专利名称:Method for the commercial production of
transgenic plants
发明人:Wendy Oglevee-O'Donovan,Richard N.
Arteca,Jeannette Arteca,Eleanor Stoots
摘要:A process for commercially propagating plants by tissue culture in such a wayas both to conserve desired plant morphology and to transform the plant with respectto one or more desired genes. The method includes the steps of (a) creating anAgrobacterium vector containing the gene sequence desired to be transferred to thepropagated plant, preferably together with a marker gene; (b) taking one or morepetiole explants from a mother plant and inoculating them with the Agrobacteriumvector; (c) conducting callus formation in the petiole sections in culture, in the dark; and(d) culturing the resulting callus in growth medium containing a benzylamino growthregulator such as benzylaminopurine or, most preferably, benzylaminopurineriboside.Additional optional growth regulators including auxins and cytokinins (indole butyric acid,benzylamine, benzyladenine, benzylaminopurine, alpha naphthylacetic acid and othersknown in the art) may also be present. Preferably, the petiole tissue is taken from andthe Agrobacterium vector contains an antisense gene for ACC synthase or ACC oxidase toprevent ACC synthase or ACC oxidase expression and, in turn, the ethylene formation forwhich these enzymes are precursors.
代理机构:Webb Ziesenheim Bruening Logsdon Orkin & Hanson, P.C.
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