专利名称:Elastic terminal for an electrical apparatus发明人:Guinda, Santos,Gourdon,
Jacques,Tocqueville, Claude
摘要:the present invention relates to a terminal for connection to the electricalapparatus, consisting of a conductive part of the support (2) on a main conductive part(14) and at least one clamp (3) is bent in the form of a loop and provided with a closed
window ge (3d) in which a flange (2b, 2c) of the support piece.characterized by the factthat it comprises a spring abutment (4), which is followed by folding so as to fit to theinside of the loop of the spring (3) and to be on the outside of the loop of thread (45), (c),which are adjacent to the side (2b.).
申请人:Schneider Electric Industries SA
地址:89 boulevard Franklin Roosevelt 92500 Rueil-Malmaison FR