In recent years, researchers from diverse fields have agreed that short-termism is now a significant problem in industrialised societies. The inability to engage with longer-term causes and consequences leads to some of the world’s most serious problems: climate change, biodiversity collapse, and more. The historian Francis Cole argues that the West has entered a period where “only the present exists, a present characterised at once by the cruelty of the instant and by the boredom of an unending now”.
It has been proved that people have a bias (偏向) towards the present, focusing on loud attractions in the moment at the expense of the health, well-being and financial stability of their future selves or community. In business, this bias surfaces as short-sighted decisions. And on slow-burning problems like climate change, it translates into the unwillingness to make small sacrifices (牺牲) today that could make a major difference tomorrow. Instead, all that matters is next quarter’s profit, or satisfying some other near-term desires.
These biased perspectives cannot be blamed on one single cause. It is fair to say, though, that our psychological biases play a major role. People’s hesitancy to delay satisfaction is the most obvious example, but there are others. One of them is about how the most accessible information in the present affects decisions about the future. For instance, you might hear someone say: “It’s cold this winter, so I needn’t worry about global warming.” Another is that loud and urgent matters are given too much importance, making people ignore longer-term trends that arguably matter more. This is when a pop star draws far more attention than, say, gradual biodiversity decline.
As a psychologist once joked, if aliens (外星人) wanted to weaken humanity, they wouldn’t send ships; they would invent climate change. Indeed, when it comes to environmental transformations, we can develop a form of collective “poor memory”, and each new generation can believe the state of affairs they encounter is nothing out of the ordinary. Older people today, for example, can remember a time with
insect-covered car windscreens after long drives. Children, on the other hand, have no idea that insect population has dropped dramatically.
28. The author quotes Francis Cole mainly to ________. A. draw a comparison B. introduce a topic C. evaluate a statement D. highlight a problem
29. What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. Climate change has been forgotten. B. Lessons of history are highly valued.
C. The human mind is bad at noting slow change. D. Humans are unwilling to admit their shortcomings. 30. What does the author intend to tell us? A. Far-sighted thinking matters to humans. B. Humans tend to make long-term sacrifices. C Current policies facilitate future decision-making. D. Bias towards the present helps reduce near-term desires.
1. In recent years, researchers from diverse fields have agreed that short-termism is now a significant problem in industrialised societies.近些年来,各个不同领域的研究者一致认为,短期主义目前是工业化社会的一个重大问题。
重要信息:short-termism is now a significant problem in industrialised societies短期主义目前是工业化社会的一个重大问题
2. The inability to engage with longer-term causes and consequences leads to some of the world’s most serious problems: climate change, biodiversity collapse, and more.不能关注长期的因果关系导致了一些全世界最严重的问题,如气候变化、生物多样性崩溃等等。
第二句的阅读直接考验的是你对句子主干的提取能力,这是我们在长难句分析中反复演练的技能,也是每个同学必须具备的基本素养。你要看懂的有三点:首先,句子里的谓语只有一个leads,主语是开头的the inability,to engage是非谓语,补充说明inability;其次,and后面是名词consequences,当然要并列的是前面的名词causes;最后,冒号后面的若干名词短语并列就是例子,解释说明前面的problems。以上这些,你能看出来吗?
句子主干:The inability leads to some of the world’s most serious problems 没有能力导致严重问题
非谓语补充:to engage with longer-term causes and consequences 没有能力干什么?没有能力关注长期因果
冒号解释说明:climate change, biodiversity collapse, and more. 严重问题就是气候变化等等等
3. The historian Francis Cole argues that the West has entered a period where “only the present exists, a present characterised at once by the cruelty of the instant and by the boredom of an unending now”.历史学家弗朗西斯·科尔认为,西方世界已经进入了一个时期,在这个时期里“只有现在存在,而这个现在同时展示着瞬间的残酷性和无穷无尽的无聊”。
解题思路 28题 主旨题
29题 主旨题
30题 主旨题
In recent years, researchers from diverse fields have agreed that short-termism is now a significant problem in industrialised societies. The inability to engage with longer-term causes and consequences leads to some of the world’s most serious
problems: climate change, biodiversity collapse, and more. The historian Francis Cole argues that the West has entered a period where “only the present exists, a present characterised at once by the cruelty of the instant and by the boredom of an unending now”.近些年来,各个不同领域的研究者一致认为,短期主义目前是工业化社会的一个重大问题。不能关注长期的因果关系导致了一些全世界最严重的问题,如气候变化、生物多样性崩溃等等。历史学家弗朗西斯·科尔认为,西方世界已经进入了一个时期,在这个时期里“只有现在存在,而这个现在同时展示着瞬间的残酷性和无穷无尽的无聊”。
It has been proved that people have a bias towards the present, focusing on loud attractions in the moment at the expense of the health, well-being and financial stability of their future selves or community. In business, this bias surfaces as short-sighted decisions. And on slow-burning problems like climate change, it translates into the unwillingness to make small sacrifices today that could make a major difference tomorrow. Instead, all that matters is next quarter’s profit, or satisfying some other near-term desires.事实证明,人们总是偏向当下,只顾眼前的热闹,而忽略了未来的自己或社会的健康、幸福和经济稳定。在商业领域,这种偏向表现为短视的决策。而在气候变化等需要更长时间显现的问题上,它往往表现为不愿意做出眼前些微的牺牲,即便这些牺牲能够对未来产生巨大的改变。相反,最重要的只有下个季度的利润,或者满足其它近期的欲望。
These biased perspectives cannot be blamed on one single cause. It is fair to say, though, that our psychological biases play a major role. People’s hesitancy to delay satisfaction is the most obvious example, but there are others. One of them is about how the most accessible information in the present affects decisions about the future. For instance, you might hear someone say: “It’s cold this winter, so I needn’t worry about global warming.” Another is that loud and urgent matters are given too much importance, making people ignore longer-term trends that arguably matter more. This is when a pop star draws far more attention than, say, gradual biodiversity decline.这些有偏向的观点不能归咎为单一的原因。但是有一说一,我们的心理偏见在发挥主要
As a psychologist once joked, if aliens wanted to weaken humanity, they wouldn’t send ships; they would invent climate change. Indeed, when it comes to environmental transformations, we can develop a form of collective “poor memory”, and each new generation can believe the state of affairs they encounter is nothing out of the ordinary. Older people today, for example, can remember a time with insect-covered car windscreens after long drives. Children, on the other hand, have no idea that insect population has dropped dramatically.正如一位心理学家曾经开玩笑说的那样,如果外星人想要削弱人类,他们不用派遣飞船;只要发明气候变化就可以了。确实,谈到环境变化的话题时,我们总会发展出一种群体性的“记忆缺失”,每一代人都认为他们遇到的情况是司空见惯的。例如,现在的老年人还记得当年长途驾驶后挡风玻璃上满是昆虫。而孩子们则对昆虫数量显著下降的事实一无所知。