s, manufacturing workers, faced with strong foreign competition, have learned to work more efficiently in order to keep their jobs in the United States, but service workers, who are typically under less global competitive pressure, have not. However, the pressure on manufacturing workers in the United States to work more efficiently has generally been overstated, often for political reasons. In fact, while some manufacturing jobs have been lost due to foreign competition, many


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more have been lost simply because of slow growth in demand for manu- factured goods. Yet another explanation blames the federal budget deficit: if it were lower, interest rate would be lower too, thereby increasing investment in the development of new technol- ogies, which would spur productivity growth in the service sector. There is, however, no dearth of techno- logical resources, rather, managers in the service sector fail to take advantage of widely available skills and machines. High productivity growth levels attained by leading- edge service companies indicate that service sector managers who wisely implement available technology and choose skillful workers can significantly improve their companies’ productivity. The culprits for service-sector productivity stagnation are the forces-such as corporate takeovers and unnecessary governmental regulation-that distract managers from the task of making optimal use of available resources.

T-3-Q33 inference--implied

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the budget deficit explanation for the discrepancy mentioned in line 27?

A. Research shows that the federal budget deficit has traditionally caused

service companies to invest less money in research and development of new technologies.

B. New technologies have been shown to play a significant role in companies

that have been able to increase their service productivity.

C. In both service sector and manufacturing, productivity improvements are

concentrated in gains in quality.

D. The service sector typically requires larger investments in new technology

in order to maintain productivity growth than does manufacturing

E. High interest rates tend to slow the growth of manufacturing productivity

as much as they slow the growth of service-sector productivity in the United States.


T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)



The passage states which of the following about the effect of foreign competition on the American manufacturing sector since the 1970’s?

A. It has often been exaggerated.

B. It has not been a direct cause of job loss.

C. It has in large part been responsible for the subsequent slowing of

productivity growth.

D. It has slowed growth in the demand for manufactured goods in the United


E. It has been responsible for the majority of American jobs lost in




It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was true of the United States manufacturing sector in the years immediately prior to 1980?

A. It was performing relatively poorly.

B. It was in a position of world prominence.

C. It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 3 percent. D. It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 1 percent. E. Its level of productivity was higher than afterward.



The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about productivity improvements in United States service companies?

A. Such improvements would be largely attributable to efficiencies resulting

from corporate takeovers.

B. Such improvements would depend more on wise implementation of

technology than on managers’ choice of skilled workers.

C. Such improvements would be more easily accomplished if there were

fewer governmental regulations of the service sector.

D. Such improvements would require companies to invest heavily in the

development of new technologies.

E. Such improvements would be attributable primarily to companies’ facing

global competitive pressure.



Because mining and refining nickels is costly, researchers have developed an alternative method for extracting nickels using Streptanthus polygaloides, a plant that absorbs and stores nickel from the soil as it grows. The researchers incinerated a crop of Streptanthus they grow in nickel-rich soil. By chemically extracting nickel form the ash, they produced 100 pounds of nickel per acre of land at a total


T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)

cost per pound slightly above that of current mining. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the conclusion that the use of Streptanthus to extract nickel will be commercially adopted? A. The season in which the researchers grew Streptanthus was an unusually

favorable one, with the right amount of precipitation to maximize the growth rate of Streptanthus.

B. Because lowering the concentration of nickel in the soil can make land

much better for agriculture in general, a plot in which Streptanthus has been grown and harvested can be sold for substantially more than it cost C. More air pollution is generated for each pound of nickel produced by

extracting it from Streptanthus than is generated using conventional mining and refining

D. The land on which the researchers planted Streptanthus was unusually free

of the various weeds that can compete with Streptanthus for water, nutrients, and sunlight.

E. It is extremely rare for soil to contain higher concentrations of nickel than

the concentrations present in the researchers’ experimental plot.



The normative model of strategic decision-making suggests that executives examine a firm’s external environment and internal conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide on a strategy.

A. conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these

analyses, can decide

B. conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these

analyses in deciding

C. conditions, and, in using the set of objective criteria derived from these

analyses, deciding

D. conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these

analyses, decide

E. conditions, and in their use the set of objective criteria they derive from

these analyses, decide


T-3-Q39. 天山-7-39 需注意修飾問題!!

Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi, in the form of carbon dioxide, and converting it to energy-rich sugars.

A. Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi B. Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than fungi C. Plants are more efficient than fungi at acquiring carbon D. Plants, more efficient than fungi at acquiring carbon E. Plants acquire carbon more efficiently than fungi



Boreal owls range over a much larger area than do other owls of similar size. The reason for this behavior is that the small mammals on which owls feed are especially scarce in the forests where boreal owls live, and the relative scarcity of prey requires the owls to range more extensively to find sufficient food.


T09 (Typed by 大灰熊 & IBelieve)

Which of the following ,if true, most helps to confirm the explanation above?

A. Some boreal owls range over an area eight times larger than the area over which any other owl of similar size ranges B. Boreal owls range over larger areas in regions where food of the sort eaten

by small mammals is sparse than they do in regions where such food is abundant.

C. After their young hatch, boreal owls must hunt more often than before in order to feed both themselves and their newly hatched young D. Sometimes individual boreal owls hunt near a single location for many

weeks at a time and do not range rather than a few hundred yards. E. The boreal owl requires less food, relative to its weight, than is required by

members of other owl species.


T-3-Q41. 同GWD-11-10(在CD-8-2 )

Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience. (C.E有爭議)

A. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a

tool for private conversation; instead, it is

B. Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for

private conversation, but which is

C. Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could

substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become

D. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool for private conversation, a

substitute for the telephone, which has become

E. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a substitute for the telephone, a tool

for private conversation, other than what it is,


