专利名称:Alignment of imprints
发明人:Morgan, Christopher John,Thompson-Bell,
Ian,Herring, William James
摘要:A method of controlling operation of a print head (10) to align imprints (28, 29)printed by the print head in two traverses in opposite directions (16, 17) is disclosed. Theprint head includes a row of printing elements (11) that are operated selectively in a
plurality of print cycles to print each imprint. Upon completion of printing a first imprint(28), signals corresponding to motion of the print head step the count of a counter (32).The stepping of the counter is terminated when the print head passes a referenceposition (44). During a reverse traverse of the print head, stepping of the counter isinitiated when the print head passes the reference position and operation of the printhead to print a second imprint (29) is initiated when the count reaches a predeterminedcount.
地址:South Street Romford, Essex RM1 2AR GB
代理机构:Hutchins, Michael Richard