临春医学工程2013年5月第20卷第5期 ・・519・ 论著・ (临床工程) 动态增强CT对肝小静脉闭塞症的诊断价值 金贤德 ,张开东 ,金观桥 ( 广东省深圳市龙岗区平湖人民医院放射科,广东深圳51811l; 广西医科大学附属肿瘤医院影像科,广西南宁513100) 【摘要】 目的探讨动态增强CT对肝小静脉闭塞症的诊断价值。方法回归性分析本院于2002年1月至2012年12月收治 的48例经病理组织学证实为肝小静脉闭塞症患者的临床资料,并对CT图像资料进行分析及总结。结果在平扫过程中,48例患 者肝弥散性密度下降或实质呈局限性.肝脏出现不同程度的体积增大。增强扫描动脉期:36例(75.O%)肝左右分支及总动脉增 粗.10例(20.83%)肝脏内部出现网状血管;2例(4.17%)与平扫期相比强度变化不明显。门静脉期:38例(79.17%)患者肝 实质呈地图状或呈斑片状,没有显示肝脏内部小静脉。肝脏下腔静脉CT图像:8例(16.67%)患者肝段下段静脉CT扫描图像 呈现为逗号状,4例(8.33%)患者官腔内部变窄,CT图像下呈短条状,6例(12.5%)患者肝内静脉CT图像下表现较淡,管径 变细。实质期:肝脏改变与门静脉期图像相同。结论多层螺旋CT诊断肝小静脉闭塞症具有一定的特异性,临床上可根据CT 图像诊断及t临床表现来对该病做出诊断,提高,临床诊断准确率。 【关键词】 螺旋CT;肝小静脉闭塞症;临床诊断 中图分类号:R814.42 文献标识码:A doi:lO.3969/j.issn.1674—4659.2013.05.0519 Diagnostic Value of Dynamic Contrast-enhanced CT on Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease JINXiande 1 ZHANGKaidong1,JIN Guanqiao 2 Department ofRadiology,Pinghu District People Hospital fShenzohen,Shenzhen 518111,China; Department f olmagin ̄Tumor Hospital Afilfiated to Guangxi Medical University,Nanning 513100,China) 【Abstract] Objective To explore the application value of dynamic enhanced CT in occlusion of hepatic vein.Methods Regressive analysis was taken for the clinical data of 48 patients who were diagnosed as hepatic veno—occlusive disease by histopathology in our hospital from January 2002 to December 20 1 2,and the CT image data were analyzed and summarized.Results Plain CT scan phase:48 patients’ liver diffuse density decreased or essence showed limitation and their liver size increased at different degrees.Arterial enhanced scan phase: 36 cases(75%)left and right liver branches and total arterial were thickened;10 cases(20.83%)showed reticular vascular inside the liver;2 cases(4.1 7%)did not change signiifcantly in strength and compared to scan period.Portal venous phase:38 cases(79.1 7%)patients’liver showed a map-like or patchy,no small vein inside the liver displayed.Liver CT image:CT scanning image of 8 cases(16.67%)lower segment ofliver vein appeared as comma shape;4 cases f8.33%)showed intemal na ̄owing with the CT image demonstrated as a short strip. 6 cases(12.5%)CT image ofintrahepatic venous were slightly opaciifed and showed thinner diameter.Liver parenchymal phase:changes of the liver images were the similar with that ofthe portal venous phase.Conclusions Multi-slice spiral CT shows specificity in the diagnosis of hepatic veno-occlusive,and the accuracy of clinical diagnosis will be improved with manifestations of CT images. [Key words】 Spiral CT;Hepatic veno—occlusive disease;Clinical diagnosis 肝小静脉闭塞症(hepatic venular occlusive disease.HVOD) 致肝内窦后出现的门静脉高压症…。患者临床表现为上腹疼 1资料及方法 对2002年1月至2012年12月本院收治的48例经病理组 是指肝小叶下静脉管腔及肝小叶中央静脉出现闭塞及狭窄而导 1.1临床资料 痛、肝脏肿大、腹水及黄疸。为此,本研究对48例经病理学 织学证实为肝小静脉闭塞症患者的临床资料进行回归性分析。 诊断证实为肝小静脉闭塞症患者行动态增强CT扫捕,并对患 患者临床诊断标准:①患者不明原因性胆红素增高:②体重不 者扫描的图像进行影像学分析,旨在探讨螺旋CT对HVOD的 明原因性持续增加2%P2上;③患者肝区疼痛、肿大。48例患 临床应用价值,现将结果报告如下。 者中,男性患者3O例,女性患者18例,年龄48 68岁,平 均年龄为(53.6±5.3)岁。患者临床症状主要表现为黄疸、肝 收稿日期:2013—03—12 作者简介:金贤德(1978一),男,江西上饶人,学士学位,主治医师 主要从事普放及cT诊断_】==作。 区疼痛、腹水。 1_2检查方法 患者均在GEl6层螺旋cT扫描机中行平扫,电压设置为