
专利名称:ESCAPE SYSTEM发明人:REN, Zhengyu,任征宇申请号:CN2018/089662申请日:20180601



摘要:An escape system, comprising escape panels (110), locking components (120),and support assemblies (130) disposed around a building exterior wall (200) on several orall of the building floors. The escape panels (110) surround the building exterior wall(200) to form a closed passage. First ends of the escape panels (110) are rotatably

attached to the building exterior wall (200), and second ends are detachably attached tothe building exterior wall (200) by means of the locking components (120). One end ofeach support assembly (130) is attached to an escape panel (110), and the other end ismovably attached to the building exterior wall (200), for example in a rotatable orslidable attachment. In the event of a fire, escaping persons can open the lockingcomponent (120) at each window so that the escape panels (110) of that floor form anescape passage that surrounds the building exterior wall (200). People can then travelover the escape panels (110) to a unit where the fire has not yet reached to shelter andawait rescue by fire-fighters. If there is no fire in the vicinity of a fire escape in anotherunit of the building, escaping persons may also be able to travel to the fire escape overthe escape panels (110) and make a rapid exit via the fire escape.

申请人:REN, Weijin,任维进

地址:No. 7 Floor 4 Unit 1, Building 2, No. 49 Longmen Lane, South Ring Road WenjunAdministrative Office, Qionglai City Chengdu, Sichuan 611530 CN,中国四川省成都市邛崃市文君街办南环路龙门巷49号2幢1单元4楼7号, Sichuan 611530 CN


代理人:CHOFN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY,北京超凡志成知识产权代理事务所(普通合伙)

