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关于励志英语优秀演讲稿集合 篇19


  It is the road you take that decides your destiny but not your destiny thatdecides the road you take.

  The question is: Are you satisfied with who you are? Are you doing what youare capable of doing? Do you get excited about what you are going to do when youget up in the morning? It is high time you asked these questions that reflectthe truth about your life. More often than not we have the ability to achievemuch greater things, but we get caught in the average things in life and wasteour potential. Each one of us has immense ability. But most of us fail to useit. Why?

  1、There is no exact purpose for your life.

  2、You underestimate yourself.

  3、You are too busy to think about any-thing.

  4、You are in a comfortable zone.

  5、You fear failure.

  Ask yourself, what difference am I making in the lives of others? Would yoube happy and satisfied with what you have achieved? Are you following yourpassion? You must find what you love and what gives you fulfillment.

  Don’t be afraid to make a new beginning. Go deep and explore thepossibilities. As you go deeper and deeper, you begin to add meaning to yourlife.。
