

2024-08-19 来源:爱问旅游网
12. \"People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic.\" 人们的态度更多的是由临时的情况或者环境所决定,而非人们自身的特点。

0.During one’s development of whole life, it is undeniable for him or her to make a determination towards something such as what he or she favors or loathes厌恶, comments or denies. In dealing with these, he or she empresses attitudes towards what is concerned. Then comes a controversial question that whether the immediate situation or the internal characteristic contributes more to one’s attitudes. Some people prefer the former, and others may prefer the latter. However, in my opinion, both play an important role in one’s attitudes and sometimes people just try their best to construct a balance between them.

1. The internal characteristic is somewhat more important to determine one’s attitudes towards most events. Every one has his/her own character, and the same event may bring different opinion. For example, some people consider cohabiting immoral, shame and illegal. And these people think that this kind of behavior should be forbidden. But some optimistic people would consider it common, popular and open. 对待有争议问题的态度(aggressive; introvert性格内向的人, silent沉默的)) 2.

As to the influence of immediate situation or surroundings, sometimes it also maintain vital至关重要的 to the forming of attitudes.

(外部因素可以影响决定;举例,环境对人的影响。在某些公众场合,即使我们不喜欢在场的某些人的行为,即使非常憎恨detest,也不能在态度上表现出来,因为环境总存在着纪律discipline、规范criterion和约束restriction。如果我们时刻将反映内心性格的观点standpoint表现在态度上,有时候就会显得不合时宜behind the time并且容易不被大众接受。另一方面,环境和临时的情况本身也会决定着一个人的立场。一个人的原则principle不仅仅由其性格决定,更多的时候也由环境因素的参与。) 3.

Of course, as to some specific situations, the two above can not be separated from each other.

In sum, either the internal characteristic or the immediate situation would influence the attitudes of an individual towards events or other objects. Sometimes the two factors even interplay相互影响 with each other, so how people’s attitudes form is actually on a case-by-case base.

157. \"There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires.\"


0. Are all observations subjective, rather than objective? The speaker claims so, that observations are always guided by the observer’s expectations or desires. By scrutinizing various dimensions of this contention, I agree with the speaker insofar as that in some sense在某种意义上 observation can hardly be purely objective. However, what phenomena observations show should be objective.

1、I concede that it is hard for everyone to observe one thing objectively since one cannot comprehend thorough彻底的 knowledge about the thing. The observer’s expectation or desires can color the observation result, either unconsciously or consciously, especially in the art field. It is nearly impossible to generate purely objective observation because everyday experience informs us that different people have different opinions when they observe the same object. Every one has his/her own particular opinion about a certain art work so observation inevitably contains subject feeling and emotion. We can image that it is so terrible when art becomes a purely objective thing and every one’s opinion are the same. If so, the art field will have no more creativity and energy. 尤其是在艺术领域,完全客观的观察几乎是不可能的。每个人都会对某一件艺术品有自己独特的particular看法,因此在观察的时候不可避免的inevitably参与了主观喜好。我们怎么能够想象当艺术成为完全客观的事物,每个人的看法都是一致的,那整个艺术领域将不再会有创造力creativity和生命力energy。

2. Not only in the field of art, many other observations necessarily have subject factors more or less. Take the referee in playground for example. Is it valid有效的 when a play shot the ball in the last second in a basketball game? Is it a foul when body contact happens? All these awards should be decided by the referee, the only observer in the playground. Although the regulation is detailed and objective, the final decisions are made by the referee’s subjective observation. And so that it is easy to explain why the referee’s wrong or inaccurate judgment is frequent in the sport games. 不仅仅在艺术领域,很多方面的观察都必然地带有主观性。比如体育场上的裁判,是否在比赛的最后一秒钟时投出的球有效,是否足球球员犯了规,这些判罚award都要由裁判这个唯一的观察者来决定,虽然规则有着详细的规定,但最终裁判还是根据自己主观的观察来决定。因此虽然规则既详细又确定,但错判仍然是不可避免的。 3. Having said this, however, no one can deny that all the phenomena that one observes exists independently and objectively. 在科学领


4. Still, despite of all the limitations, it is an crucial principle to depict描述 things from an objective view as much as possible. (个人情感,偏见prejudice,误差)

In sum,although there are many limitations that constrain us to pursue the truth, human beings should try their best to treat the mundane世俗的 world with impersonal eyes, objective and just.

208. \"The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.\"


0. In contemporary society people always find a way to embody their attitudes and interests. The speaker asserts that it is the way people look, dress and act that reveals their attitudes and interests and through observing the appearance and behavior people in the society we can tell much about a society's ideas and values. By scrutinizing many aspects of this assertion, I fundamentally agree with the speaker for that people's appearance and behavior are tools for them to communicate their ideas and present their standpoint of value view. However, in some circumstances, a society's ideas and values cannot be symbolized by people's appearance and behavior.

1. Firstly, the way people look and dress indicates their aesthetic views of the society and world. As all we know that smiling means people's optimistic attitude to the society and presents their love and tolerance. In France, we can see citizens smiling at every corner of the streets, cafe and office room because Frenchmen are famous for their optimistic feelings and France is a country pursuing freedom and peace. We usually say French is the most beautiful language in the world. That's because of the optimistic and peaceful civilization of the whole country. For this matter, we can tell a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance especially in those countries whose social values and ideas have deep influence in their citizens' life habit and daily appearance.

2. Secondly, a society's ideas and values have a strong influence in the process of one's growing up. We accept education by our government and what they teach us embody the society's ideas and values. When we were still young the governments made us know the different civilizations and social values among different countries and districts. And they would also tell us which one is better accepted in our own country. It is so crucial in the form of one's value view in his/her whole life what they learnt at an early age. It determines how we look, dress and act in order to accords with our attitudes and interests. It also determines how we communicate and share standpoints with others. We can image that if a child born in a religion country, what he/she acts and dresses should accords with the restrictions and criterions in that special civilization. It is nature and determined by that society's essence.

3. Nevertheless, in some circumstances, we cannot conclude a society's ideas and values by observing limited people's appearance and behavior especially considering that the trend of globalization and international communication are so common and popular. There are always two or more folks and civilizations in one country. The U.S.A. is a good example. What people act and look are so different thus limited observation is unconvincing. For example, there are anti-society people living in every country such as terrorist and commits. What they act only present their undue and unhealthy values and ideas. We cannot conclude the whole society's values and ideas through their behavior.

[end]In sum, in many circumstances it is the way people look, dress and act that reveals their attitudes and interests and through observing the appearance and behavior people in the society we can tell much about a society's ideas and values. However, only through limited observation we cannot conclude that some certain behaviors present the whole society's values and ideas.

136. \"The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.\" 没有选择的情况少之又少。

0. The speaker asserts that in few circumstances we would face the absence of choice. I fundamentally agree with the speaker for that this contention accords with common sense and our everyday experience as human beings. Besides, the reverses相反的 claim—that we do

not have free choice—serves to undermine破坏 the notions of moral accountability and human equally, which are critical to the survival of any democratic society. However, lives are controlled by both subjectivity and objectivity. In some circumstances we have no choice of the objective things and we cannot change them.

1. As we all know, free choices exist everywhere in our daily life. When we were very young we should choose the brand of milk or cornmeal to most efficiently improve our health. At the age of six or seven we have free choice to choose an elementary school which we consider could give us best illuminative启蒙的 education. At school we determine to join a certain community or we decide to attend a research group of a certain topic also by our free choices according to our own interests. The way we grow up forks everywhere so at any crossroad we would face one or more choice. The career, marriage, purchase, vacation’s destination and even friend, all above make us choose from many possibilities. It is a form of choice emerging in our common people’s daily life. The governments should select the best method to build the cities among the large group of undecided programs they should make a decision to enhance the welfare of the whole society. It is another form of choice. The artist also balance lots of ideas which appear everyday in their minds and try to pick up the best one they consider most appropriate to the art work they design. It is a form of choice too. So we can indicate that free choice is in the every corner of our society.

2. People always claim that life’s circumstance leave them with no choice. Under financial duress a person might claim that he or she has no choice but to declare bankrupt, take a demeaning job, or even lie or steal to obtain money. The fundamental problem with these sorts of claims is that the claimants are only considering those choices that are not viable or attractive. That is, people in situations such as these have an infinite number of choices; it’s just that many of the choices are unappealing, even self-defeating不利于自己企图的. For example, almost every person who claims to be trapped in a job is simply choosing a way to obtain more money and a high level of economics. The choice to drop this self-satisfaction is always available, although it might carry unpleasant consequences.

3. Nevertheless, as I mentioned, lives are controlled both by subjectivity and objectivity. The object environment which we were born with cannot be chosen by our subject consciousness. The conditions in which people find themselves have been largely established long before people become aware of them. For example, people cannot choose the country and folk民族 they belong to. Before a person came to this world the country and folk have been existing for thousands of years. Without acknowledging and adapting the objective environment we have no other choices. Analogously类似的, the family, blood type, race, color of the skin, and even one’s appearance which is determined by one’s gene, all above cannot be chosen because of their objectivity.

[end]In sum, despite the fact that we all experience occasional feelings of being trapped and having no choice, the statement is fundamentally correct accords with common sense and our everyday experience as human beings. As sometimes people feel they have no choice just because they drop other possible choices that may follow unpleasant results. However, both subjectivity and objectivity determine one’s life. But all in all, humans are responsible for their own choices and actions.

121. \"At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species.\"


0. The speak asserts that it is a result of natural, rather than human, processes that many species have become extinct at various times in the geological past. The speaker also asserts that making extraordinary efforts especially at a great cost in money and job to save endangered species is unjustified. I fundamentally agree with the speaker since that nowadays people face many problems every day and money as well as job is so important to people’s life. However, we should not ignore the importance of protecting endangered species for that the diversity of species is beneficial for human beings as well.

1. Natural processes did eliminate some species through natural selection; however, it did not break the balance of the ecosystem. Darwin called it the selection of nature. This theory claims that any species should adapt to the nature and environment around them. The species which successfully adapt the environment could exist and the others should extinct. Thus as a natural principle, some species that be eliminated by natural processes through natural selection are poor adaptations. As we all know dinosaurs which used to be the master of

the earth were extinct just because the environment of earth changed suddenly and they cannot adapt it. In front of the new would, they became inferior. The new nature no longer belonged to them. So at this point, human beings do not participate in the process of eliminating the species. And humans have no obligation to save such species. On the contrary, saving them at great cost means a waste of energy and resource.

2. However, due to human processes, including pollution and exterminatory exploitation开发 of natural resources, our natural environment is being threatened, and the extinction of rare species has been accelerated. People always feel that they do nothing to the extinction of species but actually in many circumstance human’s activities are main reason for it. It does not mean that we cannot make some decisions to protect them or the cost of protection program is too high, it is just that we ignore. When we wake up to the fact that some animals would leave us forever it is too late. As we all know that the diversity of species is beneficial for human beings, measures must be adopted to protect endangered species, if we won’t spend too much money and too many jobs and the species are in danger just because the immoderate activity of human beings.

3. In my view, government should learn to construct a balance between the cost on the protection of endangered species and on other immediate and complex social problems. Admittedly, species extinction is just one of the problems that the governments face. To assess to this goal, the government should clearly know that how the amount of people whose behavior harm the surviving of endangered species such as lawless animal bargaining, factory pollution, immoderate hunt games. And then under a considerable cost of the budget, government should adopt measures to protect the endangered species.

[end]In sum, I fundamentally agree with the speaker’s assertion for that human’s immoderate activity is just one reason of the extinction of species and protecting the pool adaptation is a waste of money and energy. But just because human are accountable for some of the process of extinction, and in some spectrum people have the capacity to protect them, the government should take some measures to protect the diversity of species.

99. \"In any realm of life--whether academic, social, business, or political—the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options.\"


1. First of all, to assess the respective impact of practicism and idealistic on success, we have to understand the indispensable factors to approach success. E: 建筑师和工人 2. 短期的成功和长期的成功。 3. 现实是不完美的。 4. 理想和现实的结合。

74. \"The most effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people is through the use of images, not language.\"

和一大群人交流想法或者价值观的最有效方式是图像而非语言。 平衡观点 the use of images is not always more effective than that of language.

1. On the one hand, images are more vivid and easier for the largest audience to comprehend. Compared with language, images are always full of abundant colors and hence become more solid and intuitionistic立体的,直观的. On the contrary, language is a kind of nonfigurative tool of communication. It demands higher capability of ideation and logic.

2. On the other hand, images tend to cause ambiguities. Take artwork for example. The pictures of artwork always left much imaginary space for us and each of us would have an absolute comprehension that different from others. Lots of scholars are still arguing the meaning of the Mona Lisa's smile. And none of us could find out the exact signification of the works of Picasso. This more or less produces a block to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people only through the use of images. 语言可以弥补fetch up图像的缺陷blemish。因为语言能够准确的表达express演讲者的意图intention,不容易造成误解和迷惑puzzle。

3. The most effective way of communication is combing the use of images and that of language. 教育是交流想法和较直观的一种很有效的方式,而我们知道当代的教育几乎全都离不开图像和语言的配合cooperate。没有图像的教育只可能是一种枯燥bald的教唆abet,既抽象abstract又难以理解,学习也变成了一种痛苦anguished的被动passive的过程process。没有语言的教育也很难达到教育的目的,我们会整天生活在充满想象空间和无限infinite可能性的世界里。不仅仅是教育,任何一种交流方式都不可能缺少语言和图像。很难想象公司开会的时候只放PPT而无人演讲,天气预报员weather forecaster面对镜头cinematograph不停地说却没有卫星云图nephogram。事实上,这在现实中都是不存在的。

127. \"Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions.\" 事实都是固执的。它不可能随着我们的愿望、喜好或者情绪而改变。

1. 在一些场合,事实往往是不能被我们的主观意识所改变的,尽管一直以来人们一直希望通过努力去改变。因为,在这个世界上,一些事实是独立于人类意识的,例如自然界的客观规律law,以及各种事物的客观存在。尽管一些心理学家试图阐释一些内心的精神力量inner spiritual power,但事实上这是徒然的,尤其面对那些无法改变的事实。就像人必须要面对出生birth和死亡,就像时间就这样匆匆流去而任何人都不能阻止哪怕一分一秒一样,再聪明的人抑或再高明的技术,都不能改变这些事实和规律。 2. 另外,历史也是不能被改变的。无论后代对历史上发生过的事件有着怎么样的喜好和评价,都无法改变事实。我们经常谈及历史上的某些英雄或者狗熊baddie,他们的功绩achievement或者犯下的罪行commit a crime都是存在于我们的评价之前的,换句话说,是他们的行为引来了我们的赞赏或唾弃conspue,而不是反过来。我们再怎么恨Hitler, 也无法改变他的错误以及为世界带来的灾难。

3. 但是,当问题涉及具体的material科学领域的时候,谁都不能否认那些建立在客观事实基础之上的理论都是经过主观的观察和研究得到的。虽然,科学本身是客观的,但当问题摆在科学家和学者们面前的时候,他们多少都带有强烈的愿望和明显的倾向,倘若不是这样的话,科学家和学者们将不再有热情去探索真理。理论形成后,科学家再将这些科学技术应用到make use of these scientific technologies into生产中去,并且发明了很多有价值的产品,大大提高了人们的生活效率。这个改变的过程在很大程度上要归功于owe to科学家们主观的愿望以及在研究过程中那种强烈的倾向。

226. \"People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience.\" 人们总是错误地认为自己面临的问题要比前人来得更复杂和更具有挑战性。不断增加的知识和经验最终消除这种假象。 1. 人类从一开始就面临着种种问题。最早的问题体重在生存上,即如何积攒足够的食物以维持生命,如何建造一个住所抵挡风雨。尽管对于今天的大多数人来说这是非常简单的问题,但在那时技术和知识远未达到现在的程度。如果我们以今天的眼光回头看,可以说今天的问题复杂的多。但对于一个尚未发现火和轮子wheel的社会来说,仅仅生存问题就已经可以和我们今天所面对的任何问题相提并论了。

2. 回顾人类的历史,人类在各个时期都面临着似乎难以克服的问题。随着知识的增长,问题也相应的变得更加复杂。技术的不断进步导致更难的问题,但同时也为解决这些问题提供了更好的方法更多的技术选择。全球化的加速发展使得这些问题更加复杂,超越出国界,影响面涉及全球的各个领域——政治、军事、经济、环境。E: 资源匮乏、人口过剩overpopulation、能源危机、核武器、温室效应greenhouse effect,这些都是数百年前不可能遇到的问题。

3. 社会是不断向前发展的,科学技术也是不断向前发展的。用更先进的技术和理念去审视历史上曾经出现的问题来比较问题的复杂性,这本身就是不公平的。因此,我们不能忽视过去的问题,因为过去的问题和现在的问题会有相关性。过去的经验和教训有助于我们解决现在的种种问题。

141. \"Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity.\" 虽然大多数人都承认个人的利益,但是事实上个人的经济成功需要的是一致。

0. Which contributes more to personal economic success, individuality or conformity? The speaker claims that it is the conformity leads to personal success. By scrutinizing various dimensions of this contention, I agree insofar as that to some extent an individual could not be isolate from conformity. However, in my opinion, the individuality and conformity are indispensable factors that result in the personal economic success.

1. To begin with, I concede that conformity could offer a healthy, proper sphere for personal success in any field, especially in economy. (定义)Conformity involves the changing of one’s attitudes, opinions, or behaviors to match the ‘norms’, established by society, including morality, ethic, laws and the like. Only under such regulations, an individual could achieve personal economic success. On the other hand, it is conformity that guarantees social harmony, peace, which guides the whole society to prosperity and also benefits individuals. For example, investors always prefer the steady policy and ordered market—especially in finance, commerce, insurance保险业 and the like-- in which they could pursue profits without extra worries. From above merits, the conformity indeed has impact on the personal economic success.

2. Having said this, however, individuality个人的特性 also benefits the personal economic success, which is widely accepted. For instance, in stock market, investors who seek risky areas with keen insight and adventurous spirit are more likely to accumulate more wealth than the conformists just along with others. Also in some creative areas, a writer who publishes a best-selling novel, a scientist who creates an innovative patent专利品, such persons achieves success by their own efforts. Particularly in high-tech industries, people in the front line of technology, like Bill Gates, achieve success more rapidly. 3. Still, the individuality and conformity are not mutually exclusive.

[end]As all-mentioned above, people should call for a balance between individuality and conformity. Over emphasizing either of them would induce impediment to the development of individuality.
