1、泼水节是哪个民族的节日?( )
A.彝族 B.苗族 C.高山族 D.傣族
2、以下哪个不是古代“酒”的别称?( )
A.琼浆 B.玉露 C.杜康 D.绿蚁
3、以下哪个不是金陵十二钗的人物?( )
A.林黛玉 B.王熙凤 C.妙玉 D.袭人
4、“闭月羞花”中的“闭月”是关于哪位美女的故事?( )
A.西施 B.王昭君 C.貂蝉 D.杨贵妃
以种( )棵树?
7、(33x33+33) ÷33-33 = ?
9、(数学题,6分)999999×222222+333333×333334= ?
10、(英语题,6分)There __________ some grape juice and two pieces of bread on that table
A has B is C have D are
11、(英语题,6分)I'm really hungry ,I need _________ to eat ,but _______ in the fridge.
A anything, something B nothing , something C something, nothing D anything , nothing
12、(英语题,6分)As we know,Japan is _______ east of China.
A on B to C in D at
13、(英语题,6分)——How __________ is your father?
A many B long C often D tall
14、(英语题,6分)How do you say the year “1809”?
A one eight 0 nine B one thousand eight hundred and nineteen C eighteen o nine D one thousand eighty-nine
以下为必答题,6分: 15、第三部分:看图说话