

2024-05-17 来源:爱问旅游网


Butlers will have basic knowl



edge about matters of ticketing 并能够完成解决这些问题的基本步骤。 and able to complete some basic steps in resolving them. Procedures:


1.Butlers shall be knowledgeable 1.专职管家在客人各种关机票事宜的要求上of type of guest requests relatin应具备足够丰富的知识: g to matters of air-ticketing:

Reservation: To reserve/book 预定:为客人或乘客在某一航班上保留/预定a seat on a flight for a guest or一个位子。 passenger.

Reconfirmation: To confirm wit确认:与航空公司确认客人将在特定的日期经h airline that guest is leaving on由特定的航班离开。 a particular day via a particular flight.

Change: To change guest’s d eparture date, flight number/dep arture time.

更改:更改客人的离开日期,航 班号/离开时

Re-route: Changing of destinat间。 ion.

Endorsement: Changing of carr变更旅程:变更目的地。 ier/airline company.

Refund: Can only be done by

guest from place of issue or p迁票:变更航班/航空公司。 urchasing.

2.Butler shall be knowledgea

ble of key information indicated 退票:只能经由客人从出票或购票处完成。 on air-ticket:

Name of passengers Departure date/time Name of airline company Flight number Class of seats

From which city to which destination

Reservation status Ticket number Validity period Free bag allowance Ticket restrictions


乘客姓名 离开日期/时间 航空公司 航班号 舱位


预定情况 机票号 有效期

Butler shall always ask for second/third options from guests upon handling the requests.

允许随身携带多少包件 机票限制


4.Butlers shall take personal 人处询问并得到第二/第三种选择。 responsibility of safeguarding gu


est’s air-tickets during the reque机票安全负有责任。 st process.

5.For reference purpose, butl ers shall always ask for name of airline staff who he is speaking to after they done the requests.


6.Butlers shall place guest air些要求后需总是问得他所与之对话的航空公-ticket in Air-ticket Envelope upo司员工的姓名。 n handing it back to guest after completing of service.

7.Butlers shall always hand ai


r-tickets back to guest in perso置于票夹内交还给客人。 n.

7.专职管家总是需亲手将机票交回给客人。 Standard: All Butlers will constantly thi标准: 所有的专职管家要经常思考服务客人的nking of ways to service the Gu方法,在客人提出要求前为客人提供他们想要est by means of offering Guests 的服务。通过观察客人的手势/面部表情,以及Preferences before they ask. By 从客人历史记录上记载的信息,我们将在一贯observation of gestures/facial ex的基础上为客人提供个人化的服务。 pressions and by knowledge of information in Guest History, we will provide personalized Guests service on a consistent basis. Procedures: 1. All Butlers shall review all 程序: 1.所有的专职管家应熟知所有预抵客人客arriving guests needs and prefer史里的需求与喜好。 ences located in Guest History. 2. By understanding and stud ying/updating each Guest needs 2.通过了解和学习每一位客人的需求和喜 and preferences Butlers will deliv好,专职管家将在客人要求前提供服务。 er the service before the Guests ask. 3. Using Observation Skills o3.通过观察的技巧,专职管家可以得知客

ne will determine Guests needs. 人的需求。观察肢体语言,手势,面部表情例Looking at Body Language, hand如迷惑,兴奋,搜寻某物等,一位专职管家至 gestures, facial expression such 少将提供他/她的帮助。但是如果能确定客人as confused, excited, looking for 的要求,则需完成对客服务。 something etc, a Butler will at least offer his/her assistance. But i f it can be determined what the Guest is requiring, then complet e the service to the Guests.

4. Butlers will inspect Guest rooms in the absence of Guests


to find Guest needs and prefere房,并从中找到客人的需求与喜好。 nce.


5. All guest preference shall OPERA系统的宾客文档里。 be input into OPERA guest profile in standard format.

6. Through large amounts of


info obtained by all departments并输入客史的档案,我们将对所有的客人提供 and consolidated in Guest Histo快速有效的服务。 ry, we will provide fast and efficient service to all Guests.


Guests with no arrival time



& pick up shall be greeted and 职管家需在楼层上问候和接待。 received by Butlers on the floor upon their arrival.


1. Front Service Room Contr


1. 前台客房控制员将把预抵客房事先排

oller will pre-block arrival rooms 定。 whenever possible.

2. Butler shall inspect assign ed guest room and ensure every

2. 专职管家需检查已排定的客房并确保

thing in the room is ready for o客房已为客人入住做好准备。 ccupying.

3. Upon guest arrives in Reception, GSA shall verify the reservation and inform Butler of this particular guest’s arrival.

3. 当客人到达前台时,前台接待需确认其预定并告知专职管家该客人的到达。

4. 专职管家需在排定的客房所在楼层电

4. Butler shall proceed to gu梯厅等待客人到达。 est lift lobby of assigned room’s floor and wait for guest’s comi ng up.

5. GSA, or Lobby Butler shall5. 前台接待或楼层专职管家需引领客人

escort guest to the floor and i至楼层,并在电梯厅将该楼层的专职管家介绍ntroduce Butler of that floor to 给客人。 guest at lift lobby.

6. Butler shall greet and rece ive the guest after being introdu

6. 专职管家需在介绍之后问候并接待客

ced, and proceed to in-room reg人,完成房内入住登记和服务/设备的介绍。istration and service/facility intro(参考S&P RM-BU-A020 & A021) duction. (Refer to S&P RM-BU-A020 & A021)

7. After completing the greet

7. 完成问候之后,专职管家需以问候类别

ing, Butler shall update guest pr—楼层问候来更新宾客文档,以备日后参考。ofile with greeting type – Floor Greeting for future reference.

Standard: Shall there are guests not 标准: 专职管家如没有在大堂或楼层上问候和迎being greeted and received by 接抵店客人,就需要进行客房内的自我介绍和Butler in the lobby or on the fl提供专职管家服务。专职管家需在客人进入房oor, Butler shall make self-intro间后10分钟内完成 这一任务。 duction and offer butler services. Butler shall take this action within 10 minutes after guest enters the room.


1. Front Service Room Cont


1. 前台客房控制员将把预抵客房事先排

roller will pre-block arrival roo定。 ms whenever possible.

2. Butler shall inspect assig ned guest room and ensure ev

2. 专职管家需检查已排定的客房并确保客

erything in the room is ready f房已为客人入住做好准备。 or occupying.

3. Upon knowing guest already entered the room, Butler shall check with GSA, who escorted guest just now, to see if any services being requested by guest.

4. Butler shall make self-int


4. 专职管家需敲门并进行自我介绍。同时,

roduction by knocking on guest也可以进行客人要求的服务。 room door. Meanwhile Butler may also deliver guest service r equests.

5. 自我介绍时,专职管家需使用以下标准用语:

5. For self-introduction, Butler shall use the following stand ard phrase:


“Mr Jones, I am your Butler来送您的咖啡(如果客人要求)我可以占用您几 John.

I am here with your coffee (if it is requested by guest)

May I take a few of your minute’s time to introduce som e features and facilities of your room?”

6.If guest wish to have the


6. 如果客人希望你介绍的话,专职管家需

introduction, Butler shall procee参照S&P RM-BU-A021。 d with reference to S&P RM-BU-A021.

7.If arrived guest room is u

7. 如果客人打着请勿打扰的灯,专职管家

nder Do Not Disturb, or not in 需从门缝下塞留言纸,告知客人你的存在。标准the room, Butler shall leave a 如下: message under guest room’s door to notify guest of your pre sence. The standard phrase shall be:

Dear Mr./Mrs./Dr. (Last Name)

Please contact me when you return(or at your convenienc



e) so that I may introduce mys您介绍我自己,及使您了解熟悉你的客房设备elf and familiarize you with roo和我们的服务。您在按下床头电话上的“专职管m facilities and services. I may 家”键后,我会立即到您的房间里来。 be reached by pressing the button marked “Butler” located on your telephone.

Your Butler (Your Name)

8.Butler shall update guest profile with greeting type – In Room Greeting for future reference.

您的专职管家 (你的名字)

8. 专职管家需以问候类别—房内问候来更新宾客文档,以备日后参考。
