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大学英语课后习题答案及Texa A译文精美篇

2022-12-11 来源:爱问旅游网

Text A




我仍清晰地记得当初我被斯坦福大学提前录取时的场景。当时我正在车上,收件箱突然弹出了一封电子邮件,告知我已经被梦寐以求的斯坦福大学录取了,我不禁喜极而泣。 接下来的几个月,我一直幻想着自己成为斯坦福“枢机红”一员的情景并等待着他们的正式录取通知书。 2.

然而,接下来更多的录取通知书接踵而至,当得知自己还被哈佛大学录取后,我内心的激动之情无以言表。 我面临着一个极其艰难的抉择——斯坦福还是哈佛? 3.

我决定先实地考察一下这两所学校再做最后选择,没想到的是,我竟然喜欢上了哈佛。 我曾一心想成为斯坦福“枢机红”的一员,所以并没有认真考虑过选择其他大学。 然而我一踏入哈佛校园,便感觉一切正合乎我的心意。哈佛的校园,哈佛的课堂,哈佛的人,都使我意识到这就是未来四年我唯一想呆的地方。 4.

在哈佛入学后,我迫切地渴望开始人生的新篇章,但与此同时,又因身处遥远他乡而感到焦虑不安。 和亲朋好友告别的那一刻,我清醒地意识到即将来

临的自主独立将意味着什么。 我不知道未来会怎样,而且担心自己会在这么知名的学府里找不到自己的定位。 5.

一个学期后,我不得不说我做了人生中最正确的决定。 我找到了一种归属感,并且在很多方面成为了哈佛的一分子。 6.

在短短数月里,如果说我学会了什么的话,那就是明白了大学学习一点都不轻松。 学业课程比以往的都难,但我可以自由选择学习任何我感兴趣的课程领域。 我申请的是医学预科,但一个学期下来,我发现在下一年确定专业之前,我实际上有无数的方向可以选择。 7.

课程通常包括:教授主讲、研究生辅讲次要内容以及课外的学生学习小组。 学习小组合作学习对应对哈佛繁重的学习任务起着重要的作用。 如果感到不堪重负,我只需要走下楼去见见我的学监,或者和我的学业导师预约见个面。 8.

刚刚过去的12月份是期末考试阶段,排满了各种冗长的综合考试。但是哈佛读书周停课一周,与高中阶段相比的确是一个很不错的改变。 期末考试周还会由一项名为“原始尖叫”的活动拉开序幕:午夜时分成百上千的哈佛学生根据古老传统在哈佛园裸奔。 9.

学习之余,我参加了哈佛大学绯红舞蹈团。 绯红舞蹈团将舞蹈动作与精神层面的内涵完美地结合起来。 我曾经参加过舞蹈比赛,期待能重新点燃对舞蹈

的激情;我兴奋地得知,今年一月份绯红舞蹈团将在迪士尼乐园全国性的舞蹈大赛上参加角逐。 10.

作为都柏林高中毕业年级的学生会主席,我喜欢成为领导团队的一员,并希望找到一个契机在大学继续担任学生领导。 新生社交委员会提供了这样的机会。 我们举办的第一个活动是“惊吓节”,有万圣节服装走秀及跳舞项目,吸引了我们年级的千余名同学参加,取得了巨大的成功。 11.

哈佛所提供给我们最好的东西之一是它的多样性。 我遇到了来自世界各地的优秀的人,我很多要好的朋友都是从马其顿、瑞士、德国和希腊等地方来的国际生。 听了他们的介绍后,我渴望将来能够出国深造。 这里的每一个人都热爱学习,期待成功,我只需环顾教室就能获得学习的动力。 12.

今年,我和四个来自国内外的女孩合住一个套间。 我们住在哈佛园尽头的威格尔斯沃思堂宿舍,大一新生都住在这里。幸运的是,这里离拉蒙特和怀德纳图书馆都很近,在这些图书馆里学生们夜以继日地为考试做准备,甚至有学生晕倒在书桌上!我们透过窗户可以俯瞰位于哈佛广场中心的马萨诸塞大道。 那里有本人经常光顾的星巴克、提供夜宵的中餐馆和披萨店,以及库普书店,我们在该店购买所有的书籍和学习用品。 哈佛及其周边地区值得称道之处是:一切都相当便利。 我们漂亮的霍格沃兹风格的餐厅——安能堡——离哈佛园只有几分钟的步程。我大部分的课都在哈佛园内以及与哈佛园相邻的科学中心里面上,所以我常步行出入。


每天早上在哈佛醒来,我都为自己能在这儿学习而感恩不已。 虽然哈佛的学业压力会很大,但我就是宁愿呆在这里。

Text A

Reading Comprehension


A. amazing, dream, hard, fantastic, unimaginable, disappointing, challenging, ... B. Paragraph(s) Topic Paras. 1-3 hard choice to make between universities Para. 4 the author's eagerness, anxiety and fear about life at Harvard Paras. 5-8 academic work at Harvard Paras. 9-10 outside class/extracurricular activities Paras. 11-12 Harvard's diversity and accessibility C. The author intends to talk about her life at Harvard University which is probably fantastic, challenging and fulfilling. 2.

Life at Harvard University The author's expectations and eager to start the next phase of her anxiety life; anxious at the thought of being so far from home; having no idea what to expect The author's in academic life learning that college is far from experiences easy and academics are harder than ever; getting the freedom to study whatever interests her; learning to collaborate in study groups; experiencing a nice change from high school through Harvard's reading period in finding her home and becoming part of the extracurricular Harvard community; Life at Harvard University life understanding diversity, which is one of the best things Harvard has to offer; learning what's great about Harvard and its surrounding area: everything is so accessible The author's overall feeling blessed and overwhelmed at impressions Harvard, but still feeling there is no other place she'd rather be Reading and Discussing 3.

For reference

1) Diversity refers to the cultural and ethnic varieties in the composition of Harvard’s student base. Language in Use

4. 1) overlooking 2) overwhelming 3) enroll 4) keen 5) blend 6) inspiration 7) frequented 8) diversity 9) passion 10) incredible 5.

1) The Sept. 4 game between the Seahawks and the Packers kicked off this year’s football season. 2) A big part of a woman’s diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber foods, and oily fish. 3) Eleanor Roosevelt, who was a shy young girl, was terrified at the thought of speaking in public. 4) Senior citizens, military veterans and businessmen make up the group of people requesting for government information in the United States. 5) The schedule will make you aware of how you spend your time. 6.reach a decision (达成决定) shape one’s life (塑造生活)

analyze a problem (分析问题) approve a decision (通过决定) improve one’s life (改善生活) solve a problem (解决问题) 1) making 2) reach 3) changed 4) shape 5) enjoy 6) solve 7) analyze 8) encounter

7. 1) dishonest 2) illegal 3) substandard 4) irregular 5) unlock 6) incorrect 7) outnumber 8) supermarket 9) Undergraduate 10) overestimate 8.

1) 学习小组合作学习对应对哈佛繁重的学习任务起着重要的作用。 2) 哈佛及其周边地区值得称道之处是:一切都相当便利。

3) 我决定先实地考察一下这两所学校再做最后选择,没想到的是,我竟然喜欢上了哈佛。

4) 我申请的是医学预科,但一个学期下来,我发现在下一年确定专业之前,我实际上有无数的方向可以选择。

5) 在哈佛的学业压力会很大,但我就是宁愿呆在这里。


1) As is known to all, the year 2003 saw the successful launching of China’s first manned spaceship.

2) Time has witnessed the long history, free academic atmosphere and energetic students’ life of the university.

3) The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China. 4) Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city, has witnessed many great historic events. 5) A visit to the places where he had studied and worked during his youth brought back many fond memories.

Text B

Reading Comprehension


A. It can be a difficult time to move away from everything familiar to you. B.

Join an extracurricular activity. (Para. 6) Make a friend. (Para. 7) Try relaxation methods. (Para. 8) Take time for yourself each day. (Para. 9) C.

Becoming autonomous. (Para. 12) Establishing identity. (Para. 13) Freeing interpersonal relationships. (Para. 14) Establishing and clarifying purposes. (Para. 15) Developing integrity. (Para.16) Language in Use

2. 1) significantly 2) exhausted 3) relaxing 4) concealed 5) intellectual 6) triggers 7) clarified 8) integrate 9) was established 10) fatigue

3. 1) thinking about 2) focus on 3) carry on 4) contribute to 5) conform to/with

6) copes with


Reference translation

1) 按照轻重缓急安排工作会让你觉得一切必做之事都在自己掌控中,而且感觉一定能做好。

2) 长期的疲劳是诱发抑郁的关键因素。每晚睡七八个小时对(你的)健康很重要。

3) 这些包括:静思,深呼吸,泡热水澡,远足,锻炼——任何你喜欢且可以减轻你的压力和不适感的方法都可以。

4) 关注自己可以让你精力充沛,感到目标明确并觉得自己能掌控自己的生活。 5) 培养能够宽容各种不同类型的人的能力是这项任务的一个重要方面,该任务要求尊重和接受不同背景、信仰、文化、种族、生活方式和外貌的人。

Writing Exercise 1

1) Topic Sentence:

I’m slowly realizing, though, that the best assets Harvard has offered me thus far have been the other students I’ve met.

The limited topic is “the best assets Harvard has offered me”. The controlling idea is “the other students I’ve met”. 2) Supporting details:

a) Almost everyone I’ve encountered here has been so down-to earth that every time I see those same people either singing an incredibly moving song at an acapella concert, performing an amazing violin solo at a talent show, or saying something extremely profound in one of my classes, I’m shocked.

b) There are so many gifted people here; it’s easy to feel insecure.

c) But once I realize that, no, I’m not “the freshman the admissions office accidentally let in”, and learn to be comfortable with who I am, I can begin to appreciate all the talent that surrounds me. 3) Concluding sentence:

I think that’s what will make my Harvard experience truly priceless.

Exercise 2


a) When Jack could not fit any more groceries into his cart, he decided to go to the checkout counter.

b) Jack decided to go to the checkout counter because he could not fit any more groceries into his cart. 3)

a) If the vendor machine is under repair, we won’t be able to get any soda. b) We won’t be able to get any soda as the vendor machine is under repair. 4)

a) All the class went hiking in the mountain when it was raining. b) Although it was raining, all the class went hiking in the mountain. 5)

a) Once there is a clearance sale, I will buy four pairs of shoes and two bags that I have longed for.

b) I will buy four pairs of shoes and two bags that I have longed for since there is a clearance sale.

Exercise 3 Sample

My First Day of College My first day of college is an unforgettable day in my life. I woke up early in the morning, curiously and nervously waiting for the moment to set foot on the campus. I walked with great joy, impressed by the lovely buildings, the old giant trees everywhere throughout the campus, and even more so, by the cool, crisp mountain air that kept hitting my nose. In the central square I stopped for a while, and listened to the music playing on the school’s radio station. Students were happily moving from class to class along the corridors. Professors were smiling broadly and exchanging greetings with students in a friendly manner. All these things reminded me that I needed to get used to the “college ways” of doing things, which are so different from those at high school. On that special day, I really felt a new rhythm of life with a mixed sense of duty and liberty. Unit2

Text A





他们已经走了。 2.

我站在车道上,看着我成年的孩子们驾车远去。 我凝视着公路的尽头,直到再也看不见他们的车。 3.

“他们住得离我太远了,”我自言自语道。 “他们什么时候长大且为人父母的?我不是才长大,才为人父母吗?” 4.

我回到屋里,只是漫无目的地从一个房间转到另一个房间。我就已经开始想他们了,在屋里寻找着他们曾经生活的印记。地板上的枕头是孩子们从沙发上扔下来的,一些布绒动物玩具正躺在孩子们之前玩耍的地方。 5.

看着镜子上的小指印,我笑了,没有去擦。 回想起孩子还小时,我竭力不让镜子和房门沾上指印。 可现在,我希望这些小指印都留在上面,这样我能多看一会儿。 6.

当我在屋里转来转去时,我捡起地上的一些物品,并把一张椅子摆正。 我决定整理一下玩具箱里的玩具,结果发现了一只会飞的恐龙、一副骨架和一个弗兰肯斯泰因怪物,也不知这怪物是如何在我的玩具箱里安家的。 7.

我走进厨房,水槽后部有一个被落下的洗瓶刷。 哈,连泰莎的东西也忘带走了,”我说道。噢,肯定是有人帮她刷瓶子,毕竟她只有四个月大。 8.

“我想知道还有什么东西落下了,”并非特意对谁说话,我却出声地说出来了。 我丈夫听见了我的话,也和我一块搜寻那些落下的东西。 9.

似乎每次我们家庭聚会以后,总会留下点什么东西。 每次我打电话告诉孩子们都落下些什么的时候,他们通常会跟我说,“噢,下次你来时给我们带来吧。”或者“帮我留着,下次我回去再取。”又或者“嗨,我急着用,能帮我邮寄过来吗?” 10.

“噢,看!这是泰根的牙,”我边捡起一个写着她名字的自封袋,边对丈夫说道。 泰根先前有颗牙松了,那天早些时候她把它拽出来了。 “现在,她没法把牙放在她的枕头下了。我不知道,如果我把它放在我的枕头下,那传说是否会奏效。牙仙子会弄不清是怎么回事了!”我笑了。 11.

我继续在屋里转来转去,发现了更多被落下来的东西: 一把牙刷、一根发带、一个天使小雕像、一个烙馅饼用的平底锅、一个放在冰柜里冷藏的牙胶,最后还有火鸡油炸锅内胆。


我还真的挺乐在其中的。 这使我在他们走后有事可做,从而暂时摆脱对他们的思念。 13.

随后,当我看到污渍被刷洗后晾在水槽旁的婴儿套装时,我的眼泪涌了出来。 那件小套装,现在虽然污渍没了,却让我想起了带罗恩去急诊室那件事。那次,她用好奇的小手拉倒了一个花盆,花盆在她头上划开了一道很深的口子。 14.

“嗯,留下的东西……”我陷入沉思中。有一样东西似乎每次都留下来了。我寻思着,有些记忆总是留存在脑海里,美好的记忆对我们来说是如此珍贵。我想着每一件落下的东西如何勾起了我对物主以及相关故事的追忆。那个落下的火鸡油炸锅内胆使我想起了我们都很享受的那顿美味感恩节大餐;空空的烙馅饼用的平底锅使我想起了凯蒂的美味馅饼;天使小雕像使我想起了我们每年都会玩的“白象礼物交换游戏”。甚至关于罗恩受伤的那段糟糕的记忆也使我想起了听到她的哭喊声时,我有多惊恐。这段糟糕的记忆之所以变得美好是因为它提醒了我,小罗恩对我们来说是如此珍贵。 15.

有些回忆总是悄悄地涌上心头。当我们回首往事时,我们会对那些压力重重和艰难困苦的过往时刻报以欢笑,心生喜悦。 未来的某天里,有人会问:“还记得吗?当时……”这时,一个个故事又会被引出,众人亦随之呵呵大笑。 16.

当然,也有一些记忆是该忘却的。那些曾经的伤害、怨恨、苦痛、愤怒的记忆应该永远忘却。我们永不该把这些负面情绪留存至再次发生的时候,不该用以回敬他人,也不要待到下次见面时还依然耿耿于怀。 17.

是的,我站在车道上,看着成年的孩子们驾车远去。我记起自己的父母也曾做着同样的事。 我从没想过自己有一天也会在车道上向远方挥手,感受着自己的心沿路远行。 那是因为,除了留下的记忆以外,还有一样东西保留下来了……那就是爱。 18.

正如伊丽莎白•斯通所说: “有了孩子就永远注定你的心不会放在自己身上了。”

Text A

Reading Comprehension


A. Location Specific items left behind or messed up on the floor pillows and a few stuffed animals on my mirror little fingerprints in my box of toys a flying dinosaur, a skeleton and a Frankenstein in a ziplock bag Tegan's tooth in the freezer a teething ring beside the sink Tessa's bottle brush and a baby outfit B. 1) The insides of a turkey fryer reminded the author of the delicious Thanksgiving meal that the family all enjoyed. 2) The empty pie pan let the author think of Katie’s delicious pies. 3) The memory of the white elephant gift exchange game came back to the author when she saw the angel figurine. 4) The trip to the emergency room with Rowan reoccurred to the author as she found the baby outfit. 5) The author recalled how frightened she was at the sound of Rowan’s cry. 2.

Some stressful and difficult moments in the past become stories of the future, because when we look back on them, they give uslaughter and joy. The memories of past hurts, unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger should be left behind forever. These things should never be kept until the next time, never be mailed back, or never be brought with us to our next visit. Besides memories, love should be left behind. According to Elizabeth Stone, when you decide to be a parent, your heart will not belong to you anymore, but to your children. No matter where your children are, your heart goes with them. Reading and Discussing 3.

For reference

2) When you decide to be a parent, it means all your attention and your love will be focused on your child. Your heart will not belong to you anymore, but to your child. No matter where your child is, your heart goes with him/her. Language in Use

4. 1) pondering 2) tossed 3) slipped 4) stained 5) scrub 6) straightened 7) item 8) residence 9) mysteriously 10) outfits

5. 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) a

6. 1) at the sight of 2) on the occasion of 3) on rare occasions 4) at the smell of 5) on every occasion 6) on occasion 7) at the thought of 8) at the sound of

7. 1) foresee 2) postwar 3) rebuild 4) transatlantic 5) interact 6) preview; review 7) ex-president 8) subway


Reference translation

1) “哈,连泰莎的东西也忘带走了,”我说道。

2) 似乎每次我们家庭聚会以后,都会留下点什么东西。

3) 我寻思着,有些记忆总是留存在脑海里,美好的记忆对我们来说是多么珍贵。 4) 当然,也有一些记忆是该忘却的。那些曾经的伤害、怨恨、苦痛、愤怒的记忆应该永远忘却。

5) 那是因为,除了留下的记忆以外,还有一样东西保留下来了……那就是爱。


Reference translation

1) Watching exciting soccer games is the best way to take my mind off all the problems in my work.

2) Friends sadly watched him drive off, knowing it would be long before they could meet again.

3) It took the community workers a month to wipe off the graffiti, which used to be a notable sight of the city.

4) In high altitude areas, people use lots of ways to keep off ultraviolet rays. 5) This village’s water and power supplies have been cut off because of the snowstorm.

Text B

Reading Comprehension


Paras. 1–5

Topic: the importance of friendship

A recent Public Library of Science review found that social relationships also dramatically influence our mortality rate.

Professor Timothy Smith thinks social relationships have as much of an impact on mortality as risk factors such as smoking and alcohol

consumption, and even more of an impact than physical inactivity and obesity.

Clinical psychologist Renée Mill points out that we exhibit a spontaneous social instinct to make friends from a very early age.

Paras. 6–11

Topic: ways of making new friends

Psychologist Martin Seligman states that the highest predictor of happiness is good relationships.

Renée Mill states friendships are often fluid, dependent on where you live and work — and, interestingly, proximity is the highest indicator of a continuing friendship.

Psychologist Nikki Kaplan believes without face-to-face connection, we lose something precious in our quality of interaction and she recommends we focus on regularly doing enjoyable things with our friends.

Paras. 12–16

Topic: nurturing friendships

Hilary Levine states she stays away from people who are negative and drain her energies, and enjoys having friends from different cultures to expand her world instead of relying on one person. Stephanie Dowrick says that deeper friendships expand our inner horizons and enhance the quality of our life.

Language in Use

2. 1) consumption 2) instinct 3) nurture 4) priorities 5) sustain 6) sufficient 7) enhances 8) factor 9) attributes 10) gossip

3. 1) engage in 2) with a view to 3) take the initiative 4) invest in 5) interact with 6) a wide range of


Reference translation

1) 在你的生活中,有没有一些人能在你人生起伏时陪你同欢笑同哭泣呢? 2) 负责此项研究的蒂莫西•史密斯教授指出,人际关系对死亡的影响如同吸烟和酗酒等危险因素一样大,甚至比缺乏运动和肥胖产生的影响更大。

3) 到了小孩上幼儿园或者读书之后,你就有机会和你孩子同学的父母交流了。 4) 也许你会搬到一个新社区、新城市甚至是另一个国家,离婚,或者做一份新工作。

5) 我正在车上,这时我的收件箱里弹出一封邮件,告知我已经被梦寐以求的学校录取了,我顿时喜极而泣。

Writing Exercise 1

1) The problem: “So how does one make a friend?” 2) The solutions given:

a. At work, it’s easier than anywhere else because you often meet like-minded colleagues who eventually become your friends.

b. But if the workplace isn’t an option, you may have to enrol in a course or a sporting activity, or join a book club. The important thing is to do something you really like — such as painting, sailing or bushwalking — so that you can meet others who like these activities too. There’s no point in joining a bridge club if you hate playing cards.

c. It’s also possible to make good friends in surprising places; even a friendly chat in a bank queue can lead to a friendship that lasts years, as one of my friends attests! d. Being open to opportunities is the key to making new friends, as is a healthy dose of courage: you must take the initiative. Even if you’re shy or reluctant to make the first move, when you meet someone you feel a rapport with, it’s important to suggest exchanging contact details with a view to meeting.

Exercise 2 Sample

Lack of Face-to-Face Communication Nowadays, with the increasing pace of life, lack of face-to-face communication is becoming a problem that is changing the way we live. The reason is our accelerated pace of life and our failure to control it. Meanwhile, people are getting lazier and spoiled by the convenience of modern life. To get back the happy life we used to have, one solution is to spend less time on the computer and put down our cellphones. We need to talk to our family and friends more, instead of sending emails or text messages. Another possible solution is that we should spend more time doing things together with loved ones. For example, we could organize parties, visit neighbors, plan family trips, just like in the old times. We should not let social media and electronic devices control us and destroy our way of life. Unit 3

Text A




说到“天才”,他的名字就会立即浮现在脑海里。 描述天才时,爱因斯坦是你能找到的最合适的例子,就连小孩都熟悉他。在学术界,其他人的知名度连爱因斯坦的一半都不及。 2.

世界上没有哪个天才如同阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦一样受到人们如此的尊敬和爱戴。 他那留着与众不同的发型的照片甚至成为一种流行文化的标志。 3.

全世界都找不到另一个像他那样的学者,其知名度可以与摇滚巨星媲美。 他的著名方程式“E=mc2”与甲壳虫乐队的任何一张白金唱片相比都毫不逊色,而他的相对论甚至撼动了牛顿的万有引力理论的地位。 4.

孩子们如果知道他喜欢音乐的话将会更喜欢他。 如果他能活在更晚的年代,他将很容易被人们当作古典辣妹电子弦乐四重奏乐队的唯一男性成员。 看到爱因斯坦置身于这些美艳绝伦的女孩之中同台演奏,难道不是一件很棒的事情吗? 音乐和天才


他曾吐露,如果他没有成为一名科学家,那他可能会成为一名音乐家。 他最爱古典音乐,敬仰莫扎特,崇拜巴赫。 6.

他曾经说:“对我而言,没有音乐的生活是无法想象的。” 他还说过他在音乐中体验他的梦想,“我从音乐中获得人生最大的快乐。” 胡子拉碴、头发蓬乱的爱因斯坦的确在个人音乐会上演奏过! 音乐和爱因斯坦的早期生活 7.

关于这位伟人,有一件鲜为人知的事情。 爱因斯坦上学时成绩非常差,事实上差到老师劝其父母让他退学,因为他实在是“愚之极,难为学”。 爱因斯坦,太笨了,什么都学不会! 老师们认为爱因斯坦的父母让他学一门手艺可能会更容易。 8.

阿尔伯特的父母并没有听从他们的建议,而是给他买了一把小提琴。 爱因斯坦实际上六岁就开始学拉小提琴了,那时他们一家人还住在慕尼黑。 然而,在一个没有任何想象力的家教的指导下,他学得异常费力,直到他13岁时才在莫扎特的奏鸣曲中找寻到愉悦。 从那时起,尽管他没有再继续上音乐课程了,小提琴却依然一直陪伴着他。 就在他17岁生日即将到来之际,阿尔伯特在州立学校的音乐测试中演奏。 考官说:“一个叫爱因斯坦的学生在贝多芬奏鸣曲的一个慢板乐章演奏中大放异彩。” 除了他在小提琴上表现出来的非凡才能,他还弹钢琴,尤其喜欢即兴演奏。 音乐和爱因斯坦的创造性工作


音乐有助于激发出爱因斯坦的真正天赋。 阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦自己也承认,他如此聪明的原因是他演奏小提琴。 爱因斯坦的一个朋友G. J.威斯罗透露说,爱因斯坦通过即兴演奏小提琴来处理问题和解方程。 他的第二任妻子,艾尔莎,难得地向外界展示了他们在柏林的家庭生活片段。 “在我还是一个小女孩的时候,我就爱上了阿尔伯特,因为他用小提琴将莫扎特的作品演奏得如此美妙,”她曾写道。 “他还弹奏钢琴。 当他思考自己的理论时,音乐可以帮助他。 他去书房,回来,在钢琴上弹几个和弦,然后匆忙记下一些东西,又回书房。” 他的儿子汉斯•阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦也回忆说,他父亲把音乐当成帮助他工作的工具。 他说道,“工作时,只要他觉得自己已无路可走或者处于困境,他就会求助于音乐。 音乐通常能解决他所有的难题。” 10.

有研究表明,听合成音乐有利于提高大脑的效率。 某些音乐有助于集中注意力。 有趣的是,你会发现有些音乐对大脑的作用却完全相反。 有几项研究揭示了某些特定音乐(尤其是巴罗克音乐和古典音乐),比如巴赫和莫扎特的作品,可以帮助学生在测试中取得更好的成绩, 但是令人放松的声音或寂静反而会使他们的分数降低。 11.

如今,学生、专业人员、艺术家,事实上所有人,都可以利用诸如巴赫、莫扎特等人的作品来提高大脑的效率。 他们的音乐可帮助人集中注意力,增强记忆和提高智商。

Text A

Reading Comprehension

1. 1) b 2) c 3) a 4) e 5) f 6) d 7) j 8) g 9) h 10) i 2.

A. Einstein’s academic popularity: 1) There is no other personality in the academic world that has even half Einstein’s popularity. 2) There is no genius in the world as respected and as loved as Albert Einstein. 3) Nowhere in the world could we find another academic that rivals the popularity of rock superstars. 4) His opus “E=mc2” would rival any Beatles’ platinum record. 5) His “Theory of Relativity” even shook Newton’s gravitational theory off the charts. B. Einstein’s love of and gift for music: 1) Had he lived later, he could easily pass as the only male member of the Bond electric Quartet. 2) Had he not been a scientist, he would have been a musician. 3) Einstein, with unclipped moustache and unkempt hair, did actually perform in solo concerts! 4) Einstein shone in a deeply felt performance of an adagio from one of the Beethoven sonatas before his 17th birthday. 5) In addition to his prowess on the violin, he also played the piano and, in particular, loved to improvise. C. Einstein’s gift brought out by music: 1) Albert Einstein believed that he got most joy in life out of music. 2) Albert Einstein himself admitted that the reason he was so smart was because he played the violin. 3) One friend, G. J. Withrow, confided that the way Einstein dealt with problems and equations was by improvising on the violin. 4) Einstein’s second wife, Elsa said that music helped him when he was thinking about his theories. 5) His son Hans said that Albert Einstein took refuge in music, which would usually resolve all his difficulties. Reading and Discussing 3.

For reference

1) Albert Einstein himself admitted that the reason he was so smart was because he played the violin. One friend, G. J. Withrow, confided that the way Einstein dealt with problems and equations was by improvising on the violin. His second wife, Elsa, said music helped him when he was thinking about his theories. His son Hans Albert Einstein too recalled his father using music as a tool to help his work. 2) Music is important to most people, including me. Music can help me concentrate on my homework. Music is a way of life. It can be interpreted in many ways and life without it would be like life without color. It gives me a chance to express myself in ways that nothing else can. Language in Use

4. 1) popularity 2) gorgeous 3) distinctive 4) rival

5) is/was revealed 6) professionals 7) was resolved 8) genius 9) icon 10) was adored

5. 1) gives a glimpse of 2) based on 3) deal with 4) pass as/for 5) had jotted down 6) take refuge 7) came to mind 8) fall in love 6. e) bring forward f) bring back g) bring up h) bring in 1) bring about 2) brought back/brings back 3) bring up 4) bring forth 5) bring out 6) bring … Down 7) bring in 8) bring forward

7. 1) hardship 2) popularized 3) Creative 4) consumption 5) significant 6) admirable 7) simplify 8) musical 9) performance 10) professional 8.

Reference translation

1) 描述天才时,爱因斯坦是你能找到的最合适的例子,就连小孩都熟悉他。 2) 在学术界,其他人的知名度连爱因斯坦的一半都不及。

3) 世界上没有哪个天才如同阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦一样受到人们如此的尊敬和爱戴。他那留着与众不同的发型的照片甚至成为一种流行文化的标志。 4) 全世界都找不到另一个像他那样的学者,其知名度可以与摇滚巨星媲美。

5) 没有谁比父母更爱你。


Reference translation

1) Country music is one of the most popular forms of music in the United States today.

2) There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time. 3) There is no friend as loyal as a good book.

4) Nowhere else in the world can you find scenery as attractive as in Switzerland. 5) No cassette tapes could rival CDs in terms of sound quality.

Text B

Reading Comprehension


Research question: Is playing your favorite song an easy way to make homework bearable, or are you hurting your performance?

Previous research: Numerous benefits from listening to music: it improves attention, memory, and even mental math ability; it also alleviates depression and anxiety.

Research method: Students were given a serial recall test in five different scenarios: 1) a quiet environment; 2) with “steady state” speech; 3) with “changing state” speech; 4) with “liked” music, a song of the students’ choice; 5) with “disliked” music.

Findings: 1) No significant difference between test scores with liked music, disliked music, and changing state speech. 2) Scores were significantly higher for tests taken in a quiet environment or with steady state speech.

Conclusion: In general, it seems that music with vocals is distracting, while instrumental music might actually help your performance.

Language in Use

2. 1) bet 2) preferences 3) distracting 4) be alleviated 5) implies 6) affecting

7) random 8) spatial 9) subjective 10) variations

3. 1) a variety of 2) feel like resorting 3) In general 4) in other words 5) lighten up 6) tune out


Reference translation

1) 之前的研究发现,在完成某一任务之前听音乐有许多好处:可以提高注意力、记忆力,甚至心算能力。

2) 然而,更加现实的情况却是,学生边听背景音乐边学习或者做家庭作业。 3) 令人惊讶的是,实验结果竟然显示,无论受试者听喜欢的、不喜欢的音乐或者持续变化的言语,测试成绩并没有明显区别。

4) 研究者们推测,如果他们用阅读理解测试来重复这次实验程序,可能会得到相似的结果。

5) 所以你是不是应该一边学习或做家庭作业一边听音乐呢?

Writing Exercise 1

Para. 1

1) General idea: Say “genius” and his name immediately comes to mind. 2) Examples: Einstein is the closest you get to describing genius; even small kids know him. There is no other personality in the academic world that has even half Einstein’s popularity.

3) By supplying these examples, the author adds more information about who the genius is, how popular he is, and why he is the person people will mention when talking about genius.

Para. 2

1) General idea: There is no genius in the world as respected and as loved as Albert Einstein.

2) Example: His picture with his distinctive hairstyle even became a pop culture icon. 3) By supplying this example, the author adds specific evidence about how people love and admire Einstein.

Para. 3

1) General idea: Nowhere in the world could we find another academic that rivals the popularity of rock superstars.

2) Examples: His opus “E=mc2” would rival any Beatles’ platinum record, his “Theory of Relativity” even shook Newton’s gravitational theory off the charts.

3) By supplying the examples, the author adds more specific evidence about how popular he is compared with rock stars and other scientists.

Exercise 2

Music Fuels My Mood

Sample 1

Music never fails me. The beauty about it is that I can always find a song to identify with, whether at a time of happiness, loneliness or sorrow. Some scientists have found that people can boost their mood simply by listening to upbeat music. For instance, I listen to pop music with happy melodies when I have something to celebrate. When feeling relaxed, I love to lie back and listen to jazz in particular. While I am disturbed by the problems of my study, soft music without lyrics will soothe me and make me concentrate. To me, listening to music can fuel my soul and ultimately lead to a better quality of life. Sample 2

Everyone has an instinctive understanding of how music interacts with our moods. Some scientists have found that listening to music can improve our moods. Of all types of music I love classical music most because it gives me power and comfort. At a time of happiness, classical music creates such a calming atmosphere that I feel completely at peace. When life disappoints me, however, those masterpieces encourage me and give me strength to recover. Specifically, I love Bach’s music best. Some pieces help me concentrate during work while some other pieces assist me in battling insomnia. Listening to classical music fuels my life and leads to a better quality of life. Unit 4

Text A




当游泳赛季开始后,我11岁的女儿,伊丽莎白,和我达成一个约定。 她会每周去练习游泳三次,刻苦练习,并乐在其中,而我不会逼迫她去参加游泳比赛。 2.

伊丽莎白不喜欢游泳比赛。 她会非常紧张,这倒不是因为她想赢。 她甚至都不想赢,她也不期望自己会赢,而且也不关心自己是否会赢。 3.

她紧张是担心她会犯大错,让大家失望。 比赛日,她一整天都会很紧张。 在比赛前,她会紧张,比赛时,也会紧张。 4.

赛后,她妈妈和我问她,“比赛时开心吗?”她会说,“不开心。” 5.

伊丽莎白开始说想要放弃游泳,这让我感到伤心,因为她喜欢游泳。 所以,我就提出这个“交易”,她爽快地答应了。 6.

最近,伊丽莎白所在的游泳队宣布要举办一个特别游泳之夜:11岁及以上的队员得用四种泳姿各计时游完50米,然后可以吃披萨。 这不是一场真正的比赛,因为只有队员参加。 这是我的观点,但伊丽莎白反驳说,这完全是一场比赛,因为有竞赛,有计时器等等。 我们需要一个优秀的契约律师,但找不到这样的人。 我告诉伊丽莎白我很希望她参加,她气冲冲地顶了回来,但最终还是同意了。 7.

特别游泳之夜的当天,伊丽莎白非常紧张。 我们来到泳池,她更紧张了。 她可能是队里年纪最小的,比大多数其他孩子至少矮了一英尺。 她有些恐慌,一直呆在我身边,瑟瑟发抖。 8.

她的第一个比赛项目是50米自由泳。 在比赛中,她第一次使用了转身动作。 看她游泳真是太棒了!她翻转得非常好,但是没触碰到池壁,所以她又得游回去触碰池壁,这样一来耽搁了时间。 9.

她在仰泳和蛙泳中都没有出现意外。 我看得出来,她不觉得这有意思。 年龄稍大的孩子根本没注意到她,她也根本没有机会赢得奖牌。 在体育运动中,你经常会听人说,比赛开始时总会感到紧张,但一会儿后就会恢复常态,但伊利莎白的紧张心理就是挥之不去。 10.

到T恤接力赛的时间了,比赛规则是这样的:每个接力队中的一人穿上一件T恤和一双袜子,戴上泳帽,游50米,上岸。她然后脱下衣服,把它们穿到另外一个人身上,这个人接着游50米。 这样不断交换,直到每个队员都完成一趟。 11.

不知为何,伊丽莎白的接力队让她游最后一程。 她们想用太阳马戏团那样的方式脱下T恤,套在下一个队员身上。 这种方法并不总是奏效,但很有趣。 到最后一程时,伊丽莎白那一队稍有领先优势。 接下来就是伊丽莎白上场了。 12.

看队友们给她穿上袜子和T恤还是挺特别的。 那时候,所有的技巧都派不上用场了;每个人都在拉扯着T恤,让她套进去,并穿上袜子。 她下水了。 看上去好像她穿着T恤和袜子游泳比不穿游得更快。 13.

接近中途时,她仍处于领先位置。 这时有人注意到,伊丽莎白的一只袜子掉了,飘在水面上。 一个游泳裁判(也可能只是某个观众)告诉伊丽莎白那一队,“她得在比赛结束前穿上那只袜子,不然你们就要被取消资格。” 14.

每个队员开始叫喊“伊丽莎白!伊丽莎白!停下!穿上那只袜子!”但她听不见。 她的一个队友跳进水里,抓起那只袜子,扔给了她。 她仍然没注意到。 她全神贯注,转身,开始了最后25米的冲刺。 15.

“伊丽莎白!”叫声更大了。 她仍然没听见。 (作为她的父亲,我这么觉得) 此时,第二泳道的一个女孩正逐渐赶上伊丽莎白。 没办法了,伊丽莎白那一队中的一个女孩跳进泳池,抓起袜子,游向她。 她抓着伊丽莎白的脚,叫着,“你得穿上袜子。” 她队友给她穿袜子的时候,伊丽莎白踩着水。 16.

现在,第二泳道的女孩就要超过伊丽莎白了。 伊丽莎白在穿好袜子后,拼尽全力开始最后15米的冲刺。 她们相当接近,但伊丽莎白先于另一个女孩触壁,赢得了比赛。 17.

大家开始庆祝,拥抱,击掌,欢呼。 有那么一会,伊丽莎白就是英雄。 这完全出乎意料,不可思议,毫无必要解释。但她就是英雄。


在坐车回家的路上,她一遍又一遍地回味着她的辉煌时刻。她谈论着当有人抓她脚的时候,她有多害怕,当她扑向终点时,又多有趣,以及今晚是多么美好。 她告诉我,如果这场T恤接力赛是奥林匹克的比赛项目——她十分确信它应该是——她们队就赢得金牌了。 我告诉她,从我的专业角度看,她绝对是对的。

Text A

Reading Comprehension

1. 1) b 2) a 3) e 4) h 5) f 6) c 7) d 8) g


A. When the swim season began, Elizabeth cut a deal with her father because she: 1) does not like swim meets; gets horribly nervous; doesn’t want to win; doesn’t expect to win; doesn’t care if she wins. 2) would be scared all day during the day of a meet, saying that she didn’t have a good time at all. 3) started to talk about quitting swimming though she loves swimming. B. Before the swim meet, Elizabeth: 1) fought back furiously at her father’s request for her to take part in the swim meet but finally agreed. 2) was nervous when the day arrived; became even more nervous when they got to the pool. 3) panicked; spent all her time by her father’s side, shivering. C. During the swim meet, Elizabeth: 1) swam very well but missed the wall in the 50-meter freestyle. 2) had no incident in her backstroke and breaststroke, but her butterflies just kept flapping. 3) swam her heart out for the last 15 meters in the T-shirt relay and beat the other girl to the wall for the victory. D. After the swim meet, Elizabeth: 1) relived her moment of glory again and again. 2) talked about how scared she was when someone grabbed her foot and how funny it was when she was sloshing to the finish and how great the night was. 3) said that her team would win the gold medal if the T-shirt relay was an Olympic event. Reading and Discussing 3.

For reference

1) Elizabeth didn’t want to compete because of her nerves; she was worried she would do something wrong and let everyone down. The swim night may motivate Elizabeth to compete in the future, because she gained confidence from the T-shirt relay. 2) The ways include: train to become physically strong; study strategies to perform better; practice to be consistent; practice with their teammates and build mutual trust; set goals to reach. Language in Use

4. 1) contract 2) countered 3) extraordinary 4) flap 5) flipped 6) quit 7) stems 8) relived 9) moderate 10) shivering 5. 1) compete in 2) are competing for 3) in the zone

4) in the lead 5) have gained in 6) gaining on 7) come up with 8) catch up with 9) fall off 10) fell down 6.

使某人心碎 break one’s heart 违背诺言 break one’s promise 打破纪录 break the record摆脱老习惯 break the habit违反法律 break the law 打破沉默 break the silence打破僵局 break the ice开辟新天地 break new ground 1) the record 2) the ice 3) the law 4) one’s promise 5) my heart 6) the habit


For reference

tain maintain; attain; obtain volv evolve; revolver; involvement vis visible; video; visit; visual serv conserve; observe; deserve; reservation rupt bankrupt; abrupt; disruptive; erupt scrib ascribe; inscribe; scribble mot automotive; promote; demote tact (tag) tactile; contagion; intact viv vivid; revival; survivor ject inject; project; subject dict contradict; dictionary; dictator 1) revolutions 2) involved 3) involvement 4) evolved 5) revise 6) supervise 7) visible 8) visual 9) dictators 10) contradicted 11) dictation 12) predict


Reference translation

1) 看她游泳真是太棒了!她转身转得非常好。 2) 她又得游回去触碰池壁,这样一来耽搁了时间。 3) 这样不断交换,直到每个队员都完成一个来回。 4) 队友给她穿袜子时,伊丽莎白踩着水。

5) 但是伊丽莎白先于另一个女孩触壁,赢得了比赛。


Reference translation

1) None of the competitors could catch up with the untiring runner who was in the lead.

2) The football team was not in the zone and lost the game with the score of 2 to 3. 3) If you make a great effort to practice your oral English, it will pay off in the long run.

4) In the event of rain, the football match will be postponed.

5) When the day of the finals arrived, she was very nervous. Whether she could win or not was still up in the air.

Text B

Reading Comprehension


1) Para. 5 2) Para. 13 3) Para. 3 4) Para. 12 5) Para. 14 6) Para. 7 Language in Use

2. 1) feats 2) persist 3) literally 4) transition 5) rebounding 6) remarkable

7) peers 8) championship 9) staff 10) dictate

3. 1) wind down 2) take over 3) get over 4) hang out 5) look forward to6) go about


Reference translation

1) She is not sure whether she will be able to come back to the court after she has had a baby.

2) We will move on to the next phase soon, and you all have to make quick adjustments.

3) In this interview he talked about how he had transitioned from a successful player to a responsible coach.

4) Summer holiday is approaching and children are looking forward to playing soccer every afternoon.

5) Children aspire to hang out with friends or do whatever they want after school.

Writing Exercise 1




Then it was time for the T-shirt relay, ... Then it was Elizabeth’s turn to swim. By that point, all tactics were out the window; everyone was pulling and yanking to get her inside the shirt and to get those socks on.And then she was off. Approaching the halfway mark, she was still in the lead. Then somebody noticed that one of Elizabeth’s socks had fallen off and was floating in the pool. ... Everybody on her team started screaming, “Elizabeth! Eliszabeth! Stop! Get the sock!”

One of her teammates jumped in the water, grabbed the sock, and threw it at Elizabeth. She still didn’t notice. She was in the zone. She made the turn and started her last 25 meters.

Meanwhile, a girl in lane two was gaining on Elizabeth. It was time for desperate measures. A girl on my daughter’s team jumped in the pool, grabbed the sock, and swam after Elizabeth. She grabbed Elizabeth’s foot. “You have to put the sock on,” the girl screamed.

Elizabeth treaded water while her teammate put on the sock. ... By now, the girl in lane two was about to pass Elizabeth. With the sock finally on, Elizabeth swam her heart out for the last 15 meters. It was close. But Elizabeth beat the other girl to the wall for the victory.

There was much celebration and joy. Hugs. High fives. Cheers. And, for a few minutes, Elizabeth was the hero. Exercise 2

A Memorable Sports Event

Sample 1

The most memorable sports event I have ever taken part in was the city marathon, which I ran with my family last week. Last month, my family saw a news ad for the city marathon and we immediately decided to sign up for it. Our running practice started immediately the next morning. On the day of the marathon, we got to the starting point early enough for the warm-up. At 9 o’clock, lots of runners arrived. Soon, we began to put number tags on our T-shirts. At 9:30, as the starting gun went off, all of us headed out and the long run began. People along the road cheered us on and provided drinking water for us. After 20 miles, all of us slowed down and felt a little tired. Dad, who still led our team, told us to adjust our breathing and pace. Then later, we started walking and encouraging one another to finish the race. We were so thrilled when we got to the finish, though we didn’t win. Exhausted as we were, we realized that joy and satisfaction came from participation, not from winning the race. Sample 2

The most exciting soccer match this year was the final game of our school’s soccer tournament to determine the champion. At the beginning, both teams — the chemistry department and the biology department — put forth supreme defensive performances. Meanwhile, both teams kept seeking chances to score a goal, but neither one got the opportunity. At half-time, the advantage lay with the chemistry department. In the second half, the game opened up and several attractive shots were made. But 15 minutes before the end of the game, the chemistry department team’s forward got a red card and sent off for serious foul play. The advantage in the number of players enabled the biology department team to play confidently and they finally scored 2 goals in the last 10 minutes. That was a very unexpected but memorable soccer game. Unit 5

Text A




9岁那年,母亲把我和我的两个兄弟还有一个塞满衣服的小背包送到了爸爸的住处。 当兄弟们都走进屋子里的时候,我坚称我不下车。 在哭闹了5分钟之后,我最终妥协了,心想如果明天妈妈一大早就来接我,那我现在就进去。 她亲了亲我的额头,答应会在我醒来之前回来。 然而接下来的一个星期母亲音信全无,显然她不会再回来了。 2.

母亲的行为让我对周边世界产生了困惑。 我还记得我的指导老师低声对我说:“她真是一位好母亲。” 那年年底,我生活中的一切都变了。 我和父亲生活在了一起,在那之前父亲并不曾存在于我的生活中。 除了母亲离开前的那 一刻,没有人曾看到我掉过一滴眼泪。 爸爸意识到我们的生活将发生180度改变时,鼓励我们一定要尽力保持正常的生活状态。 他提醒我们要对上帝心存感激,因为我们终于在一起了。 回顾往事,父亲在那个时候可能为我们做了他力所能及的一切。 父亲总是鼓励我们多从当前的生活中营造最好的东西。 因此,我们很快适应了当时的新生活。 当我回想过去,令我惊讶的是其实一切都没有改变,尽管看起来我们的生活样样在变。 3.

高中最后那年,我开始重拾关于母亲的记忆。 在开启生活新篇章之前,我希望弄明白童年中平凡而又不完美的部分。 很快我便清楚地意识到我需要的是表达对母亲的哀怨。 4.

当我意识到有些悲伤的情感需要释放出来时,我已经来到杜克大学,成为了一名大学生。 当时我表现出各种悲伤难过的典型症状,但我还不够了解周围

的任何人,也没有人足够了解我,所以一些莫名的忧伤无法倾吐。 幸运的是:在春季学期初,我参与了凯西•鲁迪的鲍尔温学士新生研讨会,确认了这种伤感的重要性。 和其他鲍尔温学士们的互动给予了我一种能力,让我能够理性和感性地理解为什么忘怀不了母亲离去9年时间里若隐若现的那份伤感。 一路走来,我开始明白:唯一能让我开始自己人生的方式便是放下对母亲离去的那份伤感。在这样的人生中,我相信自己不仅仅是一个因表现得不够好而得不到妈妈爱的女儿。 5.

今天夏天,我豁然开朗,因为释怀了对母亲的回忆,我悟出了生命中的一些道理。 最值得一提的是我放弃了曾经向妈妈许下的要当医生的诺言。 我使自己相信他人对我的侮辱是不公平的,并远离狐朋狗友。 今年夏天,我主动放弃了自己力所不及的一项任务。 过去,我总会下意识地将各种负面待遇看成是自己能力不足的证据;过去我会拒绝失败,因为我曾以为失败便表明自己确实无能。 6.

上周,我听到了我母亲可能已经去世的传言。 得知这消息后,令我震惊的是这个常被视为自己生命中最重要的人的离去没有对我产生任何影响。我知道我为什么会这样:我曾经深深地为母亲难过。 我已经将她带给我的生活的压力统统卸下了。 7.

杜克大学一次又一次地教导了我:我们每个人都背负着包袱。 我们每个人都痛苦,却不愿去理解它;我们都有伤痕,却宁愿将伤掩得严严实实;我们都

在战斗,却甚至不知道自己在战斗。 虽然释怀过往是有价值的,但正视过去才能理解过去。我们必须承认:坚强不仅仅是每天应对那些沮丧时刻。 8.


Text A

Reading Comprehension


A. Time expressions Related events or states when the author was Her mother left the family. nine years old during her senior She started to review what happened to her mom and year of high school realized that she just felt sad about her mom’s leaving. when she arrived on She was conscious of her sorrowful feelings, but Duke’s campus didn’t have anyone to share her emotions with. at the beginning of She came to realize that only by leaving behind her her spring semester complicated feelings about her mom could she live her own life. this summer She was able to understand some of the things in her life after so many years’ grief over her mom. last week To her great shock she didn’t feel sad about her mom’s death, because the grief over her mom had already affected her for so many years and it was time to let go. B. Pronouns or phrases What they refer to She (Line 5, Para. 1) my mother us (Line 6, Para. 2) our family members He (Line 6, Para. 2) my father her (Line 3, Para. 5) my mother at that time (Line 8, Para. 2) the time when we live without my mom doing so (Line 7, Para. 5) to fail this news (Line 2, Para. 6) the news that my mother may have passed away C. 1) My peripheral world was puzzled by her actions. 2) By the time I accepted that I had emotions that needed to be grieved, I had already arrived on Duke’s campus. 2.

My mom was said to be a good mom until one day in my ninth year, she left my two brothers and me forever. What she did puzzled me and changed everything in my life, though I never shed a tear. My dad did what he could to keep our life as normal as possible,prompting us to remain grateful to God. The revisiting of the memory of my mom during my senior year of high school made me understand that I needed to grieve my mom so that I could move on to a new chapter of my life. I couldn’t find anyone to whom todischarge my emotions until I participated in Kathy Rudy’s Baldwin Scholars freshman seminar in Duke, where I learned to let go of my mother and was able to make sense of some of the things in my life. Notice of the speculation of my mother’s death left me shockingly unaffected, for the grief and the pressures imposed upon my life by my mom were already released. The whole issue taught me that people need to deal with the past by understanding it, then leaving it behind, and most importantly, acknowledging pain as an opportunity for growth. Reading and Discussing Language in Use

4. 1) proclaim 2) scar 3) speculation 4) discharging

5) clarity 6) contacted 7) compromise 8) grieved 9) affirmed 10) prompted


1) If you don’t know what you want, you might end up with something you don’t want. 2) It is the time of year when the island nations of the Caribbean normally expect their hotels and beaches to be crammed with sun-seekers.

3) I can teach you about kindness, but I cannot impose graciousness on/upon you. 4) When parents find it hard to let go of bitterness or anger, or if they are depressed about the changes brought on by divorce, they can find help from a counselor or therapist.

5) As the preferred candidate for this job he has no shortcoming other than his lack of experience. 6.

in hand(在手头;在掌控中) along the way(一路上;沿途) by hand(用手) at hand(在手边) on hand(现有;在现场) on the way to …(在去……的路上) in the way(妨碍人的;挡道的) out of the way(偏远的) by the way(顺便说说) under way(进行中) 1) in hand 2) by hand 3) on hand 4) at hand 5) along the way 6) out of the way 7) in the way 8) on the way to 9) By the way 10) under way


For reference

firm spec; spect reaffirm; infirm; affirmant suspect; aspect; respect; spectacle; retrospect; perspective claim; clam declaim; clamor; disclaim pose dispose; compose; oppose; propose stru; struct structure; instruct; reconstruct fac; fic, fact; effect; infect; defect; factory; factor fect sci scientific; scientist; prescience port import; portable; support; report ceed; ced; cess succeed; process; procedure vert; vers invert; revert; diverse; vertical; extrovert; introvert tract distract; subtract 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) C 7) A 8) C


1) 在哭闹了5分钟之后,我最终妥协了,心想如果明天妈妈一大早就来接我,那我现在就进去。

2) 他提醒我们要对上帝心存感激,因为我们终于在一起了。

3) 当我回想过去,令我惊讶的是其实一切都没有改变,尽管看起来我们的生活样样在变。

4) 最值得一提的是我放弃了曾经向妈妈许下的要当医生的诺言。

5) 一路走来,我开始明白:唯一能让我开始自己人生的方式便是放下对母亲离去的那份伤感。在这样的人生中,我相信自己不仅仅是一个因表现得不够好而得不到妈妈爱的女儿。


Reference translation

1) Resultantly, the fans had to accept the rescheduling of the concert due to the weather.

2) Luckily, we could cook all these delicious courses by following the steps provided in the recipe book.

3) Notably, the credits earned from Internet open courses have been officially accepted by many universities.

4) More importantly, students understand that they should find a balance between their study and entertainment.

5) Clearly, the media has hidden some important information from the public.

Text B

Reading Comprehension

1. 1) Beyond that 2) but then 3) In other words 4) One; another; another

5) Or rather

Language in Use

2. 1) jealous 2) pursue 3) household 4) rejections 5) permanent 6) frustrating 7) switch 8) delicate 9) gambling 10) progressively 3. 1) right now 2) is addicted to 3) No wonder 4) narrow down

5) sign up for 6) What if


Reference translation

1) 那晚回家后,我想了想他对我说的话。 2) 书籍之于全人类正如记忆之于个人。

3) 他对自己未来追求什么已有明确而又专注的想法,而我对该学什么专业还懵懵懂懂,对此我应该妒忌吗?

4) 现在的问题并不是我打算要学什么。

5) 我想我暂时还是要好好享受我剩下的童年时光,马上去看部迪士尼电影。

Writing Exercise 1

1) Her face was smooth and in a very mysterious way looked carefree like a child’s face does. And she did not even look like a woman over 50, though her long hair tied in a ponytail was grey. She wore blue jeans, trainers and a cotton blouse. She looked like a normal and modest woman, one that you would meet in a supermarket. 2) I have read some of her books and like her idea of teaching children all over the world about environmental conservation and wild animal care so much that I hope to do it personally one day, too. As the greatest and most popular scientist of chimpanzees in the world today and also an active member of the UN Security

Council, she is very busy and always travelling, so the chance to see her is quite rare. She has lived over 30 years next to chimpanzees in the rainforest, studying and learning from them.

3) Through the descriptions of Claire’s appearance, the things she does, and her strong influence on the writer, I think she is a very determined lady who is a respected scientist who is moreover interestingly attractive.

Exercise 2

2) I hope to hear from the person whom I spent hours talking with last month. 3) I like my bike that my father gave me.

4) My mother, who is an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant. 5) I’m driving across the country with three small children, which is going to be stressful.

6) The dog whose owner lives next door is over there.

7) The summer when I graduated from university was long and hot. 8) The bar in Barcelona where I met my wife is still there.

Exercise 3 Sample

My Sister Ellen, my little sister, is a born leader in our family. She is of medium height with short hair. She is active, energetic and never feels tired. She has got a fantastic sense of humor, which is why she can always make everybody laugh. She loves to hold parties to keep her family members close. In her spare time she plays badminton, so she likes to arrange badminton games for her family members. She also writes a series of rules for the games and sets up awards for winners. Thanks to Ellen, we love our Friday’s badminton night and really enjoy the family get-together. She is such a sweetheart to have in our family.
