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Method of communicating signals in a mobile commun


专利名称:Method of communicating signals in a

mobile communication system

发明人:Young Dae Lee,Sung Duck Chun,Myung

Cheul Jung



摘要:A method of communicating signals in a mobile communication system having afirst base station, a second base station, and a base station controlling node controlling

the first base station and the second base station is presented. The method includesduring a handover, receiving, at the first base station, a control message from the secondbase station including a sequence number indicating at least one data unit to be

transmitted to a mobile station or to be received from a mobile station, wherein the firstbase station receives the control message from the second base station without beingcontrolled by the base station controlling node.

申请人:Young Dae Lee,Sung Duck Chun,Myung Cheul Jung

地址:Seoul KR,Anyang-si KR,Seoul KR


代理机构:Lee, Hong, Degerman, Kang & Waimey

