专利名称:Pump operated plumbing fixture发明人:Jaeckels, Norman J.,Fiumefreddo, John
A.,Gray, Michael P.,Mesun, Randy O.,Kolar,Anton J.,Tempas, Jeffrey F.
摘要:A toilet (10) has a pump (18) to deliver selected quantities of water from areservoir (16) to a toilet bowl (12) so as to effect a water savings. In one aspect, both the
motor (20) and pump (18) are positioned in the reservoir (16) to deliver water to both therim (14) and bowl portions (12). In another aspect, there are conduits (28, 35) connectedbetween the basin, the rim (14) and controls which are provided to deliver the water tothe rim (14) and bowl (12) either independently, simultaneously or in selective sequences.In alternative embodiments, a refill tube is connected to an intake conduit (FIB) and therim (14) of the bowl (12) to effect a water seal, a fail safe valve is connected to the supplyconduit, a receptacle (24A) with a cleaning fluid and a pump (S4A) is connected to thebowl (12A) and there are at least two receptacles for receiving waste.
地址:444 Highland Drive Kohler Wisconsin 53044 US
代理机构:Ebner von Eschenbach, Jennifer