New Journey to the West教案
1 preparation
T—Hello everyone.Nice to meet you!
S—Nice to meet you,too!
T—What’s your name?
S—My name is-----
T--How old are you,boy?
S—I’m 14years old.
T—When I was 14, I was in this school,too. So we are schoolmates.I am not only your teacher but also your friend.What’s your hobby? Do you like watching cartoons?
T—Which cartoon do you like best?
S—I like------(提前备案:Tom and jerry/如果不知道英文名字,通过什么样的导语让同学们可以说汉语)
T—Do you know which cartoon I like best?
T—Guess! (切换页面,播放白龙马音乐)
T--oh yes! How clever you are!<Journey to the best> is my favourite cartoon. Do you like it?
T—Ok, let’s journey to the west. Class begin! Good afternoon everyone!
S—Good afternoon teacher. (New Journey to the west.齐读课题)
Tangseng has 4 discipals,They are Monkey Pig Sand and Horese. which one do you like?
S—I like-----(发下头饰, you are Money Team)
S—I like-----(发下头饰, you are)
S—I like-----(发下头饰, you are)
S—I like-----(发下头饰, you are)
T—Everybody! Show me your slogan please!
Monkey team: No team, no hero! Pig team: No me,just us!
Sand team:Anything is possible! Horse team: To be No.1!
T—I am excited!Ok,let’s journey to the west together.
T—But Suddenly(切换页面,怪兽), What happened? a monster catched your shi fu.(播放要求)
T—Are you ready to save your shifu? Ok, let’s go to win 3 stars.
Action 1:T—Tip:complete the comparatives and sum up the principles.(切换到单词呈现)
T—Look at the pictures, What are they like?
S—The little monkey is short,small. The man is old….(Excellent.让学生回答,并发奖品)
T—I have some words to describe them. Look.
Another question. Can you find out some principles? Think it over!
Ok. I will give you some tips.(让单词按规律排列)
Monkey Team you sum up the first line.
Pig Team you sum up the first line.
Sand Team you sum up the first line.
Horse Team you sum up the first line.
T—Perfect! I am really proud of you!
Thinner ,thinner ,I’m thinner than you(猴子说给八戒)Stronger stronger ,I’m stronger than you(沙僧说给龙马)
Taller, taller , I’m taller than you.(龙马说给沙僧) Fatter , fatter , I’m fatter than you(八戒说给猴子)
Longer, longer, My hair is longer than yours(女生说给男生)
T—Well done. We passed the action 1 and get one star.There are two lines left.(让学生加油 啪啪 啪啪啪 yes.)
Come on! Let’s go to get the second star.(切换)
3practice 新 课 标第 一 网
Action 2: Tip:complete the table by interview and report your compare.(组长分工,询问朋友,集体完成表格;)
T—Take out your paper.
For example: 拿一个头饰,然后问另外的某组,How tall are you? 然后填写完毕。
(板书:How old/tall/heavy---are you?
I am----.)
采访:A:How old/tall/heavy are you? A:How big are your feet? (每人完成两个空,完成回来找组长汇总。一定用英语问答)
B:I am------. B:I wear size------.
A:I am-----than-----. A:My feet are-----than yours.
T—ok. It’s time to report. Use this three sentences.
2.汇报:I’m________ .I’m________than________. My feet are________than________.________is________than me.
T—Super job.We pass action2 and have 2 stars. There is only one line left on shifu.(让学生加油 啪啪 啪啪啪 yes.)
Come on! Let’s go to get the third star.(切换)
Action3:短文填空 (举手 上台展示,做对的得到两个奖励)
T—Read this passage quickly and answer the questions. Hands up and show your anwers when you finish.
Dear Pig,
After 80 hardships(磨难),we are near to the west. We walked through the scorching (hot) summer and freezing(cold) winter and become good friends with each other.
I am thinner and shorter than you. You are a little fat and lazy(懒惰的),but you are funnier than us and always make us feel happy. Sand is 78 kg but he is stronger than us.He is so nice and always carries the heavy luggages(行李). Horse is only 20 years old, so he is younger than us.
We may meet big problems in the future(将来), but we can conquer(战胜) them together,because we are a good team.
Best wishes,
1、Monkey is thinner but taller than Pig.( )
2、Sand is stronger than Pig.( )
3、Pig is funnier than Sand.( )
4、Horse is older than Monkey. ( )
二、写出下列单词的比较级 x kb 1.c om
cold______nice______ big______hot ______ fat______ lazy/ei/______happy______heavy______
1、How heavy is Sand?
He is .He is than the others.
2、Is Pig shorter than Monkey?
. He is than Monkey.
3、How old is Horse?
He is . He is than the others.
T—Look, we get 3 stars. Shi fu is free. We are winners.Excellent! (让学生加油 啪啪 啪啪啪 yes.)
Ok,shifu and his 4 disciples are going on their journey.
5 progress
Dear ,
We have been together through the six hot
summers and six cold winters . We become good
friends with each other. But we will say
goodbye soon.
I am___years old,I am_____ than you.
We may meet big problems in the future,
but we can conquer(战胜) them together,
because we are a good team.
Best wishes,
Sum up: 总结本课内容
T—thank you boys and girls. Class over. Say goodbye to shifumen,please!.
New Journey to the West教学反思
在PEP小学英语教材第8册的第一单元,主要就学习了简单的比较级,《New Journey to the West》就是针对这一单元来设计的一节比较级的复习课。
New Journey to the West一课,顾名思义就是借用了中国传统的小说西游记这个题材为背景故事,师傅被妖怪施法,下了3道魔咒,如果徒弟4人想把师傅就出来就必须过三道关。
第一关单词关,通过出示西游记动画片中的5种角色形象,让同学们用简单的形容词来回答老师的问题“What he/she like?”,再通过这5个角色之间的对比,让同学们在句型“He/She is taller/ older……than……。”中去梳理本单元及课外的较有代表性的单词。将改写比较级的规律相同的单词用同一种颜色的单词呈现出,让同学们去寻找出比较级改写时的一些规律。最后通过一个chant来训练单词和基本句型。
第二关句型关,将Monky/Pig/Sand/Horse四名徒弟的数据告诉每一组的学生,让同学们运用How old/tall/heavy……are you?这个句型去询问其他人,然后将数据统计在自己的表格内,并将这个过程表演出,在最后做一个回报,让同学们在这个调查输出过程中去运用所学的单词和句型,做到学以致用。
探沂小学 曹晓晓