--1.创建索引信息表 create table `t_index_update` ( `table_name` varchar(20) COLLATE gbk_bin DEFAULT NULL, `index_name` varchar(20) COLLATE gbk_bin DEFAULT NULL, `index_cols` varchar(100) COLLATE gbk_bin DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk COLLATE=gbk_bin; --2.插入线下索引信息表 insert into t_index_update() select table_name, index_name, group_concat(distinct concat('`', column_name, '`') order by seq_in_index asc separator ', ') as index_cols from information_schema.STATISTICS where table_schema= 'elk' and column_name<>'seq_id' and index_name<>'primary' group by table_name, index_name order by table_name asc, index_name asc; --3.同步线下索引信息表到线上 --4.构建删除和修改过的索引的删除语句 select concat('alter table `',a.table_name,'` drop index ',a.index_name,';') from ( select table_name, index_name, group_concat(distinct concat('`', column_name, '`') order by seq_in_index asc separator ', ') as index_cols from information_schema.STATISTICS where table_schema= 'elk' and column_name<>'seq_id' and index_name<>'primary' group by table_name, index_name ) a left join t_index_update b on b.table_name and b.index_name=a.index_name and b.index_cols=a.index_cols where b.index_name is null; --5.构建新加索引的的新加语句 select concat('alter table `',a.table_name,'` add index ',a.index_name,'(',a.index_cols,');') from t_index_update a left join ( select table_name, index_name, group_concat(distinct concat('`', column_name, '`') order by seq_in_index asc separator ', ') as index_cols from information_schema.STATISTICS where table_schema= 'elk' and column_name<>'seq_id' and index_name<>'primary' group by table_name, index_name ) b on b.table_name and b.index_name=a.index_name and b.index_cols=a.index_cols where b.index_name is null;