双元音音标练习题 双元音 双元音音素由两个元音组成,发音时由一个元音向另一个元音滑动,口型有变化。 合口双元音:
不要将前后两个音断开,应连贯成为一个整体: 不要因为后一个元音发音短小而将其忽略; 发音时滑动过程要完整,时间要充分。 集中双元音: 两个元音发音都比较清楚。
1)集中双元音三个 [ e? ] [ i? ] [ u? ] 音标故事:
北方的冬天十分寒冷,一个小朋友出门没有带耳罩,出去的时候还有两只耳朵,二耳[ e? ],过了一会太冷了,就冻掉了一只耳朵,只剩一只耳朵了[ i? ],最后冻得两只耳朵都没有了:
无耳[ u? ] 2)合口双元音有五个 [a i ] [ ei ] [ i ] [ ?u ] [a u ] 有口型大小的变化,前后 2 个音依次滑动,前重后轻,前长后短。 音标故事:
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有一个男孩 boy[ i ]一直不吃饭,他的妈妈就喊他: 吃饭啦!男孩说唉[a i ],来啦!过了一会妈妈发现孩子还没来吃,就又喊了一声,孩子有点不耐烦 说,诶[ ei ],知道啦!男孩准备下楼,结果一不小心从楼梯上滑下去了,孩子发出嗷[a u ]的声音,妈妈很着急,喊到 Oh,no![ ?u ] 晨读 常见字母和字母组合 /ai/ i fine nice knife ride y shy why dry sky ie die pie 鼓楼区西桥 202 号 201 室 18118847472 1 ye bye ighhigh light night /ei/ a make snake name face ai mail pain paint gain rain wait ay day play wayey they hey eigheight weight /?i/ oy enjoy roy oi boilpoint noise /i?/ ea real ear hear beard tear eer deer pioneer /u?/ oor moorepoor ure assure sure /e?/ are dare careful air hair stair ear wear pear eir their 鼓楼区西桥 202 号 201 室 May18118847472 2 /au/ ou about around south hour ow how bow /?u/ o post old open olympic oa boat road ou soul shoulder owslow know ough though although Homework:
一、双元音有哪些,一起来回顾下 二、选出划线字母正确读音,用勾号表示 )1、 A./ ?? /B. / e? /C. / a? / )2、A./ ? / B. / ?? /C. / ?? / )3、A. / e? / B./ ? / C. / e? / )4、 A. / ? / B. / ?? /C. / a? / )5、 A. / ? /B. /
a? /C. /: / )6、 A. /? /B. / ai /C. / ?: / )7、A. / ? /B. / ?? / C. / ? / 鼓楼区西桥 202 号 201 室 18118847472 3 _/ ? / _1、 _______2、 _______3、A. town B. toy C. our_______4、A. thisB. ride C. white _______5、A. small B. appleC. walk 鼓楼区西桥202号201室 D. cowD. bike D. horse 18118847472 4 _______6、A. hereB. girl C. skirtD. shirt _______7. A . how B. now C. Know D. Flower _______8. A. Sight B. Bite C. lightD. lack _______9、A. has B. banana C. taxiD. bag _______10、A. near B. pear C. stair D.clear 鼓楼区西桥 202 号 201 室 18118847472 5 精讲词: Oh ,no !!! are you sure? Im fineWowMy name I play MahjongbeerGo homeHow are you ?Voiceair 实用词:
Like lateearold surewayyearcold hope Out our down plate time oil dear bearToilet careboilwear poorlife 练习词:
ride nice side take highdry day night my by bike tear maketry sneer mouse rare rain cow cake game train wait light so May smoke beer share join mere play mountain enjoytoday sincere fly toy rose stair how clear pound toil note point no wearchoice nowdeer open chair hello coin low
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dare here slownoise know hairwow parent pear shouthearfair noisy boyoilswear aloud phone fear mouth 单词精读:
pricewrite bitelakeclown whyflight sight over fightshape closeshowhouse open same maybeaboutgold shoutflower say bowltowelsnow hour hold onface safeshowersavenice 短语:
Bright sunshineA quiet night Hate to be late! A shy wifeArrive at nine Its a great day today! Make a mistake ! Leave a space ! Clear water Be all ears A real deerYear in and year outHear clearly 1、写出 20 个元音 ① 写出 12 个单元音② 写出 8 个双元音:
看单词写 音标 bad headbud potsnap nod tiphut glad vanduck fit tap pet city dust money next what deskcock paper bag zoo. 看 音 标 写 单 词 [g?s][h?d][m?t] [red][net] [beg] [sit] [miks] [zip] [b?s] [h?t][m?p] [f?ks][n?t] [h?g] 看音标写单词。
[ ei ]-- [ leik ][ teik ][ feis ] [peiv] heit][fleim] [ i: ]--[ si: ] [ mi:t ] [ sli:p ][ ti: ][ fi:t ] [ ?i:p ] [ ai ]-[ kait ] [ rait ] [ raid ][ naif ] [ wait ] [ baik ] [ u ]--[ kuk ] [ huk ] [ gud ] [ u: ]--[ mu:n] [fu:d] [sku:l] [ e ]--[ eg ] [ leg ] [ get ] [ red ] [ bed ]
[ pet ] [ ɑ: ]--[ fɑ:m ] [ klɑ:s ] [ dɑ:k ][pa:k] [ ɑ:m ] [ga:dn] 5.找出所给单词蓝色字母与其他三个读音不同的单词。
1、A、seat B、mean C、leaveD、bread 2、A、pig B、quite C、king D、this 3、A、back B、man C、makeD、happy 4、A、head B、teacherC、readyD、breakfast 5、A、help B、nestC、letterD、she 6、A、party B、starC、war D、farm 7、A、past B、has C、fast D、ask 8、A、butB、put C、cut D、study 9、A、sonB、month C、frontD、mop 10、A、job B、stop C、coldD、model 11、A、those B、home C、aloneD、soft 12、A、agoB、again C、apple D、about
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