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Process and appliance for measuring physical sizes


专利名称:Process and appliance for measuring

physical sizes

发明人:WEISS, DIETER, DR.申请号:EP91100377.0申请日:19910114公开号:EP0438103A2公开日:19910724

摘要:In this process, a periodic feed signal is output and a response signal is

evaluated. The feed signal exhibits a predetermined signal shape and the response signalis interrogated at at least one discrete point in time during at least one signal period. Theat least one discrete interrogation value is evaluated. This measuring process allows avery high measuring speed during the acquisition of the measurement value, particularlyin connection with capacitive, inductive and resistive transmitters, so that this measuringprocess is also especially suitable, in particular, for measuring physical parameters duringfast process sequences in process engineering and during production. The point ofinterrogation time is preferably selected in time relation to the feed signal. This providesa simple possibility for separately measuring both the real and the imaginary part ofcomplex impedances at high speed.


地址:PORPHYRSTRASSE 15; W-6905 SCHRIESHEIM,Porphyrstrasse 15 D-69198Schriesheim DE


代理机构:Geyer, Ulrich F., Dr. Dipl.-Phys.

