

2022-01-18 来源:爱问旅游网

1、节饮食而后得健康。 Food and healthily. 2、饮食不节,杀人倾刻。

Diet not festival, tilting moment to kill. 3、食饮有节,起居有常。

Drinking habits, and daily life have often. 4、热食伤骨,冷食伤肺。

Hot food bone injury, cold injury of lung. 5、人为生而食,非为食而生。 Eat to live, not live to eat.

6、凡事不可苟且,而于饮食尤甚。 Don't you, but in the diet.


Food for nourishing the stomach, read more books to keep. 8、人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动。

People's sound, not only rely on diet, especially on sports. 9、心之需要智慧,甚于身体之需要饮食。

The heart need wisdom, rather than the body needs food. 10、你应该为生存而食,不应为食而生存。 While you should eat to live, should not eat to live.


Diet, such as not enough is enough, the chef also into poison. 12、节制饮食加上工作是人类最好的两个医生。 Diet plus work is man's best two doctors.

13、让食物成为你的药品,药品应该是你的食物。 Let food be your drugs, drugs should be your food. 14、一个人不先感到饥渴,便享受不到饮食的乐趣。

A person don't you feel hungry, then enjoy the pleasure of not eating. 15、你把消化弄得失常了,就是自己毒化自己的血液。 Did you make digestive disorders, is poisoning their own blood. 16、人知饮食所以养生,不知饮食失调。亦所以害生。

People know diet so keeping in good health, I do not know eating disorders. Also so harm.

17、虽然饮食这么不均衡,但一个人住的话,没人会骂你。 Although diet so uneven, but a person lives, no one will scold you. 18、人如果吃不好,就不能好好思考,好好爱,好好休息。 If people eat is bad, cannot think well, love well, have a good rest. 19、饮食习惯的改良比其他任何改良,其优点显然要大得多。 Eating habits improve than any other, the advantage obviously is much larger.

20、饮食调和,潜心静养与精神快乐,是世界上最成功的三大名医! Moderate diet, with great concentration, quiet and spiritual happiness, is

the world's most successful three famous doctor!

21、如果需要改变一种饮食习惯,那么最好对饮食全面重新调整一下。 If you need to change a kind of eating habits, it is best to eat fully adjust again.


Refreshed, really peaceful. Eating well, cold warm warning. Daily life to the work uniform.

23、饮食是为养**。读书是为养心灵。饮食若专牢守一种,必要生病。 Diet is to raise the body. Reading is to keep the mind. If special prison guard a diet, necessary to get sick.


In order to be able to maintain good health, nourishment component not only to temperate, and light material.


Go on a diet is much more difficult than hunger. Eating right amount need sober, and do not drop into only hardcore will.


I for survival, to serve the people and food, while sometimes eat to

happy, but is not only to enjoy eating.


Devotion to food is a sign of life luxury fine, don't want to eat common mental disorders.


Life such as diet, suantiankula like the life, don't try again how can anyone know among them taste personally?


Is the part of secret of success in life, love to eat eat, and then let the food fight in the stomach.


People diet to absorb various nutrition from the grain, also want to absorb nutrients from a variety of vegetables, not a partial eclipse. 31、与我同行的人往往因为对饮食十分讲究,所以常常因为无法得到满足食欲而感到不愉快。

Walk with me often because the food is very exquisite, so often because can't satisfy appetite and feel unhappy.

