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2023-09-03 来源:爱问旅游网
调虎离山 Diàohŭlíshān

To lure the tiger out of the mountains


Dōngh{n mò ni|n, jūnf| bìng qĭ, gè b{ yì fāng. Sūn Cè ni|n jĭn shíqī suì, què nián shàoyŏuwéi, shìlì zhújiàn qiángdà.


Gōngyu|n 199 ni|n, Sūn Cè yù xi{ng bĕi tuī jìn, duóqŭ jiāngbĕi Lújiāng jùn. Lújiāng yìshŏun|ngōng, érqiĕ zh{njù Lújiāng de

军阀刘勋势力强大,野心勃勃。于是孙策想出了一条妙计。 jūnf| Liú Xūn shìlì qi|ngd{, yĕxīnbóbó. Yúshì Sūn Cè xiăng chū le yì tiáo miàojì.


Jūnf| Liú Xūn, jíqí tānc|i, Sūn Cè bi{n p{i rén gĕi tā sòngqù yí fèn hòulĭ, bìng z{i xìn zhōng bă Liú Xūn d{sì chuīpĕng yì fān,


Hái yĭ ruòzhĕ de shēnfèn xi{ng Liú Xūn qiújiù, qĭng qí xiángfú shàngliáo. Liú Xūn w{nfēn déyì. Sh{ngli|o yí d{i, shífēn fùshù,


Liú Xūn zăo xiăng duóqŭ, jīn ji{n Sūn Cè ruănruò wúnéng, miănqù le hòugùzhīyōu, juédìng fābīng sh{ngli|o. Sūn Cè ji{n Liú


Xūn shuàilĭng bīngmă qù gōng sh{ngli|o, chéng nèi kōngxū, xīnzhōng dàxĭ, shuō:\"L|ohŭ yǐ bèi wŏ di{o chū shān le, wŏmen

赶快去占据它的老窝吧! 于是顺利地控制了卢江。 gănku{i qù zh{njù tā de lăowō ba!\" Yúshì shùnlì de kòngzhì le Lújiāng.

English Translation

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, warlords possessed many parts of the land. Sun Ce was only 17 years old, but young and

promising. He followed in his father's footsteps and his power began to grow. In AD 199, Sun Ce wanted to advance further and managed to occupy Lu Jiang county in Jiangbei. Liu Xun was the ambitious and powerful warlord of Lu Jiang county and so in order to neutralize him Sun Ce organized a Coup. Sun Ce knew that Liu Xun was extremely greedy and so sent him a precious gift with a letter praising his achievements and asking for him to kindly surrender Jiangxi. After receiving the gift and reading the letter Liu Xun decided to banish Sun Ce from his kingdom once and for all and ordered his army to attack. On seeing the soldiers readying for attack Sun Ce reportedly said \"The tiger has come out, and we will now occupy Lu Jiang.\" And Lo and behold they did. Now this phrase is used to mean luring or manipulating others into a position of weakness which can then be exploited. Example


Tā shĭyòng diàohŭlíshān zhī jì dă yíng le zhè chăng zh{nzhēng.

He used the way of luring the tiger out of the mountains to win the war.
