




God bleor Lord has mercy (on+me/you/him/her/my mum/my dad/my dog/my Quiz/my mid-term exam coimg around the conner and my 80 pagers left research pa-pe-r ;>++)
When it comes to the end, you may wanna say"Lord has mercy!" : p
..don't use god bleyou it's so gross. like:
God Bless
After cumming in a person's mouth, you hit them in the back of the head or make them laugh and it will come out their nose. Also see the Dragon's Breath.
"Rob gave Sarah a God BleYou and a kleenex." (from the Urban dict)
Thanks to the God that we met each other.
God bleor Lord has mercy (on+me/you/him/her/my mum/my dad/my dog/my Quiz/my mid-term exam coimg around the conner and my 80 pagers left research pa-pe-r ;>++)
When it comes to the end, you may wanna say"Lord has mercy!" : p
..don't use god bleyou it's so gross. like:
God Bless
After cumming in a person's mouth, you hit them in the back of the head or make them laugh and it will come out their nose. Also see the Dragon's Breath.
"Rob gave Sarah a God BleYou and a kleenex." (from the Urban dict)
thank God for meeting you.
