1.please provide full audit responses addressing any and all audit nonconformances identified by the auditor during the API audit.The API Associates and Licensing and Registration Committee will not review audits with findings until complete reponses are received that address all audit nonconformances.
1.在API审核期间,审核人员确认后,请提供完整的审核答复和所有不符合项。API 联合许可登记委员会将不会审查审计结果直到收到的所有审核不符合项完成答复。
2.your organization must respond to any nonconformances raised during your audit within 60 days.Failure to respond to nonconformances within that time frame may result in suspension.
3. The audit response must clearly include the following items;
A.Correction-Provide a detailed explanation of what actions have been taken to correct the nonconformity.The correction should include an examination of the system to determine if there are other occurrences of the nonconformity that require correction.Provide the date of completion/implementation.
B. Root Cause Analysis---Provide a detailed explanation of the cause of the nonconformity (i.e.,the reason \"why\"the nonconformity occurred ) . A simple re-wording of the nonconformity is not acceptable . Terms such as \"oversight\" or \"human error\" require further explanation .
C . Corrective Action (s)-Provide a detailed explanation of the action(s) taken/implemented to address the root cause (as indentified in item B) and minmize the likelihood of recurrence . Provide the date of completion / implementation .
API considers only actions that have been \"completed\" as acceptable . Future
sysytem revisions , training sessions , reviews , etc ., though indicating intent ,do not substantiate completed action .
Please do not provide any supporting evidence unless requested from API - include detailed decriptions in the nonconformance response to substantiate the actions taken .
If training is part of the correction(s) or corrective action(s) , your organization must include an evaluation of the training to ensure it was effective .
4 . You must use mycerts .api.org to submit your organization's audit responses to API . All login information was emailed to each user . If you are unable to locate your login information for mycerts click the following link for a new password; http://mycerts. api.org/layouts/SyntFBAiles/ResetPassword.aspx
你们必须用mycerts .api.org来提交你们组织的审核答复给API。所有的登录信息已经发送邮件给使用者。如果您找不到登录信息,请点击以下链接设置新密码:http://mycerts. api.org/layouts/SyntFBAiles/ResetPassword.aspx。
5 . At the conclusion of the API review , your organization will be notified through the myCerts web site of any unresolved noncnformances that must be addressed in order to close out the audit . This may include additional corrective actions and/or additional nonconformities that were identified as a result of the review of the audit report .