您的当前位置:首页09 翻译-2021年上海市高三英语一模专项汇编

09 翻译-2021年上海市高三英语一模专项汇编


Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 2021黄浦一模

72.如天公作美,周末我们就去郊游。(permit) 73.端午时节吃粽子、赛龙舟是我们的习俗。(It)

74.尽管该项目困难重重,但有当地政府和企业的共同努力定能取得进展。(progress) 75.园艺使人们得以侍弃花草,通过与大自然的接触得到美的享受,能修身养性。(which) 答案

72.If the weather permits/Weather permitting,we'll go for an outing this weekend.

73. It has been/is our tradition to eat rice dumplings and hold dragon boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival (season).

74.Although/Though there are many difficulties,the project is sure to make progress with the joint efforts of the local government and enterprises.

75.Gardening allows people/individuals to grow flowers and plants and gain enjoyment/appreciate the beauty through contact/a relation with nature,which can promote/promotes physical and mental well-being/cultivate morality and character.


72. 足不出户,你就可以在网上逛遍全球各大博物馆。(without)

73. 多亏了社会各界人士的慷慨解囊,这个孤儿院才得以在今年年初办了起来。(found)

74. 消防队员们不仅营救了事故现场的工人,还成功阻止了有毒气体的蔓延。(Not only)

75. 各国应基于大会上所达成的共识,加强全球合作,共同应对人类面临的挑战。(base) 答案

72.You can visit all the major museums around the world online without even leaving your home.

73.Thanks to the generous donation made by people from all walks of life, the orphanage was founded early this year.

74.Not only did the firefighters save the workers at the scene of the accident, but also they successfully prevented the poisonous gas from spreading.

75.All the countries should boost global cooperation to jointly address the challenges facing mankind, based on the agreement reached at the conference.


72. 他在整理书籍时发现了一本旧日记。(run)

73. 过度使用手机会对我们的身体造成不良影响。(impact)

74.不可否认这种疾病的危害性已经引起了公众的广泛关注和高度重视。(There) 75. 你希望同学怎么对待你,你就怎么对待他们。无论相交深浅,都应尊重他们。(Whatever ) 答案

72.He ran across an old dairy while sorting out the books.

73.Overuse of mobile/cell phones can have /make a negative/bad impact on our health. 74.There is no denying that the harmfulness of this disease has aroused/brought widespread concern/ attention.

75.Treat your classmates like you’d like/want to be treated/ Treat your classmates as you want them to. Whatever your relationship/depth of the relationship is, treat them with respect/they should be respected.


72. 难道发展中国家不能举办世界博览会吗?(host)

73. 今天我做了别人不愿做的事情,明天我就能做到别人做不到的事情。(accomplish) 74. 毫无疑问,我们现在的头等大事就是为受灾地区输送食物及药品物资。(priority) 75. 不论你擅长什么,只要为人真诚、助人为乐,又有幽默感,就会拥有真正的朋友。(whatever) 答案

72. Can’t a developing country host a world expo?

73. Today I will do what others won’t do so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t. 74. There is no doubt that (Undoubtedly, ) our top priority right now is to send food and medical supplies to the disaster-hit/stricken area.

75. Whatever you are good at, you will make true friends as long as you are sincere, are ready / willing to help others and have a sense of humor.



73.国庆假期里为减少餐饮浪费,不少餐馆创新举措,推出了“小份菜”。(offer) 74.那座古镇里所有的传统建筑都保存得很好,我觉得不虚此行。(preserve)

75.中外游客不仅领略了这里的山水美景,也对当地的文化和悠久历史有了大致的了解。(Not only) 答案

72. The leader(s) of the country attended the ceremony to present / and presented the Medal of Honour to the People’s Educator.

73. During the National Day holiday, in order to reduce the waste of food, quite a number of restaurants innovated by offering “small dishes”.

74. I think it worthwhile to visit that ancient town, where all the traditional buildings are well preserved.

75. Not only have the visitors from home and abroad appreciated the beautiful landscape / scenery here, but they have also had a general understanding of the local culture and the long history.


72. 天气变冷,当心别感冒了。(as)

73. 焦虑的人总是会担心很多事情,无法睡个好觉。(too…to)

74. 汽车很快就可以通过 5G 网络互相对话,让司机意识到前方的危险。(which) 75. 据报道,我国在全国范围内开展在线学习活动,已有一千多万师生在网上学习平台注册。(launch) 答案

72. Be careful not to catch a cold as it’s getting cold.

73. Anxious people worry too much to get a good night’ssleep.

74. Cars could soon be communicating with each other over a 5G network, which makes drivers aware of upcoming dangers.

75. It is reported that China has launched online learning activities nationwide, with more than ten million teachers and students signing up for online learning platforms.


72. 今年双十一购物节,商业销售额暴涨。(witness) 73. 理想与现实若相去甚远往往就会难以遂愿。(fulfill)

74. 周末闲暇,我们与其待在家里无所事事,还不如走向田野,图个赏心悦目。(rather than) 75. 我们之所以学习中国历史,是因为我们不仅要珍惜中华民族的传统瑰宝,而且要具备丰富的历史知识来讲好中国故事。(equip)


72. The Double 11 Shopping Festival this year (has) witnessed a sharp rise in business sales. 73 If the ideal is too far away from (the) reality (If the ideal and (the) reality are too far away from each other), it is / may / will often be difficult / hard (for people) to fulfill it.

74. In our leisure time on weekends, we would go to the fields and enjoy the sight / scenery / view rather than stay at home doing nothing.

In our leisure time on weekends, we prefer to go to the fields and enjoy the sight / scenery / view rather than stay at home doing nothing.

75. The reason why we study Chinese history is that we should / would not only cherish the traditional treasures of the Chinese nation, but also be equipped with rich historical knowledge / knowledge of history / history knowledge to tell stories of China in a better way / Chinese stories well.


72. 游客不仅能品尝这里的美食,还能免费观看地方戏曲。(free) 73. 长辈们常不厌其烦地叮嘱我们要趁年轻多学本领,勤读书。(while)

74. 如果沉溺于虚拟世界,疏于人际交流,你会感觉与周围的一切格格不入。(addict) 75. 这部电影制作成本低,既无大牌明星出镜,也无复杂的故事情节,但主人公对故乡深深的依恋之情令观众动容。 (neither…nor) 答案

72. Visitors can not only taste the delicious food here, but also enjoy the free local opera . 73. The elders repeatedly tell us to obtain more skills and study diligently(1 分)while we are young.

74. If you addict yourself to the virtual world and neglect interpersonal communication, you will find it hard to adapt yourself to the things around you.

75. Although this was a low-cost film, with neither famous stars (in it) nor complicated plot, the audience was greatly moved by the deep love of the main character to his hometown .


72.我在玩纵横字谜时拼错了一个词,卡住了。(stick) 73.这套房有两居室,小的那间可用做书房。(serve)


75.在互联网时代,便捷和风险共生,只有具有风险防范意识方能拥有安全感和获得感。(unless) 答案

72.I got stuck when I misspelled a word in a crossword puzzle.

73.There are two bedrooms in the flat, the smaller of which serves as a study. 74.Each of us, regardless of what difficulties we may encounter/meet in life,

75.In an age/era of the Internet, when convenience and risks conexist,we cannot have a sense of achievements and safety, unless we have the consciousness of risk prevention.


72.他处理这个问题的方法是有效的。(prove) 73.为了您的安全,请不要在走路时盯着手机看。(fix) 74.接到通知,我们出游的日期已定,风雨无阻。(regardless)

75.不言而喻,像打电话这样的语音通信,尽管不受年轻人的青睐,但比发短信更能增强 社交联系。(It) 答案

72. The way he(1') dealt with the problem(1') proved(to be) efficient(1).

【Or: The way of his dealing with../The way for him to deal with (2) the way(that in which)(1) he dealt with the problem(1)proved proves has proved(to be) efficient(1)】.

73.For the sake of your safety(1'), please don't walk(1') with your eyes fixed on the


[ Or: For(the sake of) your safety(1).please don't fix your eyes on the scren of the phone(I')when walking(1)】.

74.We are informed that(1')the date for the outing(1')has been fised(1')and we'll go(0.5)/regardless of bad weather(0.5).

【or:We(have)received the notice that(l)../We are have been informed that(1\")the date for the outing/excursion(1\")has beendetermined decided settled(1')and we'll go(0.5\")regardless of bad weather conditions(0.5)】(regardless of wind or rains 算对)

75.It is self-evident that(1)the voice message like malking phone calls(1'),though not favoured by young people(1'),creates stronger social connections(1')than the text message(1).

【Or:It is obvious evident clear that(1')though yoice messages(0.5\")like making phone calls(0.5\")are not favored by young people(1), they(can)create(I')stronger social connections (0.5) than text messages(0.5).】

《注意本句划线部分的平衡用法,出现不平衡的,只给0.5分)(variants include:the voice message,voiced message(s),the text message,texting messages,texted messages,text messaging,etc.)


72.下雨天,孩子们可以打打乒乓球。(suitable) 73.现在倡议把餐馆里没有吃完的食物打包带走。(It)

74.考试成绩有起伏是正常现象,你不必为此忧心忡忡。(which) 75.十一月秋意正浓,何不放下手头的工作,走近大自然?(air) 答案

72. Playing ping-pong / table tennis is suitable for kids on rainy days / when it is rainy. 73. It is proposed that the food (that / which has been) left unfinished / the unfinished food / the leftovers at a restaurant/ (should) be packed and taken away.

74. There are ups and downs in your performance in the exam, which is a normal phenomenon, and / so there is no need for you to be upset about / worry about / be worried about it (you don’t need to be upset about it).

Or: It is normal that there are ups and downs in your performance in the exam, about which you needn’t worry.

75.Autumn is very much in the air in November, and why not put aside your work and get close to nature / head into nature?




74.随着现金提款量的急剧下降,过不了多久,无现金社会就会成为现实。(before) 75.这个年轻人不仅从来没有因为残疾而怨天尤人,反而一直在挑战自己,因为他知道生命太短暂,追梦不迟疑。(Instead) 答案

72. The life-skill course starts with teaching students how to change a light bulb.

73. The longer social distancing measures last/are in place/are imposed, the more negatively human relationships will be affected

74. With a dramatic decline in cash withdrawal, it will not be long before a cashless society becomes a reality. /Before long, a cashless society will become a reality/come into being. 75. Instead of blaming fate or othersfor his disability, the young man has kept challenging himself, for he knows (clearly) that life is too short to hesitate in pursuing one’s dream. Or:The young man has never blamed fate or others for his disability. Instead, he has kept challenging himself, for he knows (clearly) that life is too short to hesitate when it comes to pursuing one’s dream.


72.自古以来,中国人便用简单的原材料制作美食。(out of) 73.交警示意他停车,因为他忽视了单行街道标志。(signal)

74.令我们高兴的是,这里的食物都按小份供应,光盘行动的标语随处可见。(serve) 75.这部电影制作精良,主题鲜明,剧情真挚动人,被人们奉为永久的经典。(whose) 答案

72.The Chinese have made/have been making fine/decent/delicious food out of simple raw ingredients since ancient times.

73.The traffic policeman/officer signaled/signaled to him to stop/pull over, because he overlooked/neglected/ignored the single-lane sign/one-way street sign.

74.To our delight, the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs of “clear/empty your plate(s)” can be seen everywhere.

Or: To our delight, the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs “clear/empty your plate(s)” are everywhere.

Or: What delights us is that the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs of “clear/empty your plate(s)” can be seen everywhere.

Or: What delights us is that the food here is served in small portions/servings and the signs “clear/empty your plate(s)” are everywhere.

75.The carefully-made film, whose theme is distinct and plot is moving, is regarded/praised as an undying classic/a timeless classic/a long-lasting classic.


72. 仅仅靠旅游来拓宽我们的视野是远远不够的。(far) 73. 很多白领要先喝上一杯咖啡,才能开始工作。(without)

74. 科学家们想弄清楚的是:经常与动物接触是否能帮助人们有效减轻压力。(What) 75. 很多学生意识到学习语言的主要目的不是为了考试,而是为了让自己有更好地认识世界的能力。(equip)


72.It’s far from enough to broaden our horizons only by traveling.

73.Many white-collar workers cannot start their work without having a cup of coffee. 74.What scientists want to figure out is whether constant exposure to animals can help people effectively reduce their stress.

75.Many students are aware that the main purpose of learning a language is not to take tests, but to equip oneself with the ability to know the world better.





75.一个团队游(package tour)只有行程合理、食宿放心才能真正获得游客的青睐。(Only) 答案

72.I don't consider/believe/think his behaviour (to be) worthy of praise/worthy to be praised. OR:I don't think/believe/consider (that) his behaviour is/was worthy of praise/worthy to be praised.

73.It is getting cold,and mom always reminds me to wear a scarf and (a pair of) gloves when I go out.

74.To/For this rule-breaking/discipline-violating/discipline-breaking incident, the school authority didn't impose punishment directly on the students,but allowed them to discuss a solution themselves.

75.Only when a package tour offers reasonable schedules and safe accommodation (and meals) can it truly win the tourists' favour.


72. 这类复杂的问题不是一朝一夕就能解决的。(It)

73. 这家图书馆里,所有上个世纪手工绘制的漫画书都不外借。(available)

74. 该款电动车提供终生免费保养,这吸引了顾客的眼球,大大促进了销量。(which) 75. 短视频服务不仅仅满足了人们的娱乐需求,而且拓宽了学习渠道,给教育领域带来了意想不到的变化。(Not only) 答案

72. It is not possible to solve complicated problems of this kind in a day.

73. In the library, none of the hand-painted comic books of the last century is available for lending.

74. The type of electric car offers lifetime free maintenance, which has caught customers’ eye and greatly promoted sales.

75. Not only has the short-video service met people’s entertainment needs, but it has also broadened the channels for learning and brought unexpected changes to the field of education.
