专利名称:Mold assembly and method for holding a
sheet of material during moulding
发明人:Dubay, Steven,Bloomfield, Robert
Edward,Boezwinkle, William Keith,Langejans,Thomas Keith,Athey, DanielRobert,Craycraft, Mark Allen
摘要:The specification describes a high pressure mold assembly for molding a gasketor other molded portion on a sheet 12, e.g. of glass, from a thermoplastic or othermoldable material such as PVC at high pressures of at least 2000 psi. The mold assemblyincludes a first mold section 14 and a second mold section 16 defining a mold cavity 30.The first mold section 14 includes a first seal receiving surface 62 which receives a firstresilient seal 142 while the second mold section 16 has a second seal receiving surface 24which receives a second resilient seal 140. The seals engage and hold the sheet 12therebetween and accommodate variations in the sheet. Each of the seals is adapted topress and seal against the sheet for preventing the flow of the molten material along thesheet while under high pressure of between about 2,000 psi and 5,000 psi. The seals areeach protected from the high pressure by a shoulder 144, 146 spacing the seal from themold cavity. Preferably, the seals 140, 142 are formed from urethane, polyethyleneterephthalate or silicone rubber.
地址:414 East Fortieth Street Holland Michigan 49423 US
代理机构:Coyle, Philip Aidan