




The enterprise culture of Haier is the enterprise leader's innovative value which is identified with by the crew of Haier.
The kernel of Haier culture is innovation, whis is a culture system appeared and graally shaped in twenty years of development of Haier. Continuously innovating and developing, Haier culture is instructed by concept innovation, directed by strategic innovation, guaranteed by organizational innovation, illuminated by technical innovation, and motivated by marketing innovation, accompanying Haier being from none to existed, from small to large, from weak to strong,and debouching from China to the world. The most characteristic feature of Haier culture is universal identify and positive participation of employees. Currently, the target of Haier is to create Chinese worldwide famours brand, and to win honor for the nation. This target combine the development of Haier with employee's indivial value perfectly, who will adequately achieve indivial value and pursue, in the process of realizing the larger aim of turning Haier into a worldwide famours brand.


Haier's corporate culture has been recognized by the staff of innovative business leaders and values.
Haier is the core of the culture of innovation. It is the Haier in 20 years in the course of development and have graally formed the cultural characteristics of the system. Haier culture to the concept of innovation led to new strategies for the direction to the organization for the protection of innovation, technology and innovation as a means to target new markets, along with the Haier from scratch, from small to large, from big to strong, from the China to the world, Haier has been its own culture of innovation, development. The staff is generally accepted that the active participation of Haier is the largest cultural characteristics. At present, Haier's goal is a world famous brand in China, to win glory for the nation. The goal of the development of Haier Haier employees and the value of the indivial pursuit of the perfect combination, each Haier employees will achieve the great objectives of Haier brand in the world, the full realization of the value of the indivial pursuit with






