1 基本资料 (请用英文填写为佳) 1 Basic information (Please answer in English) 我就读的高中名称和时间 My high school and the duration of the education 高中期间的综合平均成绩(百分制以及您所计算的GPA): [Major] GPA in 100-point system and 4-point(or other point) system, such as 88/100; 3.6/4.0 您在高中阶段最擅长的课程和原因: List the subjects that you are good at and briefly explain the reasons. 2我的交流学生经历(如果不适用可以留白) 2My experience as an exchange student (Optional) 我在**学校交流过: I have been exchanged in ** 交流时间: Exchange duration 我在交流期间的收获(150字为限) What I gain/ed there as an exchange student? (word limit: 150 words) 3 简单介绍我的性格: 3 A brief description of my personality :
4 我的座右铭是什么?我崇拜的偶像是谁(以及他/她的简单介绍)? 4 My motto? The idols I worship? (A brief introduction of him/her will be appreciated ) UCAS不适用 5 我对所申请的学校兴趣出发点源于何处?下面是我的描述。 If you are applying via channels like UCAS, please leave this area blank 5 How do/did I gain the professional interest for my intended study area? The following is my description. 6述我的团队经验,我怎样和和其它研究人员或我的同学配合的? 在团队中担当怎样的角色? 6 Describe the team experience you have/had. How did you interact with your fellow researchers and classmates? 7 我在大学期间重要的奖励和突出成就,这些包括学术性的和非学术性的,以及我印象深刻的奖项和原因 7Please list the awards and the achievements you have during the college life, including the academic and non-academic ones. 8 我的家庭背景,比如父母的职业对自己的影响? 自己的居住地是否对自己的成长有着深远的影响?(运用发散思维写几句,150字为限) 8 Family background, for instance, whether or not my parents’ occupations have influence on me? Or whether or not my residences have far-reaching influence on me? (150 words limited) 如果您是通过类似UCAS联招的申请,请在这里留白 9 为什么选择所申请的学校以及专业?(请只以一所为例,因为成稿一般只提到一所申请学校,针对不同的学校,请自行略作修改使用) 该校吸引你的特色、以及该校该科系的特色。 请把该校对与您申请文章的要求贴给我们(包括互连网地址) [请勿大段复制粘贴学校的中文简介] If you are applying via channels like UCAS, please leave this area blank 10 Why do you choose this school and major? (Please refer to one school only. The final version we provide will only cover one school, however, you can amend it for different applications.) Which attributes does this school/major attract you? Please attach the requirements from the school you apply for, paste the link here if possible. 10请写出您未来学习领域的兴趣,以及如何决定应对挑战 10 Please list your study interests for the future learning, and how do you plan to face the challenges?