


1、 植物具有光合作用的能力,这意味着它们可以利用水、矿物质和二氧化碳,借助动物不具备的光能和叶绿素来生产食物。氧气释放后,葡萄糖——残留,这是一种富含能量的物质,是植物细胞的组成部分。

1. Plants have the ability of photosynthesis, which means they can use water, minerals and carbon dioxide to produce food with the help of light energy and chlorophyll that animals do not have. After the oxygen is released, glucose remains, which is a kind of energy rich substance and a component of plant cells.

2、 植物的叶绿素含有镁。

2. The chlorophyll of plants contains magnesium.

3、 植物有明显的细胞壁和细胞核,细胞壁由葡萄糖聚合物——纤维素组成。 3. Plants have obvious cell walls and nuclei, which are composed of glucose polymer cellulose.

4、 植物的祖先都是单细胞的非光合生物,它们吞食光合细菌,形成了互惠互利的关系:光合细菌生活在植物细胞中(所谓的内共生)。最后,细菌转变成叶绿体,叶绿体是存在于所有植物中但不能独立生存的细胞器。

4. The ancestors of plants are single celled non photosynthetic organisms. They devour photosynthetic bacteria, forming a mutually beneficial relationship: photosynthetic bacteria live in plant cells (so-called endosymbiosis). Finally, bacteria transform into chloroplasts, which are organelles that exist in all plants but cannot survive independently.

5、 植物通常不会移动,因为它们不需要寻找食物。

5. Plants usually do not move because they do not need to look for food.
