专利名称:Sputtering apparatus
发明人:Heung-Yeol Na,Jong-Won Hong,Seok-Rak
Chang,Ki-Yong Lee
摘要:A sputtering apparatus includes a process chamber having first and secondregions, a metal target inside the process chamber, a target transfer unit inside theprocess chamber, the target transfer unit being configured to move the metal target
between the first and second regions, a substrate holder in the second region of theprocess chamber, and a magnetic assembly in the first region of the process chamber,the magnetic assembly being interposed between the target transfer unit and a wall ofthe process chamber.
申请人:Heung-Yeol Na,Jong-Won Hong,Seok-Rak Chang,Ki-Yong Lee
地址:Yongin KR,Yongin KR,Yongin KR,Yongin KR
代理机构:Lee & Morse, P.C.