专利名称:Filter-bank-modulation-based multiple
access technique
发明人:Kim, Eung-Sun,Lee, Jong-Hyeuk,Im, Gi-Hong,
Dept. of Electronic & Electrical Eng,Park,Cheol-Jin, Dept. of Electronic & Elect. Eng.
摘要:Disclosed is a multicarrier-based wireless communication system including a
base station for providing a multiple access service to terminals which filter multitonetransmitting signals through filters and transmit the filtered signals. A transmitter of therespective terminals includes a multiplexer for multiplexing an input signal andoutputting the signal as a plurality of transmitting signals, at least one filter bank forfiltering the plurality of transmitting signals, an inverse fast Fourier transformer forexecuting inverse fast Fourier transform of the filtered transmitting signals output fromthe filter bank, and a filter information generator for providing filter information to thefilter bank. Since the transmitter of the present invention distinguishes users from eachother by a filter and thus no synchronization is required between users, which causes aproblem in an uplink of the multicarrier-based wireless communication system, systemperformance can be expected to be improved.
申请人:SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.,Postech Foundation
地址:416 Maetan-dong, Yeongtong-gu Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do KR,San 31, Hyoja-dong, Nam-gu Pohang-si, Gyeoungsangbuk-do KR
代理机构:Grünecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhäusser Anwaltssozietät