Uint 5 Can you come to my party?
Page 26 Section 2a~2c
I.Teachig Aims and Demands
1.Knowledge Objects
Key vocabulary; Target language; Grammar focus.
2.Ability Objects
Listening skill and communicative competence.
3.Moral Object
It’s polite to refuse one’s invitation if you can’t go.
hey, baseball game , too much homework
2.Target language
Hey, Dave,can you go to the movies on Saturday?
I’m sorry, I can’t . I have too much homework this weekend.
I have to help my mom.
I’m playing soccer.
I have to go to my guitar lesson.
I’m going to the movies.
I have to visit my aunt.
Listening and speaking methods;
Communicative approach; Pairwork.
Step I Greet the class.
First ask students to look at the sentences to the class twice. The first time say can and the second time say can’t .
Listen to the conversations carefully and then circle the word “can”or “can’t ”.
Check the answers with the whole class.
Ask a student to read the five sentences in Activity 2b.
Listen to the recording again and fill in the three numbers as they listen.
Ask students if they can give other reasons besides the lists in Activity 2b.
(Possible answers : not feeling well, have to babysit, going on a trip.)
Look at the sample conversation in the book. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class.
A : Hey, Dave,can you go to the movies on Saturday?
B : I’m sorry, I can’t . I have too much homework this weekend.
A : That’s too bad. Maybe another time.
B : Sure, Joe. Thanks for asking.
Now work with a partner. One of you is student A and one of you is student B. Student A, invites your partner to do something with you. Student B, say you can’t do it and give a reason.
Then change roles.
Then ask some pairs of students to present their dialogues to the class.
If some pairs do well, give them little presents to praise them.
Today we’ve learnt how to say “no”to someone’s invitation and give a reason. After class practice the concersations with you partner.
Unit 5 Can you come to my party?
has to have to
She ____play basketball. He_____study.
They _____go to party. I_____study for a test.
Step VII Teaching reflcetion: