发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 05:41
热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 03:43
-- John Kennedy
The courage of life is a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must – in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures – and that is the basic of all human morality.
To be courageous … requires no exceptional qualifications, no magic formula, no special combination of time, place and circumstance. It is an opportunity that sooner or later is presented to us all. Politics merely furnishes one arena which imposes special tests of courage. In whatever arena of life one may meet the challenge of courage, whatever may be the sacrifices he faces if he follows his conscience – the loss of his friends, his fortune, his contentment, even the esteem of his fellow men – each man must decide for himself the course he will follow. The stories of past courage can define that ingredient – they can teach, they can offer hope, they can provide inspiration. But they canno
勇气——约翰。肯尼迪t supply courage itself. For this each man must look into his own soul.
约翰·肯尼迪即约翰·费茨杰拉德·肯尼迪(英语:John Fitzgerald Kennedy,1917年5月29日-1963年11月22日),出生于马萨诸塞州布鲁克莱恩,毕业于哈佛大学,信仰罗马天主教。
约翰·肯尼迪通常被称作约翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)、JFK 或杰克·肯尼迪(Jack Kennedy),美国第35任总统,美国著名的肯尼迪家族成员,他的执政时间从1961年1月20日开始到1963年11月22日在达拉斯遇刺身亡为止。
朝气蓬勃的约翰.菲茨杰拉德.肯尼迪是美国口才最好的总统之一,他于一九六三年十一月三十三日在得克萨斯州达拉斯城被暗杀,事业悲惨以终。一九六一年一月二十日在就职演讲词中, 他呼吁以果断与牺牲的精神来应付当前的许多挑战。这一演讲词重新肯定了杰佛逊与威尔逊的第一任就职演讲词所立下的原则。