P1 Friendship之老阳三干创作
创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日 Where do young people go to make new friends? Where do young children make new friends? Where did people make friends in the past?
Where can you (go to) speak to foreigners in your country?
P1 Cloth
What kind of clothes you like? Where would you like to buy clothes?
Have you ever bought any clothes that you don't like? Do you think when you are getting older and older, you will like other clothes?
P1 animal & pets
What is your favourite animal?
Why you like this animal? Do you like keeping a pet? Why? How to protect the wild animals?
Is it our responsibility to provide animals with better living and surviving conditions?
Being vet is a good job? Do you agree or disagree? Why? What pets are popular in your country? Do you think cloning animals is reasonable?
Using animals for experiments is very common, do you have any suggestion on this?
Do you think animals are worth protecting? Is there any endangered animal in your country? How to save them? Why should we save them?
P1 Film
What kind of films do you like to watch?
Watching films in the cinema or at home, which one do you prefer?
P1 Cell Phone
Do you have your cell phone? What kind of cell phone you like?
Do you often use cell phone in your daily life? Do you think cell phone is important?
When did you use cell phone for the first time? What are the disadvantages of cell phone?
What is the influence of cell phone in modern society? Is cell phone common in your country?
Do you think it is good if children use cell phone?
P1 Holiday
What do you like to do on holiday?
If you have a holiday, do you prefer to stay with family or alone?
以下为Part2和相关Part3问题, 请年夜家认真准备:
P2 Descibe a project you work with others P3 How to cooperate with others? What would you learn from cooperation?
What are the advantages if boys and girls cooperate? What is the difference between things which men do and women do?
Why some people like to do things alone? What is the advantage if you do things alone?
What is the difference betweeen foreign education and education in your country?
What is the advantage if children cooperate? How to encourage children to cooperate?
P2 describe a teacher who has influenced you when you were at secondary school
(where you met him/her, what subject he/her taught, what was special about him/her, and explain why he/her influenced you so much)
P3 What is the advantage of being a teacher? What are the qualities of good teachers?
Some people think education is less popular than before, do you think so?
What is the difference between teachers in the past and now?
P2 Describe a practical skill you have learned, e.g. cooking or driving (when do you learn it ,how do you learn it ,do you think it is difficult to learn it) P3 How do you study?
How do the ways of study change?
Questions about children and adults' study. 以下两题可能为同一题:
P2 describe a family you like to stay with but not yours (Whose family it was, How you knew it, Where they lived, what you did)
P3 What are the advantages of family members(e.g. young & old) living together? What about the disadvantages?
What do old people and children do together? What about three generations living together?
How can old families and new families get along with each other well?
Do you think children's opinions will change in the future?
Do children’s positions in family change? What is it? Is it good? Do they have strong concept of family? What is the advantage and disadvantage if parents do not have children?
What is your opinion of not living with parents?
Do you think children may have same ideas with their parents?
Do you often stay with this family? What you did together?
What do you often talk about? Why you like this family?
P2 Describe a family you want to spend time with(who are in the family, what are they interest in)
P3 Is it very common that three generations are living together?
Do they have conflicts? Why?
Do parents notice that they should give children more freedom?
P2 describe a thing you broke in your life (what it was, how important it was)
P3 Do you abandon it or repair it?
Do most people abandon or repair the broken things? What do most Chinese people do to broken things? What do people often break?
Do people know how to repair them?
Who would repair things, young people or old people? P2 Describe something which is broken and not used in your family
What is your opinion if someone throws away the broken things directly?
What are the advantages of buying second-hand things on internet? What about the disadvantages?
P2 Describe a situation that someone gave you useful advice( who gave it to you, what was the situation, what advice it was)
P3 Why do parents always give their kids advice?
Do children listen to this advice? What do you think about peer pressure? Is peer pressure good for us?
Who do you think gives other more advice?
Say sth. about a situation that you give other people advice.
P2 Describe a quiz show you watch on TV that you are interested in attending
P3 Do you like watching the quiz shows? What kind of people may attend the show?
Do you think people all want to attend the show? Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television? Is quiz show popular in China?
Why young people do not like quiz shows?
Are there many competitions in everyday life?
Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree?
Do you think that people are born to be competitive? How to be a competitive person?
P2 describe a toy you had when you were a child(what it is, how it is played, who gave it to you, and explain what benefits you got from playing the toy)
P3 What is the difference between toys in the past and now?
Now the toys are more creative, do you think is good? What is the difference between boys' toys and girls' toys?
What are the difference and relevance between toys and education?
Is there any toy you could share with your friends?
What is the difference of toy in city and in village? Would you like to share your toys with others?
Do you think parents and children should play with toys together?
Now children spend more time to watch TV instead of playing with toys, do you think it is good? Do you think electronic toys are good? 最佳谜底 Part 1 l Full name
l 你做什么的?你在工作中接受过什么培训吗?你将来想为了工作接受什么样的培训?怎么能容易的找个好工作?
l 你喜欢画画吗?你学过吗?为啥人们喜欢在家里挂画泥? l 你喜欢念书吗?你小得时候喜欢念书吗?你喜欢读什么样的书?你最近念书是什么时候呀?
l 然后问我喜欢什么片子, 不喜欢什么片子?我喜欢在片子院看还是家看
l 你会COOKING吗?你的妈妈有在你的小时候教你COOKING吗?为什么?你喜欢做饭吗?为什么?你们家是谁做饭更多呢?你觉得在未来你会经常做饭吗?还是会做的更少呢?
l 经常吃蔬菜水果么;小时候喜欢吃什么;
l 跟邻居间的关系如何?和邻居直接会发生什么问题? l 你喜欢painting and drawing吗?
l Do you have a watch? Is time important;Were you late for something;Is that make you any trouble;
l Do you like writing;Do you prefer writing by hand or computer;Do you think good hand writing still important now
l weather in your hometown;
l Talk about flowers-when do you usually buy flowers;your last time to buy flowers. Chinese people like plant flowers;
Topic1. 一种wild animal
Topic2. 给小孩讲的故事
Topic3. a exciting message by phone Topic4. 讲一个传统故事/ 众所周知的故事
都喜欢什么样的故事;为什么有人写故事;有的人愿意把自己写进故事里, 为什么? Topic5. 描述一个老师 Topic6. favorite subject
P3:老师应该具备? 男女老师有啥区别?欠好的老师对学生有啥影响?
Topic7. A Science Lesson (biology, chemistry, etc) Topic8. 描述一所你小时候去过的学校
PART3:认为为什么小孩子值得教育?什么样的人能教育小孩儿;需要哪些features;小孩儿容易被教育吗;现在孩子的压力比以前年夜, 你同意吗? Topic9. Party
PART3:为什么聚会组织很难?中国有什么特殊事情会在节日里做?中国人经常什么时候聚会?你是个合格的聚会组织者吗?Is Chinese party is different from foreign party? What will u do in a party; dose party change a lot in china; is it different between city party and rural party; Topic10. 是我小时候喜欢读的一本书
PART3:What do you think is a suitable age for children to start to learn to read;the influence on reading on the Internet;whether different age group have different reading material;什么年龄小孩可以开始念书;小时候读的书
对以后有什么影响;如果小孩不喜欢念书而喜欢玩电脑, 有什么方法能让他们念书;有些家长直接关了电脑, 你觉得这个方法怎么样;对E—book有什么看法
Topic11. 买了但没有实用价值的工具 Topic12. 手工艺品
PART3:自己制作的工具有什么好处?中国人喜欢自己制作工具吗?为什么中国人不爱自己制作工具?自己制作工具最重要的是什么?需要什么技能?手工做的质量好还是工厂做的好? Topic13. 描述家里保管的一样旧物品
PART3:what kinds of objects family want to keep;why family want to keep it;do u think it has value;Why;globalization对collect old things的impact;what do u think of tradition culture’s disappear;globalization对tradition culture 是good or bad;各个家庭有没有祖传的工具?(我说我家有块玉祖传的)你会卖失落这个玉吗?为什么会祖传这种工具?祖传的工具有什么好处?该不应留着这些工具?为什么要把工具传给下一代?人们会把什么工具传给下一代?人们一直回忆过去好欠好?博物馆里是展览照片好还是物品好; Topic14. 有名的人(怎么样变的有名) Topic15. 电视明星
Topic16. 你想会见的外国的名人
PART3:有些人成名了有些人却没有, 为什么?有些人成名很久 有些人只是红极一时?前者是怎么做到的?名人对青少年影响越来越年夜?优缺点分别是?中国的名人们对国家有什么影响? Topic17. 一次有意义的散步 Topic18. 描述一部片子
P3:中国人喜欢看片子吗 他们喜欢看什么片子?他们喜欢在家还时片子院看?片子有什么教育意义吗?问孩子还要从小学painting吗;孩子喜欢painting吗~为什么;卡通是不是只给小孩看的;film对education有什么影响 Topic19. A Newspaper or Magazine Article Topic20. TV PROGRAM
P3:关于刚刚提到的那个你不喜欢的节目, 它在中国很流行吗?最近中国都流行些什么样的节目?你觉得最近几年时间, 这几年这些节目都有些什么变动呢?你觉得这些变动都是好的吗?还是欠好的呢?
Topic21. An Important Conversation You Had
PART3:男男, 男女, 女女之间的讲话方式有何区别?日常的对话的话题、为什么会有分歧的话题呈现?网上聊天和现实聊天有什么分歧?网上聊天会在未来的聊天中饰演重要角色吗? Topic22. A Electrical/Electronic Machine PART3:机器与电子产物的区别 Topic23. An Ideal Job
Topic24. A Picnic or Outdoor Meal
PART3:你喜欢在家饭吗;中国人的食品的消费习惯;为什么supermarket 在中国受欢迎;你觉得去STORE方面还是去supermarket方便;随着超市越来越多, 有什么负面影响;你觉得中国人会改变消费观吗;中国传统美食;你家谁做饭?食品对身体好吗?政府可以做些什么让人们吃健康的食物不吃不健康的食物.Where do Chinese people get traditional food; Is supermarket popular in china; Why; Is this a problem to some small shops; Do you think children should learn to cook; Why; Should school have some courses about cook;Why;
Topic25. An Exciting / Dangerous Sport
Topic26. A Time Someone Gave You Important Help
PART3:认为儿童需要什么样的帮手, 谁最能给与帮手, 家长是不是占据主导位置;老人需要什么样的帮手, 社会看待老人有没有
什么变动;什么人喜欢帮手他人, 为什么, 政府应该怎么做来帮手需要帮手的人
Topic27. A Recent Happy Event
PART3:年轻人和老年人看待传统有什么分歧?为什么会有这样的转变?为什么人们不重视传统?历史是不是应该忘记等等为什么会忘记历史, 有什么方法可以拯救历史?If you have time, what type of course will you take? Qualification and work experience which is more important? Popular course in your country
Topic28. 令人激动的消息
Topic29. A Place with a Lot of Water
PART3:日常生活中水的处置方式;该教小孩子游泳吗;为什么人们喜欢去海边玩;如何净化水;全世界都可以很方便的用到水吗;中国城市和农村哪个用书更多;为什么;未来水需求会不会增年夜;为什么; Topic30. 花园、公园
Topic31. 一个意料之外的长途旅行 Topic32. A Place You Visited Topic33. 一个历史地址 Topic34. 古代建筑
胜景区;怎么了解历史;政府该呵护历史名胜吗;你觉得有些人在拍片子的时候, 为了有更好的效果, 会改变一些内容, 这样对吗;观赏历史景点时应该免票吗?旅游景点的作用;人们喜欢游览名胜古迹的原因是什么;你觉得人们更喜欢去那一种呢;building的还是山山水水的;有些人喜欢把这些拍成片子, 你觉得好吗;
Topic35. 一个来访问你的人
PART3:在中国, 访问时客人带什么礼物 /你怎么招待客人/中国人送礼时年夜家都很客气的不收, 你怎么看待这个问题 Topic36. 季节
Topic37. Describe leisure activities
PART3:What are the most people in china do for the leisure activities? Why some people are think do leisure activities are wasting of time? Why do people travel? Topic38. A Festival Topic39. 健康的生活习惯
Topic40. Describe a vehicle you have
PART3:中国的交通状况如何?你所在的城市交通状况如何?如何改善一个城市的交通状况?你觉得地铁如何?Compare and contrast the different types of transport that exist today;Do you think it's a good thing to drive a car;Why do more and more people in China want to own their
own car;What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds
Tell me about a place you want to visit. You should say: what the place is where you first heard about the place what you would do there
and explain why you particularly want to go to the place.
(在1分钟的准备时间内, 组织好思路, 可在草稿纸上写下相关要点提醒自己.)
Where: Paris/dreamlike place
Where first heard about it: from dad/business trip to Paris/years ago
What to do there:
shopping/coffee/music/languageelegant language
Why want to go there: city of romance/wildest dream/if you haven’t been to Paris, you haven’t lived your life at all.
(实际回答问题时, 充沛利用卡片展开细节说明) (口述)
Today I would like to talk about a place I want to visit. You know in my whole life, I’ve been lucky enough to visit quite a few wonderful places, such as Sydney and Melbourne in Australia, Shanghai, Qingdao, Hongkong in my country. But there’s this dreamlike place I haven’t so far stood a chance to visit, and it’s Paris. I can still remember about several years ago, my dad came home from a business trip from Paris and he sat down and said: “Sweetie, as a girl, if you haven’t been to Paris, you haven’t lived your life at all because Paris is the city of romance.” Since then visiting Paris has been my wildest dream. So if I could be lucky enough to be there one day, I would love to go shopping, buying fashionable clothes, sitting in a café, sipping coffee, enjoying the beautiful French music, looking out of the glass windows, appreciating the
people on the street, and of course, picking up a few French words because French is one of the most elegant languages in the world. So I guess what I am trying to say is visiting Paris is and will be my wildest dream and I know it for sure that I will definitely go there one day.
Natural sound /noise Study or work weather
House/flat, fashion/clothes, watch/time hobby
a foreign celebrity park or garden hometown food/cooking TV program movies music reading animal/birds
Free time/ weekend shopping Language
work/job-hunting Fruits/vegetables Flowers
Neighbor/family/Friends Collecting things Driving ages season
Emails/letters/writing/hand phone Games/computer/internet Party /birthdays
Newspaper/magazine/ Advertisement Photos/Painting/pictures
Sports/bikes/keeping fit/travelling Living places(house/apartment) Holiday/relaxation/ swimming
Gift Visitors news Museums Part2
a place you visited
A place with water/ a perfect garden (park)/ a place you'd like to visit primary school
a change in your home town/your town and the biggest change
visit a place that you haven't been before A modern building/ an interesting building school/ library
Tourist attraction
Company / website/ Shopping centre A city you visited/ a story of city Ideal home/house/ hometown
Which parts do you like best in your town? restaurant
a friend who visited you
An old person/an interesting old personsomeone you live together
Foreign/Chinese famous people/ A foreigner/celebrity from a foreign country host/tv presenter
A friend/neighbor/colleague /a person you would like to spend time with
A person who took care of you in your childhood
a person who you helped before/ Sb. who gave you important help
A successful person/famous person /Someone you want to be similar to in the future
A person who is good at his /her work A teenager/ cook
A family you are familiar with (not your family) Sb. you(admire)want to talk to A roommate/a person you live with
A family /a family member you spend most of the time with/
a funny news story a special meal
a walk with your friend
describe a hobby you enjoyed when you were a child. the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements describe a kind of sports that you will be good at? A weekend/ a walk you took Party/ festival/ childhood/ game
A healthy lifestyle/ a traditional Chinese story Extreme sports/ unplanned trip/ Business trip/ Leisure activities
Science lesson internet/computer season Conversation speech/lecture
picnic/ meal /outdoor activities
Future plan news success Happy event recently /wedding (family event / birthday) Things—
an old thing in your home
describe one TV program you watched but not enjoy an ideal job/ an interesting job/ Describe a job sound that you like
a type of music/ Music in childhood/childhood game a special meal shopping
Something you bought but seldom use
an electrical equipment(except computer) /Inventionsth DIY
a childhood book/ a book that you like Newspaper\\website\\magazine An interesting piece of news Photo
Letter / Email
a film/ machine / an interesting law
A gift/ toy you gave to your friend or other people Homework/project something you lost
a well-known Children’s Story in your country Old things that your family keeps/handicraft Science lesson/ newspapers/magazine Second language you want to learn
Sth. you bought recently/ special clothes Advertisement/ change/advice An important stage in your life
Part 1重点核心话题 1 个人介绍类 个人信息 Name & ID 个人喜好类 植物 Animals 城市话题 烹饪与饮食 Food & Cooking 家庭话题 手机 Mobile phone 2 教育及职业 Education & Work 3 居住类型 Accommodation 运动 Sport 色彩 Colours 季节与天气 Weather & seasons 购物与时尚 Shopping & Fashion 4 家乡 Hometown 5 休闲时光 Leisure time 电视/片子 Films & TV 阅读 (常考杂志) Reading (Magazines) 6 未来发展 Future 7 旅游 Travel 鲜花 Flower 8 新闻 News 9 噪音 Noise 旅游 Travelling 交通 (飞机)Transportation 服装 Clothes 时间 Time 邻居 Neighbors 收集 博物馆 创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日 创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日
Collection 10 年夜海 Sea Part 2重点核心话题 电视节目A TV program (like/dislike) 片子A movie 野生植物Wild animal 课程Course 体育运动Sport 菜肴A Special Meal 健康习惯方式Something healthy 工作An (interesting) job/ A job you want to try 技能Most useful practical skill 广告Advertisement 电子产物A Machine or Electronic Device you would like to buy 自己制作的物品Something you made yourself 旧物An old thing in your family 贺卡/信件/信息Card/letter/message 故事A story from your country 创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日
Museums 创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日
礼物A gift 法律A good law
讲外语的人A person you met who speak foreign language 老人An Old Person
国外名人A famous foreign person 家庭A family (not your family) 艺术家An artist
崇敬的朋友A friend you admire 节目主持人A TV/Radio presenter
讲外语的人A person who speaks foreign language 老师A teacher
历史遗迹An Historic Site
居住/观赏过的城市A city you have visited or lived in 现代建筑A modern building 购物中心A shopping centre
公园Garden 学校School
吃饭的地址A place you sometime go for lunch/ A restaurant 噪音You visit a place where has a lot of noise
儿时的一首歌A Childhood Song 儿时的玩具A Childhood Toy
儿时读的书A Book You Read when You were a Child 公关活动A public event
旅行A trip with a friend/ A long journey
家乡的变动A recent changes to hometown
儿时经历A naughty thing you did in your childhood 重要的庆祝An important celebrate
你朋友做的一件令你崇敬的事something did by your friend who you admire
步行经历A walk you enjoyed with a friend
创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日 创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日