Composed by 魏羽
Taking patient’s blood pressure
Important vocabulary
blood pressure cuff diastolic pulse breath systolic temperature relax Fahrenheit
stethoscope place Celsius thermometer blood pressure monitor (sphygmomanometer)
Nurse: Good morning, Ms. Jones. How are you feeling today? Patient: Better, thank you.
Nurse: That's great. I’m going to take your pulse, temperature and blood pressure. Is that OK? Patient: Sure.
Nurse: First, let's take you temperature and pulse. Please place this thermometer under your tongue. At the same time, I'm going to check your pulse.
(The nurse gives the patient the thermometer and takes her pulse) Great! Your temperature and pulse are normal. Now, let’s take you blood pressure. Patient: OK.
Nurse: Take a couple deep breaths, I'm going to place cuff around your arm.
Medical Conversation Lesson Three
Composed by 魏羽
It will be a little tight. Please relax.
(The nurse takes the patient's blood pressure) OK. Your blood pressure is fine. We’re all finished.
Language for procedures I'm going to…
I'm going to take your pulse I'm going to take your temperature I'm going to take your blood pressure Let's…
Let's take your blood pressure
Medical readings Blood pressure: 120[one-twenty] over 80
(120 is the systolic blood pressure and 80 is the diastolic blood pressure) Temperature: 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit Pulse: 70 beats per minute
Options Try adding 2 more lines of dialogue to the conversation. Then practice with a partner.
Medical Conversation Lesson Three
Composed by 魏羽
Taking the patient's blood pressure
What do you say as you are talking a patient's blood pressure、pulse and
temperature? Go through the procedures with a partner and make notes of what you need to say.
Try to answer these questions. 1. What is normal blood pressure? When is medical intervention necessary? 2. What is normal body temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius?
3. What are some things that can cause changes in a patient's pulse rate, blood pressure or temperature?
4. What equipment is necessary for performing these procedures?