专利名称:Soap compositions
发明人:ATTERBY GUSTAF VILHELM FRED申请号:AU6557760申请日:19601013公开号:AU6557760A公开日:19621018
摘要:A bactericidal aqueous soap composition comprises by weight (a) 8-30%,preferably 15-25%, of alkali metal soaps of C6-14 fatty acids; (b) 2-8%, preferably 3-5%,of alkali metal soaps of C16-20 fatty acids; (c) 1-6%, preferably 1,5-4% saturated C16-20fatty acids; and (d) a sparingly soluble soap compatible bactericide, suitably in an amountof 0,1-3,5%, at least part of ingredients (c) and (d) being undissolved and held in stablesuspension. Soaps (a) and (b) are preferably at least partly present as potassium salts butthe term \"alkali metal\" also embraces ammonium and organic substituted ammoniumsalts; soap (a) is suitably derived from palm kernel or coconut oil, and soap (b) from fattyacid of type (c), e.g. stearic acid. Bactericide (d) may be tetramethyl thiuram disulphide,5:31:41-trichlorosalicylanilide, 3:5:41- tribromosalicylanilide, 3:5:31:41-tetrachlorosalicylanilide, or 3:4:41-trichlorocarbanilide, but is preferably bis-(3:5:6-trichloro-2-hydroxyphenyl) methane. Ingredients (a) and (d) both suitably have a particlesize in suspension of 0,5-100m , preferably 10-60m , and (d) is most preferably present inamounts of 0,3-2%. Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, glycerol, cetyl alcohol, lanette wax,colour and perfume may also be incorporated. The composition is suitably made bycompletely saponifying a mixture of fats or oils containing C6-14 fatty acids with acalculated excess of base, and then adding at 60 DEG -90 DEG C. a solution or suspension
of the bactericide in a melt of the saturated C16-20 fatty acids (c) so as to leave therequired excess of fatty acid (c) after all the base has been neutralized in forming soap(b), and finally cooling the mixture to 10 DEG -25 DEG C. According to the ProvisionalSpecification, 2-hydroxy-5-chlorbenz-31:41-dichloranilide may be used as the
bactericide.ALSO:A bactericidal aqueous soap composition comprises, by weight, (a) 8-30%, preferably 15-25%, of alkali metal soaps of C6-14 fatty acids; (b) 2-8%, preferably 3-5%, of alkali metal soaps of C16-20 fatty acids; (c) 1-6%, preferably 1.5-4% saturated C16-20 fatty acids; and (d) a sparingly soluble soap compatible bactericide, suitably in anamount of 0.1-3.5%, and preferably 0.3-2%, at least part of ingredients (c) and (d) beingundissolved and held in stable suspension. Soaps (a) and (b) are preferably at least partlypresent as potassium salts, but the term \"alkali\" also embraces ammonium and organicsubstituted ammonium salts; soap (a) is suitably derived from palm kernel or coconut oiland soap (b) from fatty acid of type (c), e.g. stearic acid. Bactericide (d) may betetramethyl thiuram disulphide, 5 : 31 : 41 - trichlorosalicylanilide, 3 : 5 : 41 -tribromosalicylanilide, 3 : 5 : 31 : 41-tetrachlorosalicylanilide, or 3 : 4 : 41-trichlorocarbanilide, but is preferably bis-(3 : 5 : 6-trichloro - 2 - hydroxyphenyl) methane;according to the Provisional Specification 2-hydroxy-5 - chlorbenz - 31 : 41 - dichloranilidemay also be used. (c) and (d) both suitably have a particle size in suspension of 0.5-100m .Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, glycerol, cetanol, lanette wax, colour and perfume mayalso be present and a method of preparation is described (see Group III).