第30卷 2014年1O月 武夷科学 V01.30 Oct.2O14 WUYI SCIENCE joURNAL The robber flies in Golestan province,north of Iran (Diptera:Brachycera:Asiloidea:Asilidae) Najmeh SAMIN .Hamid SAKENIN ,Reza MONAEM (1.Department ofAgriculture,Shahre Rey Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran; 2.Department ofPlant Protection,Qaemshahr Branch,Islamic Azad University,Mazandaran,Ira ) Abstract:This paper deals with the species diversity of robber flies(Diptera:Asilidae)in Golestan province,north- em Iran.In total 21 species from 17 genera and 10 subfamilies(Apocleinae,Asilinae,Dasypogoninae,Brachyrhopal・ inae,L叩hIiinae,Laphystiinae,Leptogastrinae,Brachyrhopalinae,Stenopogoninae,and Stichopogoninae)were col・ lected and identiifed. Key words:Diptera,Asilidae;Robber lifes;Fauna;Golestan province;Iran 伊朗北部Golestan省的食虫虻种类 (双翅目:短角亚目:食虫虻总科:食虫虻科) Najmeh SAMIN .Hamid SAKENIN ,Reza MONAEM (1.Department ofAgriculture,Shahre Rey Branch,Isamlic Azad University,Tehran,Iran; 2.DepⅡrtment ofPlant Protectoin,Qoe椰 Branch,Islamic Azad University,Mazandaran,lran) 摘要:本文记述了伊朗北部Golestn省的食虫虻种类(双翅目:a食虫虻科),总计调查鉴定了食虫虻科的10亚  ̄(Apoc1einae,Asilinae,Dasypog。ninae,Brachyrh。palinae,Laphriinae,Laphystiinae,Lept。gastrinae,Brachyrho。 palinae.Stenopogoninae和Stichopogoninae)17属21种。 关键词:双翅目;食虫虻科;区系;Golestan省;伊朗 中图分类号:Q969.13 文献标识码:A 1 Introduction 文章编号:1001—4276一(2014)Ol一0107—07 R0bber flies(Diptera:Asilidae)comprise a large and widespread family of insects.The adults 8Jle oft_en active flies of considerable size and readily attract attention(Geller—Grimm,2005). Asilid adults attack insects of almost all orders,from wasps,bees,and flies to dragonflies and grasshop— pers;even some spiders are eaten(Lavigne et a1.,1978;Lavigne,2003).Robber lfies can be regar- ded as a beneficia1 group of insects.However,it was also noted that they are enemies of honey bees and aye coHlmonly found around bee hives destroying large numbers. Some species,especially the smaUer ones.do not catch their victims in flight,but await small insects which, by chance,fly wihitn their reach.At any rate we are unaware of any robber lfy which is not a predator(HuU,1962; Theodor,1980;Bos6k and Hradsk ̄,2001). Colestan province is located in the north of Iran and south of he tCaspian Sea.Geographically, Golestan is divided into two sections,the plains and he mounttains of the Alborz range-In the east。 Received:2013—12—25 Author:Najmeh Samin,email:n—samin63@yahoo-com ・108・ 武夷科学 第30卷 em Alborz section,the direction of the mountains faces northeast and gradually decreases in height. The highest point of the province is Shavar,at 3,945 m above sea leve1.Golestan climate is temper- ate for most ofthe year. The fauna of Iranian Asilidae has been stu died rather well by several authors(e.g.Abbassian— Lintzen,1964a,b;Lehr et a1.,2007;Hayat et a1.,2008;Ghahari et a1.,2007a,b,2008a,b,2009, 2010;Saghaei et a1.,2008,2009,2010;Sakenir Let a1.,2008a,b,2009,2010,2011;Tomasovic and Sa曲aei,2009;Samin et a1.,2010,2011;Ostova5 and Rastegar,2013).The aim of this paper is fan— nistie survey on Asilidae in Golestan province. 2 Matedals and Methods For studying the asilids fauna of Golestan province,many samplings were conducted at different localities of this province.Identiifcations made by Engel(1930),Oldroyd(1958),Abbasian— Lintzen(1964a,b),Tsacas(1968),Theodor(1980)and Lehr(1988).The taxonomic arrangement and distributional data for regions outside Iran;]_re those of Lehr(1988,1996),Bosdk and Hradsk ̄, (2001)and Geller—Grimm(2005).The infommtion concerning speciifc name,describer and de— scription date,locality and date of collection,place where the species were collected,determinant and number of species was given. 3 Results TomHy 2 1 asilid species from 1 7 genera(Promachus Loew,Erax Scopoli,Eutolmus l_oew, Machimus Loew,Neomochtherus Osten Sacken,Tolmerus Loew,Tnchomachimus Engel,Saropogon Loew,Leptarthrus Stephens,Andrenosoma Ron,l ani,Laphna Meigen,Hoplotriclis Hermann,Lepto— gaster Meigen,Holopogon Loew,Anarolius Lo w,Stenopogon Loew,and Laswpogon Loew)were collected from diferent regions of Golestan prov:Lnce.The List of species is given below with distrihu— tion data. Subfamily Apocleinae Papavero,1973 Genus Promachus Loew,1848 Erax barbatus ScopoH,1763 Material examined:1 6,Gomishan(一6 m),April 2010;1 6,Golestan N ̄ional Park, Ghareh.Ghashli(1 817 m),June 2012. Distribution:Iran;Bulgaria,Czech Repuhlic,France,Germany,Greece,Poland,Romania, Sweden,Russia,South European territory,Tra]ascaucasus,Turkey,former Yugoslavia. Genus Eutobnus Loew,1848 Eutolmus implacidus Loew,1871 Material examined:1早,1 6,Golestan N ̄ational Park,Soolegerd(1 586 m),April 201 1. Distribution:Iran;Germany,Kazakhstan,Russia,Soviet Middle Asia,Turkey. Samin et a1.:The robber flies in Golestan province,north of Iran 第3O卷 (Diptera:Brachycera:Asiloidea:Asilidae) Genus Machim Loew.1849 ・109・ Machimus callginosus(Meigen,1820) Material examined:2 ,Golestan National Park,Yakhtikalan(1 887 m),July 2009. Distribution:Iran;Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Czech Republic,France,Germany,Greece, Italy,Turkey,former Yugoslavia. Genus Neomochtherus Osten Sacken,1878 Neomochthe舢acanthodes(Loew.1849) Material examined:2 6,Ramiyan(230 m),September 2010. Distribution:Iran;Transcaucasus,Turkey. Neomochtherus albicans(Loew,1849) Material examined:2 。Golestan National Park,Ghareh-Ghashli(1 817 m),September 2009;1 ,Ramiyan(230 m),September 2010. Distribution:Iran;Turkey. enus To/Gmerus Loew,1849 Tolmerus atricapillus(Fallifn,1814) Material examined:1辛,1 6,Golestn Nataional Park,Dasht—e-Mirza—Bayloo(1 589 m),Au。 gust 2008. Distribution:Iran;Austira,Belgium,Bulgaria,Czech Republic,Germany,Denmark, France,Italy,Luxembourg,Norway,Poland,Romania,Sweden,Finland,Central European terri— tory,East Siberia,Far East,Kazakhstan,North European territory,Russia,South European terri— tory,West Siberia,Switzerland,The Netherlands,United Kingdom. To/merus richterae Lehr,1981 Material examined:1 .Golestan National Park,Yakhtikalan(1 887 m),April 2010. Distribution:Iran;Armenia,Trnscaucaus.a Tolmerus livonensis(Theodor,1980) Material examined:2 ,Gelestn Nataional Park,Ghoosh—Cheshmeh(1 593 m),July 201 1. Distribution:Iran;Israel,Turkey. enuGs Trichomachimus Engel,1934 Trichomachimus pubescens(Ricardo,1922) Material examined:1辛,Kalaleh(147 m),September 2008;1早,Agh—ghala(11 m),Octo— ber 2008. Distribution:Iran;Afghanistan,China,India. ・llO・ 武夷科学 第30卷 Subfamily Dasypogoninae Macquart,1838 Genus Saropogon Loew,1847 Saropogon albicans Janssens,1961 Material examined:1 ,Golestan Nationa1.Park,Cheshmeh.Khan(1 547 m),April 2012;1 6,Almeh(1 791 m),April 2012. Distribution:Iran;Iraq. Saropogon Hucocephalus(Meigen,1820) Material examined:1 6,Minoodasht(158 m),15 April 2012。 Distribution:Iran;Egypt,France,Israe1..Italy,Morocco,North Africa,Palestine,Spain, Tunisia,Turkey. Subfamily Brachyrhopalinae Hardy,1926 Genus LeptarthI'US Stephens,1829 Leptarthrus brevirostris(Meigen,1804) Material examined:1早,Aghband(157 m),May 2010;1 6,Golestan National Park, Ghoosh—Cheshmeh(1 593 m),August 2010. Distribution:Iran;Austira,Albania,Bulgaria,Czech Republic,Germany,Denmark, France,Great Britain,Italy,Romania,Slovakia,Sweden,former Yugoslavia,Russia,Turkey. Subfamily Laphrii ̄ae Macquart,1838 Genus Andrenosoma Rondani,1856 Andrenosoma albibarbe(Meigen,1820) Material examined:2早,Gonbad(1 1 m),July 2010. Distribution:Iran;Algeria,Austia,Czeclr: ̄Republic,France,Greece,Italy,Poland,Roma— nia,Russia,Central European territory,Far East,South European territory,Spain,Turkey. Genus Laphria Meigen,1803 Laphria gibbosa(Linnaeus,1758) Material examined:2早,1 6,Gorgan(14l!m),July 2009. Distribution:Iran;Austria,Belgium,Switzerland,Czech Republic,Germany,Denmark, Spain,France,Great Britain,Italy,Norway,Pdand,Romania,Slovakia,Sweden,Finland,for— mer Yugoslavia,Russia,Kazakhstan,Turkey. Subfamily Laphy:!;tiinae Hendel,1936 Genus Hoplotrici!is Hermann,1920 Hoplotriclis pallasff(Wiedemann,1828) Material examined:1 6,Gonbad(8 m),July 2010;1 6,5 Km S of Azad Shahr(300 m), June 2011. Distribution:Iran;Greece Kazakhstan,R{)mania,Russia,T key. Samin et a1.:The robber flies in Golestan province,north of Iran 第3o卷 (Diptera:Brachycera:Asiloidea:Asilidae) ・ll1・ Subfamily Leptogastrinae Schiner,1862 Genus Leptogaster Meigen,1803 Leptogaster guttiventris Zetterstedt,1842 Material examined:1辛,Maraveh—Tappeh(218 m),July 2010;1 ,1 6,Galikesh(126 m),October 2010. Distribution:Iran;Austria,Belgium,Czech RepubHc,Denmark,England,Finland,Frnace, Germany,Hungary,Poland,Russia,Sweden,Switzerland,the Netherlnads. Subfamily Brachyrhopalinae Hardy,1926 Genus Holopogon Loew,1847 Holopogon albosetosus Schiner,1867 Material examined:2 ,Gorgan(115 m),June 2011;2 6,Kallaeh(164 m),April 2008・ Distribution:Irna;Kazakhstan,Russia,South European territory,Soviet Middle Asia,Tran- scaucasus,Turkey. Subfamily Stenopogoninae Hull,1962 eGnus Anarofius Loew,1844 Anaroliusfronto Loew,1873 Material examined:1辛,2 6,Gorgan(64 m),June 2011;2 6,Bandar—Gaz(6 m),April 2010. Distribution:Irna;Kazakhstan,Russia,Soviet Middle Asia,Turkey. eGnus Stenopogon Loew,1847 Stenopogon ruifpilus ruficauda Engel,1929 Material examined:1辛,Minoo—Dasht(171 m),September 2009. Distribution:Iran;Armenia,Russia,Transcaucasus. Subfamily Stichopogoninae Hardy,1930 eGnus Lasiopogon Loew,1847 Lasiopogon pUosellus Loew,1847 Material examined:1 6,Kallaeh(147 m),August 2008. Distribution:Iran;Austria,Germany,Poland,Switzerland,Turkey. 4 Discussion This research shows htat htere is a diverse fauna of Asilidae in Golestan province,Irna.Among hte 21 collected species,9 species belong to subfmaily Asilinae.Of course we did not sample all the regions of the mentioned area and continue to sampling in other regions especially in Golestna Na— tional Park surely wil result to new data.Asilids are powerful predators of insec ̄and other arthro— pods but the prey.predator relationships was not studied very well about them.One of hte most in。 teresting topics for the researchers Can be this valuable subject. 武夷科学 第30卷 Acknowledgement We are grateful to R.Hayat(Suleyman Demirel University。Turkey),M.Hradsky(Mlekovice 40,Zasmuky,Czech Republic)and H.Ghahari(Shahre Rey Islamic Azad University,Iran)for iden。 tiifcation of materials and providing the necessary papers.We thank Dr.J.Huang(Fujian Agriculture and Forestry Universiy,Chitna)for editorial as,;istance and review of this paper.The research was supposed by Islamic Azad University f Shahre Ii ey and Qaemshahr Branches). 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