模型飞机图纸 KT板机P-51野马(A4版)
0123456Note: built with BluCor Fan Fold, with skin removedby Gene Bond24\"ws model for a IPS motorAs built:4.5 oz130sqin5oz/sfIPS-A9070 prop2s340-700 packAileron/Elevator/Throttle(Rudder optional)Blu-51ipscgSkewer sparcgSkewer spar012345Note: built with BluCor Fawith skin removed56Cor Fan Fold, by Gene Bond24\"ws model for a IPS motorAs built:4.5 oz130sqin5oz/sfIPS-A9070 prop2s340-700 packAileron/Elevator/Throttle(Rudder optional)Blu-51ipsWing Dihedral for Rudder/Elevator controlSkewer1\"